4 research outputs found

    Mixed generalized Dynkin game and stochastic control in a Markovian framework

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    We introduce a mixed {\em generalized} Dynkin game/stochastic control with Ef{\cal E}^f-expectation in a Markovian framework. We study both the case when the terminal reward function is supposed to be Borelian only and when it is continuous. We first establish a weak dynamic programming principle by using some refined results recently provided in \cite{DQS} and some properties of doubly reflected BSDEs with jumps (DRBSDEs). We then show a stronger dynamic programming principle in the continuous case, which cannot be derived from the weak one. In particular, we have to prove that the value function of the problem is continuous with respect to time tt, which requires some technical tools of stochastic analysis and some new results on DRBSDEs. We finally study the links between our mixed problem and generalized Hamilton Jacobi Bellman variational inequalities in both cases

    A Weak Dynamic Programming Principle for Combined Optimal Stopping and Stochastic Control with Ef\mathcal{E}^f- expectations

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    We study a combined optimal control/stopping problem under a nonlinear expectation Ef{\cal E}^f induced by a BSDE with jumps, in a Markovian framework. The terminal reward function is only supposed to be Borelian. The value function uu associated with this problem is generally irregular. We first establish a {\em sub- (resp. super-) optimality principle of dynamic programming} involving its {\em upper- (resp. lower-) semicontinuous envelope} u∗u^* (resp. u∗u_*). This result, called {\em weak} dynamic programming principle (DPP), extends that obtained in \cite{BT} in the case of a classical expectation to the case of an Ef{\cal E}^f-expectation and Borelian terminal reward function. Using this {\em weak} DPP, we then prove that u∗u^* (resp. u∗u_*) is a {\em viscosity sub- (resp. super-) solution} of a nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman variational inequality

    Approximation schemes for mixed optimal stopping and control problems with nonlinear expectations and jumps

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    We propose a class of numerical schemes for mixed optimal stopping and control of processes with infinite activity jumps and where the objective is evaluated by a nonlinear expectation. Exploiting an approximation by switching systems, piecewise constant policy timestepping reduces the problem to nonlocal semi-linear equations with different control parameters, uncoupled over individual time steps, which we solve by fully implicit monotone approximations to the controlled diffusion and the nonlocal term, and specifically the Lax-Friedrichs scheme for the nonlinearity in the gradient. We establish a comparison principle for the switching system and demonstrate the convergence of the schemes, which subsequently gives a constructive proof for the existence of a solution to the switching system. Numerical experiments are presented for a recursive utility maximization problem to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new schemes