27 research outputs found

    A Zero-Knowledge Version of vSQL

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    Zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge are powerful cryptographic primitives that allow a computationally strong prover to convince a weaker verifier for the validity of an NP statement, without revealing anything about the corresponding witness (beyond its existence). Most state-of-the-art implementations of such arguments that achieve succinct communication and verification cost follow the quadratic arithmetic program paradigm. One notable exception to this is the vSQL system of [Zhang et al. IEEE S&P 2017] which takes an entirely different approach resulting is significantly fewer cryptographic operations. However, it has the notable downside that is not zero-knowledge (i.e., it does not hide the witness from the verifier), a property that has proven to be of utmost importance in many application (e.g., in cryptocurrencies). In this work, we present a zero-knowledge version of the argument upon which vSQL is based. Our construction utilizes two separate techniques: (i) a novel zero-knowledge verifiable polynomial delegation protocol, and (ii) running parts of the argument of vSQL over homomorphic commitments, thus hiding the committed values

    Zero Knowledge Proofs towards Verifiable Decentralized AI Pipelines

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    We are witnessing the emergence of decentralized AI pipelines wherein different organisations are involved in the different steps of the pipeline. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive framework for verifiable provenance for decentralized AI pipelines with support for confidentiality concerns of the owners of data and model assets. Although some of the past works address different aspects of provenance, verifiability, and confidentiality, none of them address all the aspects under one uniform framework. We present an efficient and scalable approach for verifiable provenance for decentralized AI pipelines with support for confidentiality based on zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Our work is of independent interest to the fields of verifiable computation (VC) and verifiable model inference. We present methods for basic computation primitives like read only memory access and operations on datasets that are an order of magnitude better than the state of the art. In the case of verifiable model inference, we again improve the state of the art for de- cision tree inference by an order of magnitude. We present an extensive experimental evaluation of our system

    Blockchain for Transparent Data Management Toward 6G

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    The wealth of user data acts as a fuel for network intelligence toward the sixth generation wireless networks (6G). Due to data heterogeneity and dynamics, decentralized data management (DM) is desirable for achieving transparent data operations across network domains, and blockchain can be a promising solution. However, the increasing data volume and stringent data privacy-preservation requirements in 6G bring significantly technical challenge to balance transparency, efficiency, and privacy requirements in decentralized blockchain-based DM. In this paper, we investigate blockchain solutions to address the challenge. First, we explore the consensus protocols and scalability mechanisms in blockchains and discuss the roles of DM stakeholders in blockchain architectures. Second, we investigate the authentication and authorization requirements for DM stakeholders. Third, we categorize DM privacy requirements and study blockchain-based mechanisms for collaborative data processing. Subsequently, we present research issues and potential solutions for blockchain-based DM toward 6G from these three perspectives. Finally, we conclude this paper and discuss future research directions.Huawei Technologies Canada || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Pianist: Scalable zkRollups via Fully Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    In the past decade, blockchains have seen various financial and technological innovations, with cryptocurrencies reaching a market cap of over 1 trillion dollars. However, scalability is one of the key issues hindering the deployment of blockchains in many applications. To improve the throughput of the transactions, zkRollups and zkEVM techniques using the cryptographic primitive of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) have been proposed and many companies are adopting these technologies in the layer-2 solutions. However, in these technologies, the proof generation of the ZKP is the bottleneck and the companies have to deploy powerful machines with TBs of memory to batch a large number of transactions in a ZKP. In this work, we improve the scalability of these techniques by proposing new schemes of fully distributed ZKPs. Our schemes can improve the efficiency and the scalability of ZKPs using multiple machines, while the communication among the machines is minimal. With our schemes, the ZKP generation can be distributed to multiple participants in a model similar to the mining pools. Our protocols are based on Plonk, an efficient zero-knowledge proof system with a universal trusted setup. The first protocol is for data-parallel circuits. For a computation of MM sub-circuits of size TT each, using MM machines, the prover time is O(TlogT+MlogM)O(T\log T + M \log M), while the prover time of the original Plonk on a single machine is O(MTlog(MT))O(MT\log (MT)). Our protocol incurs only O(1)O(1) communication per machine, and the proof size and verifier time are both O(1)O(1), the same as the original Plonk. Moreover, we show that with minor modifications, our second protocol can support general circuits with arbitrary connections while preserving the same proving, verifying, and communication complexity. The technique is general and may be of independent interest for other applications of ZKP. We implement Pianist (Plonk vIA uNlimited dISTribution), a fully distributed ZKP system using our protocols. Pianist can generate the proof for 8192 transactions in 313 seconds on 64 machines. This improves the scalability of the Plonk scheme by 64×\times. The communication per machine is only 2.1 KB, regardless of the number of machines and the size of the circuit. The proof size is 2.2 KB and the verifier time is 3.5 ms. We further show that Pianist has similar improvements for general circuits. On a randomly generated circuit with 2252^{25} gates, it only takes 5s to generate the proof using 32 machines, 24.2×\times faster than Plonk on a single machine

