3 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a new method for the use of extended reality (XR) technologies in education, particularly in language learning. The authors realized a prototype of XR environment for distance learning of French language, via the software Unreal Engine 4. It deploys two types of VR activities, with the aim to improve understanding of grammatical concepts and memorization of new words, respectively. The dimension of depth is embedded into the learning process, by exploiting the kinesthetic aspects of the immersive environment. Thus, the learner moves in space and manipulates specific virtual objects involved in the learning activity to complete the task. A qualitative assessment has been conducted with a limited number of target students and now is currently under a wider experimental validation. However, the article introduces also the theoretical aspects of the new method, paving the way for further development

    From Artifacts to Outcomes: Comparison of HMD VR, Desktop, and Slides Lectures for Food Microbiology Laboratory Instruction

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    Despite the value of VR (Virtual Reality) for educational purposes, the instructional power of VR in Biology Laboratory education remains under-explored. Laboratory lectures can be challenging due to students' low motivation to learn abstract scientific concepts and low retention rate. Therefore, we designed a VR-based lecture on fermentation and compared its effectiveness with lectures using PowerPoint slides and a desktop application. Grounded in the theory of distributed cognition and motivational theories, our study examined how learning happens in each condition from students' learning outcomes, behaviors, and perceptions. Our result indicates that VR facilitates students' long-term retention to learn by cultivating their longer visual attention and fostering a higher sense of immersion, though students' short-term retention remains the same across all conditions. This study extends current research on VR studies by identifying the characteristics of each teaching artifact and providing design implications for integrating VR technology into higher education

    Exploring English as an Additional Language Students’ Perceived Engagement in and Experience of Content Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention Through Immersive Virtual Reality Games

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    This thesis aimed to explore whether headset-mounted display virtual reality (HMD VR) games could serve as an innovative approach to enhance content vocabulary learning and foster subject content knowledge of Years 7 and 8 Middle Eastern students. Specifically, it aimed to measure these students’ content specific vocabulary acquisition and retention, examine their perceptions of and attitudes towards VR game-based learning, and offer best practices for educational institutions that support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) learners