52 research outputs found

    A Scaling Law to Predict the Finite-Length Performance of Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes

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    Spatially-coupled LDPC codes are known to have excellent asymptotic properties. Much less is known regarding their finite-length performance. We propose a scaling law to predict the error probability of finite-length spatially-coupled ensembles when transmission takes place over the binary erasure channel. We discuss how the parameters of the scaling law are connected to fundamental quantities appearing in the asymptotic analysis of these ensembles and we verify that the predictions of the scaling law fit well to the data derived from simulations over a wide range of parameters. The ultimate goal of this line of research is to develop analytic tools for the design of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under practical constraints

    Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Constructed from Protographs

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    In this paper, we construct protograph-based spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes by coupling together a series of L disjoint, or uncoupled, LDPC code Tanner graphs into a single coupled chain. By varying L, we obtain a flexible family of code ensembles with varying rates and frame lengths that can share the same encoding and decoding architecture for arbitrary L. We demonstrate that the resulting codes combine the best features of optimized irregular and regular codes in one design: capacity approaching iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding thresholds and linear growth of minimum distance with block length. In particular, we show that, for sufficiently large L, the BP thresholds on both the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) saturate to a particular value significantly better than the BP decoding threshold and numerically indistinguishable from the optimal maximum a-posteriori (MAP) decoding threshold of the uncoupled LDPC code. When all variable nodes in the coupled chain have degree greater than two, asymptotically the error probability converges at least doubly exponentially with decoding iterations and we obtain sequences of asymptotically good LDPC codes with fast convergence rates and BP thresholds close to the Shannon limit. Further, the gap to capacity decreases as the density of the graph increases, opening up a new way to construct capacity achieving codes on memoryless binary-input symmetric-output (MBS) channels with low-complexity BP decoding.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Finite-Length Scaling Laws for Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes

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    This thesis concerns predicting the finite-length error-correcting performance of spatially-coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) code ensembles over the binary erasure channel. SC-LDPC codes are a very powerful class of codes; their use in practical communication systems, however, requires the system designer to specify a considerable number of code and decoder parameters, all of which affect both the code’s error-correcting capability and the system’s memory, energy, and latency requirements. Navigating the space of the associated trade-offs is challenging. The aim of the finite-length scaling laws proposed in this thesis is to facilitate code and decoder parameter optimization by providing a way to predict the code’s error-rate performance without resorting to Monte-Carlo simulations for each combination of code/decoder and channel parameters.First, we tackle the problem of predicting the frame, bit, and block error rate of SC-LDPC code ensembles over the binary erasure channel under both belief propagation (BP) decoding and sliding window decoding when the maximum number of decoding iterations is unlimited. The scaling laws we develop provide very accurate predictions of the error rates.Second, we derive a scaling law to accurately predict the bit and block error rate of SC-LDPC code ensembles with doping, a technique relevant for streaming applications for limiting the inherent rate loss of SC-LDPC codes. We then use the derived scaling law for code parameter optimization and show that doping can offer a way to achieve better transmission rates for the same target bit error rate than is possible without doping.Last, we address the most challenging (and most practically relevant) case where the maximum number of decoding iterations is limited, both for BP and sliding window decoding. The resulting predictions are again very accurate.Together, these contributions make finite-length SC-LDPC code and decoder parameter optimization via finite-length scaling laws feasible for the design of practical communication systems

    Finite-Length Scaling of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Under Window Decoding Over the BEC

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    We analyze the finite-length performance of spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes under window decoding over the binary erasure channel. In particular, we propose a refinement of the scaling law by Olmos and Urbanke for the frame error rate (FER) of terminated SC-LDPC ensembles under full belief propagation (BP) decoding. The refined scaling law models the decoding process as two independent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, in correspondence to the two decoding waves that propagate toward the center of the coupled chain for terminated SC-LDPC codes. We then extend the proposed scaling law to predict the performance of (terminated) SC-LDPC code ensembles under the more practical sliding window decoding. Finally, we extend this framework to predict the bit error rate (BER) and block error rate (BLER) of SC-LDPC code ensembles. The proposed scaling law yields very accurate predictions of the FER, BLER, and BER for both full BP and window decoding.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Communications (Early Access). This paper was presented in part at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Visby, Sweden, August 2019 (arXiv:1904.10410

    Finite-Length Scaling of SC-LDPC Codes With a Limited Number of Decoding Iterations

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    We propose four finite-length scaling laws to predict the frame error rate (FER) performance of spatially-coupled low-density parity-check codes under full belief propagation (BP) decoding with a limit on the number of decoding iterations and a scaling law for sliding window decoding, also with limited iterations. The laws for full BP decoding provide a choice between accuracy and computational complexity; a good balance between them is achieved by the law that models the number of decoded bits after a certain number of BP iterations by a time-integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This framework is developed further to model sliding window decoding as a race between the integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and an absorbing barrier that corresponds to the left boundary of the sliding window. The proposed scaling laws yield accurate FER predictions
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