27,100 research outputs found

    Analysis and application of minimum variance discrete time system identification

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    An on-line minimum variance parameter identifier was developed which embodies both accuracy and computational efficiency. The new formulation resulted in a linear estimation problem with both additive and multiplicative noise. The resulting filter is shown to utilize both the covariance of the parameter vector itself and the covariance of the error in identification. It is proven that the identification filter is mean square covergent and mean square consistent. The MV parameter identification scheme is then used to construct a stable state and parameter estimation algorithm

    Avery Final Report: Identification and Cross-Directional Control of Coating Processes

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    Coating refers to the covering of a solid with a uniform layer of liquid. Of special industrial interest is the cross-directional control of coating processes, where the cross-direction refers to the direction perpendicular to the substrate movement. The objective of the controller is to maintain a uniform coating under unmeasured process disturbances. Assumptions that are relevant to coating processes found in industry are used to develop a model for control design. We show how to identify the model from input-output data. This model is used to derive a model predictive controller to maintain flat profiles of coating across the substrate by varying the liquid flows along the cross direction. The model predictive controller computes the control action which minimizes the predicted deviation in cross-directional uniformity. The predictor combines the estimate obtained from the model with the measurement of the cross-directional uniformity to obtain a prediction for the next time step. A filter is used to obtain robustness to model error and insensitivity to measurement noise. The tuning of the noise filter and different methods for handling actuator constraints are studied in detail. The three different constraint-handling methods studied are: the weighting of actuator movements in the objective function, explicitly adding constraints to the control algorithm, i.e. constrained model predictive control, and scaling infeasible control actions calculated from an unconstrained control law to be feasible. Actuator constraints, measurement noise, model uncertainty, and the plant condition number are investigated to determine which of these limit the achievable closed loop performance. From knowledge of how these limitations affect the performance we find how the plant could be modified to improve the process uniformity. Also, because identification of model parameters is time-consuming and costly, we study how accurate the identification must be to achieve a given level of performance. The theory developed throughout the paper is rigorously verified though simulations and experiments on a pilot plant. The effect of interactions on the closed loop performance is shown to be negligible for this pilot plant. The measurement noise and the actuator constraints are shown to have the largest effect on closed loop performance

    Identification and adaptive control of a high-contrast focal plane wavefront correction system

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    All coronagraphic instruments for exoplanet high-contrast imaging need wavefront correction systems to reject optical aberrations and create sufficiently dark holes. Since the most efficient wavefront correction algorithms (controllers and estimators) are usually model-based, the modeling accuracy of the system influences the ultimate wavefront correction performance. Currently, wavefront correction systems are typically approximated as linear systems using Fourier optics. However, the Fourier optics model is usually biased due to inaccuracies in the layout measurements, the imperfect diagnoses of inherent optical aberrations, and a lack of knowledge of the deformable mirrors (actuator gains and influence functions). Moreover, the telescope optical system varies over time because of instrument instabilities and environmental effects. In this paper, we present an expectation-maximization (E-M) approach for identifying and real-time adapting the linear telescope model from data. By iterating between the E-step (a Kalman filter and a Rauch smoother) and the M-step (analytical or gradient-based optimization), the algorithm is able to recover the system even if the model depends on the electric fields, which are unmeasurable hidden variables. Simulations and experiments in Princeton's High Contrast Imaging Lab demonstrate that this algorithm improves the model accuracy and increases the efficiency and speed of the wavefront correction

    Research on new techniques for the analysis of manual control systems Progress report, 16 Jun. - 15 Dec. 1967

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    Adaptive behavior of human operators to failure transitions in controlled element dynamics, and identifying unknown sampling frequencies in dynamic system


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    The nonlinear and unsteady nature of aircraft aerodynamics together with limited practical range of controls and state variables make the use of the linear control theory inadequate especially in the presence of external disturbances, such as wind. In the classical approach, aircraft are controlled by multiple inner and outer loops, designed separately and sequentially. For unmanned aerial systems in particular, control technology must evolve to a point where autonomy is extended to the entire mission flight envelope. This requires advanced controllers that have sufficient robustness, track complex trajectories, and use all the vehicles control capabilities at higher levels of accuracy. In this work, a robust nonlinear model predictive controller is designed to command and control an unmanned aerial system to track complex tight trajectories in the presence of internal and external perturbance. The Flight System developed in this work achieves the above performance by using: 1 A nonlinear guidance algorithm that enables the vehicle to follow an arbitrary trajectory shaped by moving points; 2 A formulation that embeds the guidance logic and trajectory information in the aircraft model, avoiding cross coupling and control degradation; 3 An artificial neural network, designed to adaptively estimate and provide aerodynamic and propulsive forces in real-time; and 4 A mixed sensitivity approach that enhances the robustness for a nonlinear model predictive controller overcoming the effect of un-modeled dynamics, external disturbances such as wind, and measurement additive perturbations, such as noise and biases. These elements have been integrated and tested in simulation and with previously stored flight test data and shown to be feasible

    Digital adaptive flight controller development

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    A design study of adaptive control logic suitable for implementation in modern airborne digital flight computers was conducted. Two designs are described for an example aircraft. Each of these designs uses a weighted least squares procedure to identify parameters defining the dynamics of the aircraft. The two designs differ in the way in which control law parameters are determined. One uses the solution of an optimal linear regulator problem to determine these parameters while the other uses a procedure called single stage optimization. Extensive simulation results and analysis leading to the designs are presented

    Dual Extended Kalman Filter for the Identification of Time-Varying Human Manual Control Behavior

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    A Dual Extended Kalman Filter was implemented for the identification of time-varying human manual control behavior. Two filters that run concurrently were used, a state filter that estimates the equalization dynamics, and a parameter filter that estimates the neuromuscular parameters and time delay. Time-varying parameters were modeled as a random walk. The filter successfully estimated time-varying human control behavior in both simulated and experimental data. Simple guidelines are proposed for the tuning of the process and measurement covariance matrices and the initial parameter estimates. The tuning was performed on simulation data, and when applied on experimental data, only an increase in measurement process noise power was required in order for the filter to converge and estimate all parameters. A sensitivity analysis to initial parameter estimates showed that the filter is more sensitive to poor initial choices of neuromuscular parameters than equalization parameters, and bad choices for initial parameters can result in divergence, slow convergence, or parameter estimates that do not have a real physical interpretation. The promising results when applied to experimental data, together with its simple tuning and low dimension of the state-space, make the use of the Dual Extended Kalman Filter a viable option for identifying time-varying human control parameters in manual tracking tasks, which could be used in real-time human state monitoring and adaptive human-vehicle haptic interfaces