2 research outputs found

    A bijection between bargraphs and Dyck paths

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    Bargraphs are a special class of convex polyominoes. They can be identified with lattice paths with unit steps north, east, and south that start at the origin, end on the xx-axis, and stay strictly above the xx-axis everywhere except at the endpoints. Bargraphs, which are used to represent histograms and to model polymers in statistical physics, have been enumerated in the literature by semiperimeter and by several other statistics, using different methods such as the wasp-waist decomposition of Bousquet-M\'elou and Rechnitzer, and a bijection with certain Motzkin paths. In this paper we describe an unusual bijection between bargraphs and Dyck paths, and study how some statistics are mapped by the bijection. As a consequence, we obtain a new interpretation of Catalan numbers, as counting bargraphs where the semiperimeter minus the number of peaks is fixed

    The degree of symmetry of lattice paths

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    The degree of symmetry of a combinatorial object, such as a lattice path, is a measure of how symmetric the object is. It typically ranges from zero, if the object is completely asymmetric, to its size, if it is completely symmetric. We study the behavior of this statistic on Dyck paths and grand Dyck paths, with symmetry described by reflection along a vertical line through their midpoint; partitions, with symmetry given by conjugation; and certain compositions interpreted as bargraphs. We find expressions for the generating functions for these objects with respect to their degree of symmetry, and their semilength or semiperimeter, deducing in most cases that, asymptotically, the degree of symmetry has a Rayleigh or half-normal limiting distribution. The resulting generating functions are often algebraic, with the notable exception of Dyck paths, for which we conjecture that it is D-finite (but not algebraic), based on a functional equation that we obtain using bijections to walks in the plane.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. The main additions to this version are the analysis of the limiting distributions of the degree of symmetry in the various cases, a new subsection 5.2 relating certain bargraphs to peakless Motzkin paths, minor corrections and improvements, and additional reference