    State of the Art Report: Verified Computation

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    This report describes the state of the art in verifiable computation. The problem being solved is the following: The Verifiable Computation Problem (Verifiable Computing Problem) Suppose we have two computing agents. The first agent is the verifier, and the second agent is the prover. The verifier wants the prover to perform a computation. The verifier sends a description of the computation to the prover. Once the prover has completed the task, the prover returns the output to the verifier. The output will contain proof. The verifier can use this proof to check if the prover computed the output correctly. The check is not required to verify the algorithm used in the computation. Instead, it is a check that the prover computed the output using the computation specified by the verifier. The effort required for the check should be much less than that required to perform the computation. This state-of-the-art report surveys 128 papers from the literature comprising more than 4,000 pages. Other papers and books were surveyed but were omitted. The papers surveyed were overwhelmingly mathematical. We have summarised the major concepts that form the foundations for verifiable computation. The report contains two main sections. The first, larger section covers the theoretical foundations for probabilistically checkable and zero-knowledge proofs. The second section contains a description of the current practice in verifiable computation. Two further reports will cover (i) military applications of verifiable computation and (ii) a collection of technical demonstrators. The first of these is intended to be read by those who want to know what applications are enabled by the current state of the art in verifiable computation. The second is for those who want to see practical tools and conduct experiments themselves.Comment: 54 page

    Multivariate Multi-Polynomial Commitment and its Applications

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    We introduce and formally define Multivariate Multi-Polynomial (MMP) commitment, a commitment scheme on multiple multivariate polynomials, and illustrate the concept with an efficient construction, which enjoys constant commitment size and logarithmic proof size. We further enhance our MMP scheme to achieve the zero-knowledge property. Additionally, combined with a novel zero-knowledge range proof for Pedersen subvector commitment, we present a Zero-Knowledge Range Proof (ZKRP) for MMP commitment. We present two sample applications. Firstly, our MMP commitment can be used for efficient aggregation of SNARK based on multivariate polynomial commitments. As a showcase, we apply MMP commitment to HyperPlonk and refer to this variant of HyperPlonk as aHyperPlonk. For kk instances, each with circuit size nn, the communication and verification complexity is reduced from O(klogn)O(k \cdot \log n) to O(logk+logn)O(\log k + \log n), while the prover complexity remains the same. Secondly, we propose a novel zero-knowledge proof for vehicle GPS traces based on ZKRP for MMP, which allows vehicle owners to prove if a vehicle has/hasn\u27t passed through some location during a specific time interval

    Efficient Zero Knowledge for Regular Language

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    A succinct zero knowledge proof for regular language mem- bership, i.e., to prove a secret string behind an encryption (hash) belongs to a regular language is useful, e.g., for asserting that an encrypted email is free of malware. The great challenge in practice is that the regular language used is often huge. We present zkreg, a distributed commit- and-prove system that handles such complexity. In zkreg, cryptographic operations are encoded using arithmetic circuits, and input acceptance is modeled as a zero knowledge subset problem using Σ-protocols. We in- troduce a Feedback Commit-and-Prove (FB-CP) scheme, which connects Σ-protocols and the Groth16 system with O(1) proof size and verifier cost. We present a close-to-optimal univariate instantiation of zk-VPD, a zero knowledge variation of the KZG polynomial commitment scheme, based on which an efficient zk-subset protocol is developed. We develop a 2-phase proof scheme to further exploit the locality of Aho-Corasick automata. To demonstrate the performance and scalability of zkreg, we prove that all ELF files (encrypted and hashed) in a Linux CentOS 7 are malware free. Applying inner pairing product argument, we obtain an aggregated proof of 1.96 MB which can be verified in 6.5 seconds

