7 research outputs found

    Deflation techniques for finding distinct solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations

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    Nonlinear systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) may permit several distinct solutions. The typical current approach to finding distinct solutions is to start Newton's method with many different initial guesses, hoping to find starting points that lie in different basins of attraction. In this paper, we present an infinite-dimensional deflation algorithm for systematically modifying the residual of a nonlinear PDE problem to eliminate known solutions from consideration. This enables the Newton--Kantorovitch iteration to converge to several different solutions, even starting from the same initial guess. The deflated Jacobian is dense, but an efficient preconditioning strategy is devised, and the number of Krylov iterations is observed not to grow as solutions are deflated. The power of the approach is demonstrated on several problems from special functions, phase separation, differential geometry and fluid mechanics that permit distinct solutions

    Structure Probing Neural Network Deflation

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    Deep learning is a powerful tool for solving nonlinear differential equations, but usually, only the solution corresponding to the flattest local minimizer can be found due to the implicit regularization of stochastic gradient descent. This paper proposes a network-based structure probing deflation method to make deep learning capable of identifying multiple solutions that are ubiquitous and important in nonlinear physical models. First, we introduce deflation operators built with known solutions to make known solutions no longer local minimizers of the optimization energy landscape. Second, to facilitate the convergence to the desired local minimizer, a structure probing technique is proposed to obtain an initial guess close to the desired local minimizer. Together with neural network structures carefully designed in this paper, the new regularized optimization can converge to new solutions efficiently. Due to the mesh-free nature of deep learning, the proposed method is capable of solving high-dimensional problems on complicated domains with multiple solutions, while existing methods focus on merely one or two-dimensional regular domains and are more expensive in operation counts. Numerical experiments also demonstrate that the proposed method could find more solutions than exiting methods

    Transition pathways connecting crystals and quasicrystals

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    Transition pathways connecting crystalline and quasicrystalline phases are studied using an efficient numerical approach applied to a Landau free-energy functional. Specifically, minimum energy paths connecting different local minima of the Lifshitz-Petrich model are obtained using the high-index saddle dynamics. Saddle points on these paths are identified as the critical nuclei of the 6-fold crystals and 12-fold quasicrystals. The results reveal that phase transitions between the crystalline and quasicrystalline phases could follow two possible pathways, corresponding to a one-stage phase transition and a two-stage phase transition involving a metastable lamellar quasicrystalline state

    A randomized Newton's method for solving differential equations based on the neural network discretization

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    We develop a randomized Newton's method for solving differential equations, based on a fully connected neural network discretization. In particular, the randomized Newton's method randomly chooses equations from the overdetermined nonlinear system resulting from the neural network discretization and solves the nonlinear system adaptively. We prove theoretically that the randomized Newton's method has a quadratic convergence locally. We also apply this new method to various numerical examples, from one- to high-dimensional differential equations, in order to verify its feasibility and efficiency. Moreover, the randomized Newton's method can allow the neural network to "learn" multiple solutions for nonlinear systems of differential equations, such as pattern formation problems, and provides an alternative way to study the solution structure of nonlinear differential equations overall

    Searching the solution landscape by generalized high-index saddle dynamics

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    We introduce a generalized numerical algorithm to construct the solution landscape, which is a pathway map consisting of all stationary points and their connections. Based on the high-index optimization-based shrinking dimer (HiOSD) method for gradient systems, a generalized high-index saddle dynamics (GHiSD) is proposed to compute any-index saddles of dynamical systems. Linear stability of the index-kk saddle point can be proved for the GHiSD system. A combination of the downward search algorithm and the upward search algorithm is applied to systematically construct the solution landscape, which not only provides a powerful and efficient way to compute multiple solutions without tuning initial guesses, but also reveals the relationships between different solutions. Numerical examples, including a three-dimensional example and the phase field model, demonstrate the novel concept of the solution landscape by showing the connected pathway maps

    Solution landscape of a reduced Landau-de Gennes model on a hexagon

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    We investigate the solution landscape of a reduced Landau--de Gennes model for nematic liquid crystals on a two-dimensional hexagon at a fixed temperature, as a function of λ\lambda---the edge length. This is a generic example for reduced approaches on regular polygons. We apply the high-index optimization-based shrinking dimer method to systematically construct the solution landscape consisting of multiple defect solutions and relationships between them. We report a new stable T state with index-00 that has an interior 1/2-1/2 defect; new classes of high-index saddle points with multiple interior defects referred to as H class and TD class; changes in the Morse index of saddle points with λ2\lambda^2 and novel pathways mediated by high-index saddle points that can control and steer dynamical pathways. The range of topological degrees, locations and multiplicity of defects offered by these saddle points can be used to navigate through complex solution landscapes of nematic liquid crystals and other related soft matter systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Modeling and Computation of Liquid Crystals

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    Liquid crystal is a typical kind of soft matter that is intermediate between crystalline solids and isotropic fluids. The study of liquid crystals has made tremendous progress over the last four decades, which is of great importance on both fundamental scientific researches and widespread applications in industry. In this paper, we review the mathematical models and their connections of liquid crystals, and survey the developments of numerical methods for finding the rich configurations of liquid crystals