341 research outputs found

    Framework for Content Distribution over Wireless LANs

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    Wireless LAN (also called as Wi-Fi) is dominantly considered as the most pervasive technology for Intent access. Due to the low-cost of chipsets and support for high data rates, Wi-Fi has become a universal solution for ever-increasing application space which includes, video streaming, content delivery, emergency communication, vehicular communication and Internet-of-Things (IoT). Wireless LAN technology is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. The 802.11 standard has been amended several times over the last two decades, to incorporate the requirement of future applications. The 802.11 based Wi-Fi networks are infrastructure networks in which devices communicate through an access point. However, in 2010, Wi-Fi Alliance has released a specification to standardize direct communication in Wi-Fi networks. The technology is called Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct after 9 years of its release is still used for very basic services (connectivity, file transfer etc.), despite the potential to support a wide range of applications. The reason behind the limited inception of Wi-Fi Direct is some inherent shortcomings that limit its performance in dense networks. These include the issues related to topology design, such as non-optimal group formation, Group Owner selection problem, clustering in dense networks and coping with device mobility in dynamic networks. Furthermore, Wi-Fi networks also face challenges to meet the growing number of Wi Fi users. The next generation of Wi-Fi networks is characterized as ultra-dense networks where the topology changes frequently which directly affects the network performance. The dynamic nature of such networks challenges the operators to design and make optimum planifications. In this dissertation, we propose solutions to the aforementioned problems. We contributed to the existing Wi-Fi Direct technology by enhancing the group formation process. The proposed group formation scheme is backwards-compatible and incorporates role selection based on the device's capabilities to improve network performance. Optimum clustering scheme using mixed integer programming is proposed to design efficient topologies in fixed dense networks, which improves network throughput and reduces packet loss ratio. A novel architecture using Unmanned Aeriel Vehicles (UAVs) in Wi-Fi Direct networks is proposed for dynamic networks. In ultra-dense, highly dynamic topologies, we propose cognitive networks using machine-learning algorithms to predict the network changes ahead of time and self-configuring the network

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    Cooperative routing for collision minimization in wireless sensor networks

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    Cooperative communication has gained much interest due to its ability to exploit the broadcasting nature of the wireless medium to mitigate multipath fading. There has been considerable amount of research on how cooperative transmission can improve the performance of the network by focusing on the physical layer issues. During the past few years, the researchers have started to take into consideration cooperative transmission in routing and there has been a growing interest in designing and evaluating cooperative routing protocols. Most of the existing cooperative routing algorithms are designed to reduce the energy consumption; however, packet collision minimization using cooperative routing has not been addressed yet. This dissertation presents an optimization framework to minimize collision probability using cooperative routing in wireless sensor networks. More specifically, we develop a mathematical model and formulate the problem as a large-scale Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming problem. We also propose a solution based on the branch and bound algorithm augmented with reducing the search space (branch and bound space reduction). The proposed strategy builds up the optimal routes from each source to the sink node by providing the best set of hops in each route, the best set of relays, and the optimal power allocation for the cooperative transmission links. To reduce the computational complexity, we propose two near optimal cooperative routing algorithms. In the first near optimal algorithm, we solve the problem by decoupling the optimal power allocation scheme from optimal route selection. Therefore, the problem is formulated by an Integer Non-Linear Programming, which is solved using a branch and bound space reduced method. In the second near optimal algorithm, the cooperative routing problem is solved by decoupling the transmission power and the relay node se- lection from the route selection. After solving the routing problems, the power allocation is applied in the selected route. Simulation results show the algorithms can significantly reduce the collision probability compared with existing cooperative routing schemes

    Socio-economic aware data forwarding in mobile sensing networks and systems

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    The vision for smart sustainable cities is one whereby urban sensing is core to optimising city operation which in turn improves citizen contentment. Wireless Sensor Networks are envisioned to become pervasive form of data collection and analysis for smart cities but deployment of millions of inter-connected sensors in a city can be cost-prohibitive. Given the ubiquity and ever-increasing capabilities of sensor-rich mobile devices, Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Phones (WSN-MP) provide a highly flexible and ready-made wireless infrastructure for future smart cities. In a WSN-MP, mobile phones not only generate the sensing data but also relay the data using cellular communication or short range opportunistic communication. The largest challenge here is the efficient transmission of potentially huge volumes of sensor data over sometimes meagre or faulty communications networks in a cost-effective way. This thesis investigates distributed data forwarding schemes in three types of WSN-MP: WSN with mobile sinks (WSN-MS), WSN with mobile relays (WSN-HR) and Mobile Phone Sensing Systems (MPSS). For these dynamic WSN-MP, realistic models are established and distributed algorithms are developed for efficient network performance including data routing and forwarding, sensing rate control and and pricing. This thesis also considered realistic urban sensing issues such as economic incentivisation and demonstrates how social network and mobility awareness improves data transmission. Through simulations and real testbed experiments, it is shown that proposed algorithms perform better than state-of-the-art schemes.Open Acces