    Lower Bound on SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) have become a fundamental primitive in the cryptographic community. The focus of this work is constructions of SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). Such SNARGs enjoy post-quantum security and can be deployed using lightweight cryptography to heuristically instantiate the random oracle. A ROM-SNARG is \emph{(t,ε)(t,\varepsilon)-sound} if no tt-query malicious prover can convince the verifier to accept a false statement with probability larger than ε\varepsilon. Recently, Chiesa-Yogev (CRYPTO \u2721) presented a ROM-SNARG of length Θ(log(t/ε)logt){\Theta}(\log (t/\varepsilon) \cdot \log t) (ignoring logn\log n factors, for nn being the instance size). This improvement, however, is still far from the (folklore) lower bound of Ω(log(t/ε))\Omega(\log (t/\varepsilon)). Assuming the \textit{randomized exponential-time hypothesis}, we prove a tight lower bound of Ω(log(t/ε)logt){\Omega}(\log (t/\varepsilon) \cdot \log t) for the length of {(t,ε)(t,\varepsilon)-sound} ROM-SNARGs. Our lower bound holds for constructions with non-adaptive verifiers and strong soundness notion called \textit{salted soundness}, restrictions that hold for \emph{all} known constructions (ignoring contrived counterexamples). We prove our lower bound by transforming any short ROM-SNARG (of the considered family) into a same length ROM-SNARG in which the verifier asks only a \emph{few} oracles queries, and then apply the recent lower bound of Chiesa-Yogev (TCC \u2720) for such SNARGs

    Sonic: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updateable Structured Reference Strings

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    Ever since their introduction, zero-knowledge proofs have become an important tool for addressing privacy and scalability concerns in a variety of applications. In many systems each client downloads and verifies every new proof, and so proofs must be small and cheap to verify. The most practical schemes require either a trusted setup, as in (pre-processing) zk-SNARKs, or verification complexity that scales linearly with the complexity of the relation, as in Bulletproofs. The structured reference strings required by most zk-SNARK schemes can be constructed with multi-party computation protocols, but the resulting parameters are specific to an individual relation. Groth et al. discovered a zk-SNARK protocol with a universal structured reference string that is also updatable, but the string scales quadratically in the size of the supported relations. Here we describe a zero-knowledge SNARK, Sonic, which supports a universal and continually updatable structured reference string that scales linearly in size. We also describe a generally useful technique in which untrusted "helpers" can compute advice that allows batches of proofs to be verified more efficiently. Sonic proofs are constant size, and in the "helped" batch verification context the marginal cost of verification is comparable with the most efficient SNARKs in the literature

    MIRAGE: Succinct Arguments for Randomized Algorithms with Applications to Universal zk-SNARKs

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    The last few years have witnessed increasing interest in the deployment of zero-knowledge proof systems, in particular ones with succinct proofs and efficient verification (zk-SNARKs). One of the main challenges facing the wide deployment of zk-SNARKs is the requirement of a trusted key generation phase per different computation to achieve practical proving performance. Existing zero-knowledge proof systems that do not require trusted setup or have a single trusted preprocessing phase suffer from increased proof size and/or additional verification overhead. On the other other hand, although universal circuit generators for zk-SNARKs (that can eliminate the need for per-computation preprocessing) have been introduced in the literature, the performance of the prover remains far from practical for real-world applications. In this paper, we first present a new zk-SNARK system that is well-suited for randomized algorithms---in particular it does not encode randomness generation within the arithmetic circuit allowing for more practical prover times. Then, we design a universal circuit that takes as input any arithmetic circuit of a bounded number of operations as well as a possible value assignment, and performs randomized checks to verify consistency. Our universal circuit is linear in the number of operations instead of quasi-linear like other universal circuits. By applying our new zk-SNARK system to our universal circuit, we build MIRAGE, a universal zk-SNARK with very succinct proofs---the proof contains just one additional element compared to the per-circuit preprocessing state-of-the-art zk-SNARK by Groth (Eurocrypt 2016). Finally, we implement MIRAGE and experimentally evaluate its performance for different circuits and in the context of privacy-preserving smart contracts