1,739 research outputs found

    Continuous spatial query processing over clustered data set

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    There exists an increasing usage rate of location-based information from mobile devices, which requires new query processing strategies. One such strategy is a moving (continuous) region query in which a moving user continuously sends queries to a central server to obtain data or information. In this thesis, we introduce two strategies to process a spatial moving query over clustered data sets. Both strategies utilize a validity region approach on the client in order to minimize the number of queries that are sent to the server. We explore the use of a two-dimensional indexing strategy, as well as the use of Expectation Maximization (EM) and k-means clustering. Our experiments show that both strategies outperform a Baseline strategy where all queries are sent to the server, with respect to data transmission, response time, and workload costs

    High Accuracy Distributed Target Detection and Classification in Sensor Networks Based on Mobile Agent Framework

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    High-accuracy distributed information exploitation plays an important role in sensor networks. This dissertation describes a mobile-agent-based framework for target detection and classification in sensor networks. Specifically, we tackle the challenging problems of multiple- target detection, high-fidelity target classification, and unknown-target identification. In this dissertation, we present a progressive multiple-target detection approach to estimate the number of targets sequentially and implement it using a mobile-agent framework. To further improve the performance, we present a cluster-based distributed approach where the estimated results from different clusters are fused. Experimental results show that the distributed scheme with the Bayesian fusion method have better performance in the sense that they have the highest detection probability and the most stable performance. In addition, the progressive intra-cluster estimation can reduce data transmission by 83.22% and conserve energy by 81.64% compared to the centralized scheme. For collaborative target classification, we develop a general purpose multi-modality, multi-sensor fusion hierarchy for information integration in sensor networks. The hierarchy is com- posed of four levels of enabling algorithms: local signal processing, temporal fusion, multi-modality fusion, and multi-sensor fusion using a mobile-agent-based framework. The fusion hierarchy ensures fault tolerance and thus generates robust results. In the meanwhile, it also takes into account energy efficiency. Experimental results based on two field demos show constant improvement of classification accuracy over different levels of the hierarchy. Unknown target identification in sensor networks corresponds to the capability of detecting targets without any a priori information, and of modifying the knowledge base dynamically. In this dissertation, we present a collaborative method to solve this problem among multiple sensors. When applied to the military vehicles data set collected in a field demo, about 80% unknown target samples can be recognized correctly, while the known target classification ac- curacy stays above 95%

    Novel techniques for location-cloaked applications

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    Location cloaking has been shown to be cost-effective in mitigating location privacy and safety risks. This strategy, however, has significant impact on the applications that rely on location information. They may suffer efficiency loss; some may not even work with reduced location resolution. This research investigates two problems. 1) How to process location-cloaked queries. Processing such queries incurs significant more workload for both server and client. While the server needs to retrieve more query results and transmit them to the client, the client downloading these results wastes its battery power because most of them are useless. To address these problems, we propose a suite of novel techniques including query decomposition, scheduling, and personalized air indexing. These techniques are integrated into a single unified platform that is capable of handling various types of queries. 2) How a node V can verify whether or not another node P indeed locates in a cloaking region it claims. This problem is challenging due to the fact that the process of location verification may allow V to refine P\u27s location within the region. We identify two types of attacks, transmission coverage attack and distance bounding attack. In the former, V refines a cloaking region by adjusting its transmission range to partially overlap with the region, whereas in the latter, by measuring the round trip time of its communication with P. We present two corresponding counter strategies, and built on top of them, propose a novel technique that allows P to participate in location verification while providing a certain level of guarantee that its cloaking region will not be refined during the process

    Efficient Failure Pattern Identification of Predictive Algorithms

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    Given a (machine learning) classifier and a collection of unlabeled data, how can we efficiently identify misclassification patterns presented in this dataset? To address this problem, we propose a human-machine collaborative framework that consists of a team of human annotators and a sequential recommendation algorithm. The recommendation algorithm is conceptualized as a stochastic sampler that, in each round, queries the annotators a subset of samples for their true labels and obtains the feedback information on whether the samples are misclassified. The sampling mechanism needs to balance between discovering new patterns of misclassification (exploration) and confirming the potential patterns of classification (exploitation). We construct a determinantal point process, whose intensity balances the exploration-exploitation trade-off through the weighted update of the posterior at each round to form the generator of the stochastic sampler. The numerical results empirically demonstrate the competitive performance of our framework on multiple datasets at various signal-to-noise ratios.Comment: 19 pages, Accepted for UAI202

    A Privacy-Preserving Location-Based System for Continuous Spatial Queries

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    Privacy Preserving User Data Publication In Social Networks

