20 research outputs found

    Primal-dual accelerated gradient methods with small-dimensional relaxation oracle

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    In this paper, a new variant of accelerated gradient descent is proposed. The pro-posed method does not require any information about the objective function, usesexact line search for the practical accelerations of convergence, converges accordingto the well-known lower bounds for both convex and non-convex objective functions,possesses primal-dual properties and can be applied in the non-euclidian set-up. Asfar as we know this is the rst such method possessing all of the above properties atthe same time. We also present a universal version of the method which is applicableto non-smooth problems. We demonstrate how in practice one can efficiently use thecombination of line-search and primal-duality by considering a convex optimizationproblem with a simple structure (for example, linearly constrained)

    Scalable Convex Methods for Phase Retrieval

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    This paper describes scalable convex optimization methods for phase retrieval. The main characteristics of these methods are the cheap per-iteration complexity and the low-memory footprint. With a variant of the original PhaseLift formulation, we first illustrate how to leverage the scalable Frank-Wolfe (FW) method (also known as the conditional gradient algorithm), which requires a tuning parameter. We demonstrate that we can estimate the tuning parameter of the FW algorithm directly from the measurements, with rigorous theoretical guarantees. We then illustrate numerically that recent advances in universal primal-dual convex optimization methods offer significant scalability improvements over the FW method, by recovering full HD resolution color images from their quadratic measurements

    A universal accelerated primal-dual method for convex optimization problems

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    This work presents a universal accelerated first-order primal-dual method for affinely constrained convex optimization problems. It can handle both Lipschitz and H\"{o}lder gradients but does not need to know the smoothness level of the objective function. In line search part, it uses dynamically decreasing parameters and produces approximate Lipschitz constant with moderate magnitude. In addition, based on a suitable discrete Lyapunov function and tight decay estimates of some differential/difference inequalities, a universal optimal mixed-type convergence rate is established. Some numerical tests are provided to confirm the efficiency of the proposed method