    Technologies of Mobile Communication

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    Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is a new technology recently specified by 3GPP-Third Generation Partnership Project on the way towards fourth-generation mobile. This thesis presents the main technical features of this technology as well as its performances in terms of peak bit rate and average cell throughput, among others. LTE entails a big technological improvement as compared with the previous 3G standards. 1 However, this thesis also demonstrates that LTE performances do not fulfill the technical requirements established by ITU-R to classify one radio access technology as a member of the IMT-Advanced family of standards. Thus, this thesis describes the procedure followed by 3GPP to address these challenging requirements. Through the design and optimization of new radio access techniques and a further evolution of the system, 3GPP is laying down the foundations of the future LTE-Advanced standard, the 3GPP candidate for 4G

    White Paper for Research Beyond 5G

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    The documents considers both research in the scope of evolutions of the 5G systems (for the period around 2025) and some alternative/longer term views (with later outcomes, or leading to substantial different design choices). This document reflects on four main system areas: fundamental theory and technology, radio and spectrum management; system design; and alternative concepts. The result of this exercise can be broken in two different strands: one focused in the evolution of technologies that are already ongoing development for 5G systems, but that will remain research areas in the future (with “more challenging” requirements and specifications); the other, highlighting technologies that are not really considered for deployment today, or that will be essential for addressing problems that are currently non-existing, but will become apparent when 5G systems begin their widespread deployment

    Game theoretic approach in routing protocols for wireless mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are becoming popular as a means of providing communication among a group of people. Because of self-configuring and self-organizing characteristics, MANETs can be deployed quickly. There is no infrastructure defined in the network, therefore all of the participating nodes relay packets for other nodes and perform routing if necessary. Because of the limitations in wireless transmission range, communication links could be multi-hop. Routing protocol is the most important element of MANET. Routing protocols for MANET can broadly be classified as proactive routing protocol and reactive routing protocol. In proactive routing protocols like Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV), mobile nodes periodically exchange routing information among themselves. Hence proactive routing protocols generate high overhead messages in the network. On the other hand, reactive routing protocols like Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) work on-demand. Hence reactive routing protocols generate fewer number of overhead messages in the network compared to proactive routing protocols. But reactive routing protocols use a global search mechanism called flooding during the route discovery process. By flooding mechanism a source node can discover multiple routes to a destination. Flooding generates a large number of overhead packets in the network and is the root cause of scaling problem of reactive routing protocols. Hierarchical Dynamic Source Routing (HDSR) protocol has been proposed in this dissertation to solve that scaling problem. The DSR protocol has been modified and optimized to implement HDSR protocol. HDSR protocol reduces the flooding problem of reactive routing protocols by introducing hierarchy among nodes. Two game theoretic models, Forwarding Dilemma Game (FDG) and Forwarding Game Routing Protocol (FGRP), is proposed to minimize the \u27flooding\u27 effect by restricting nodes that should participate in route discovery process based on their status. Both FDG and FGRP protocols reduce overhead packet and improve network performances in terms of delay packet delivery ratio and throughput. Both protocols were implemented in AODV and the resulting protocol outperformed AODV in our NS-2 simulations. A thorough connectivity analysis was also performed for FDG and FGRP to ensure that these protocols do not introduce disconnectivity. Surprisingly, both FDG and FGRP showed better connectivity compared to AODV in moderate to high node density networks

    Wireless-powered cooperative communications: protocol design, performance analysis and resource allocation

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    Radio frequency (RF) energy transfer technique has attracted much attention and has recently been regarded as a key enabling technique for wireless-powered communications. However, the high attenuation of RF energy transfer over distance has greatly limited the performance and applications of WPCNs in practical scenarios. To overcome this essential hurdle, in this thesis we propose to combat the propagation attenuation by incorporating cooperative communication techniques in WPCNs. This opens a new paradigm named wireless-powered cooperative communication and raises many new research opportunities with promising applications. In this thesis, we focus on the novel protocol design, performance analysis and resource allocation of wireless-powered cooperative communication networks (WPCCNs). We first propose a harvest-then-cooperate (HTC) protocol for WPCCNs, where the wireless-powered source and relay(s) harvest energy from the AP in the downlink (DL) and work cooperatively in the uplink (UL) for transmitting source information. The average throughput performance of the HTC protocol with two single relay selection schemes is analyzed. We then design two novel protocols and study the optimal resource allocation for another setup of WPCCNs with a hybrid relay that has a constant power supply. Besides cooperating with the source for UL information transmission, the hybrid relay also transmits RF energy concurrently with the AP during the DL energy transfer phase. Subsequently, we adopt the Stackelberg game to model the strategic interactions in power beacon (PB)-assisted WPCCNs, where PBs are deployed to provide wireless charging services to wireless-powered users via RF energy transfer and are installed by different operators with the AP. Finally, we develop a distributed power splitting framework using non-cooperative game theory for a large-scale WPCCN, where multiple source-destination pairs communicate through their dedicated wireless-powered relays
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