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    Recent trends show that the popularity of Social Networks (SNs) has been increasing rapidly. From daily communication sites to online communities, an average person\u27s daily life has become dependent on these online networks. Additionally, the number of people using at least one of the social networks have increased drastically over the years. It is estimated that by the end of the year 2020, one-third of the world\u27s population will have social accounts. Hence, user privacy protection has gained wide acclaim in the research community. It has also become evident that protection should be provided to these networks from unwanted intruders. In this dissertation, we consider data privacy on online social networks at the network level and the user level. The network-level privacy helps us to prevent information leakage to third-party users like advertisers. To achieve such privacy, we propose various schemes that combine the privacy of all the elements of a social network: node, edge, and attribute privacy by clustering the users based on their attribute similarity. We combine the concepts of k-anonymity and l-diversity to achieve user privacy. To provide user-level privacy, we consider the scenario of mobile social networks as the user location privacy is the much-compromised problem. We provide a distributed solution where users in an area come together to achieve their desired privacy constraints. We also consider the mobility of the user and the network to provide much better results

    Distributed Data Management in Vehicular Networks Using Mobile Agents

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    En los últimos años, las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones se han incorporado al mundo de la automoción gracias a sus avances, y han permitido la creación de dispositivos cada vez más pequeños y potentes. De esta forma, los vehículos pueden ahora incorporar por un precio asequible equipos informáticos y de comunicaciones.En este escenario, los vehículos que circulan por una determinada zona (como una ciudad o una autopista) pueden comunicarse entre ellos usando dispositivos inalámbricos que les permiten intercambiar información con otros vehículos cercanos, formando así una red vehicular ad hoc, o VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network). En este tipo de redes, las comunicaciones se establecen con conexiones punto a punto por medio de dispositivos tipo Wi-Fi, que permiten la comunicación con otros del mismo tipo dentro de su alcance, sin que sea necesaria la existencia previa de una infraestructura de comunicaciones como ocurre con las tecnologías de telefonía móvil (como 3G/4G), que además requieren de una suscripción y el pago de una tarifa para poder usarlas.Cada vehículo puede enviar información y recibirla de diversos orígenes, como el propio vehículo (por medio de los sensores que lleva incorporados), otros vehículos que se encuentran cerca, así como de la infraestructura de tráfico presente en las carreteras (como semáforos, señales, paneles electrónicos de información, cámaras de vigilancia, etc.). Todos estas fuentes pueden transmitir datos de diversa índole, como información de interés para los conductores (por ejemplo, atascos de tráfico o accidentes en la vía), o de cualquier otro tipo, mientras sea posible digitalizarla y enviarla a través de una red.Todos esos datos pueden ser almacenados localmente en los ordenadores que llevan los vehículos a medida que son recibidos, y sería muy interesante poder sacarles partido por medio de alguna aplicación que los explotara. Por ejemplo, podrían utilizarse los vehículos como plataformas móviles de sensores que obtengan datos de los lugares por los que viajan. Otro ejemplo de aplicación sería la de ayudar a encontrar plazas de aparcamiento libres en una zona de una ciudad, usando la información que suministrarían los vehículos que dejan una plaza libre.Con este fin, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado una propuesta de la gestión de datos basada en el uso de agentes móviles para poder hacer uso de la información presente en una VANET de forma eficiente y flexible. Esta no es una tarea trivial, ya que los datos se encuentran dispersos entre los vehículos que forman la red, y dichos vehículos están constantemente moviéndose y cambiando de posición. Esto hace que las conexiones de red establecidas entre ellos sean inestables y de corta duración, ya que están constantemente creándose y destruyéndose a medida que los vehículos entran y salen del alcance de sus comunicaciones debido a sus movimientos.En un escenario tan complicado, la aproximación que proponemos permite que los datos sean localizados, y que se puedan hacer consultas sobre ellos y transmitirlos de un sitio cualquiera de la VANET a otro, usando estrategias multi-salto que se adaptan a las siempre cambiantes posiciones de los vehículos. Esto es posible gracias a la utilización de agentes móviles para el procesamiento de datos, ya que cuentan con una serie de propiedades (como su movilidad, autonomía, adaptabilidad, o inteligencia), que hace que sean una elección muy apropiada para este tipo de entorno móvil y con un elevado grado de incertidumbre.La solución propuesta ha sido extensamente evaluada y probada por medio de simulaciones, que demuestran su buen rendimiento y fiabilidad en redes vehiculares con diferentes condiciones y en diversos escenarios.<br /

    Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services

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    Since the publication of the first edition in 2004, advances in mobile devices, positioning sensors, WiFi fingerprinting, and wireless communications, among others, have paved the way for developing new and advanced location-based services (LBSs). This second edition provides up-to-date information on LBSs, including WiFi fingerprinting, mobile computing, geospatial clouds, geospatial data mining, location privacy, and location-based social networking. It also includes new chapters on application areas such as LBSs for public health, indoor navigation, and advertising. In addition, the chapter on remote sensing has been revised to address advancements