1 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation and Mode Selection in 5G Networks Based on Energy Efficient Game Theory Approach

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    With the advent of next-generation cellular networks, energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important. To tackle this issue, this paper investigates energy efficiency in D2D-enabled heterogeneous cellular networks. Boosting the longterm energy efficiency of wireless 5G communication networks is being explored through mode selection and resource allocation. The study proposed a three-stage process for energy-efficient mode selection and resource allocation. The process starts with cellular users who switch to D2D emitting a beacon and cellular users within close proximity reacting to it. A proposed auction mechanism will be enacted inside the group in the second state ( in this paper, the group size will be four). Next, each cellular user was classified according to SINR values, distance, and battery life, so that they could dynamically transition between standard cellular mode and D2D mode. For stage three, direct-hop hybrid D2D communication, we developed a TAMM double auction game model that efficiently splits resources. To identify the true bidders in our game model, we compute the median and mode values of the ASK and BID values received by both seller and buyer cellular users. A simulation study shows that the proposed method is energy-efficient in a heterogeneous network enabled by D2D