1 research outputs found

    A Visual Programming Environment for Composing Interactive Performance Systems

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    Based on a multimedia application framework a visual programming environment was built, that allows non-programmers to compose objects offered in the core framework without having to learn a programming language. Although having similarities with Opcode/IRCAM Max, our visual programming environment has some significant differences: Its connections are bi-directional, other media than MIDI, such as audio, 3D, 3D-animations are supported. 1 Introduction Based on the portable (UNIX, WinNT) objectoriented multimedia application framework MET++ [1,2] a visual programming environment was built, that allows non-programmers to compose objects offered in the core framework without having to learn a programming language such as Java or C++ [6]. Although having similarities with Opcode/IRCAM Max [3,4,5], our visual programming environment has some significant differences: Its connections are bidirectional, other media than MIDI, such as audio, 2D, 3D, 2D-, 3D-animations, and video are supported...