164 research outputs found


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    Objektivi i sistemit tonë “Hospital Management System” është që të automatizojë procedurat të cilat bëhën në mënyre manuale në spital sic janë regjistrimi I pacienteve, catkimi I termineve etj. Në sistem janë të perfshire doktorët, pacientët, stafi I spitalit si dhe terminet te cilat behen. Qasja ne sistem bëhet duke futur kredencialet e përdoruesit ku pas verfikimit dhe validimit lejohet që përdoruesi të qaset ne sistem. Stafi I spitalit ka të drejtën që të krijojë pacientët dhe doktorët ne sistem si dhe caktimin e termineve ku këto të dhëna futen në databaz e cila inizohet me hapjen e sistemit. Doktoret pas cdo vizite të pacientit mund të rifreskojn statusin e pacientit e cila shfaqet më pastaj edhe tek faqja e pacientit

    The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 1967 - Volume 2, Part 2

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    This volume contains an article by Clyde D. Dollar, Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology, and discussion of it by conference attendees. The volume was edited by Stanley South of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology. Contents: Introduction - Stanley South.....1 Editor\u27s Note - Stanley South.....2 Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Clyde D. Dollar.....3 Prologue to the Debate - Clyde D. Dollar.....31 Comment on Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology by Clyde Dollar - Stanley South.....35 Critique of the Paper by Clyde Dollar, Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Merrill J. Mattes.....54 Reply to Mattes - Clyde D. Dollar.....56 Comments on Clyde\u27s Paper - Jackson W. Moore, Jr.....57 Comments on Clyde Dollar\u27s Paper - Stephen Williams.....73 Reply to Williams - Clyde D. Dollar.....74 A Reply to Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Bernard L. Fontana.....75 Reply to Fontana - Clyde D. Dollar.....79 Critique of Dollar\u27s Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Edward B. Jelks.....80 Reply to Jelks - Clyde D. Dollar.....94 Comment on Clyde Dollar\u27s Paper - George G. Demmy.....103 Reply to Demmy - Clyde D. Dollar.....104 Comments on Clyde Dollar\u27s Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Iain C. Walker.....105 The Crisis of Identity: Theory in Historic Sites Archaeology - Charles E. Cleland and James E. Fitting.....124 Reply to Cleland and Fitting - Clyde D. Dollar.....139 Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology , A Critique - Vincent P. Foley.....l42 Comments on Clyde Dollar\u27s Paper - David A. Armour.....158 Reply to Armour - Clyde D. Dollar.....161 A Comment on Clyde Dollar\u27s Paper - John D. Combes.....162 Reply to Combes - Clyde D. Dollar.....166 Critique of the Paper by Clyde Dollar, Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archaeology - Edward McM. Larrabee.....169 Reply to Larrabee - Clyde D. Dollar.....179 Epilogue - Clyde D. Dollar.....184https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/archanth_historic_site_arch_conf_papers/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Birthing pains: How cyborgs refigure medical bodies, technologies, and objectives

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    Cyborgs are polymorphic and not yet visibly different from humans in part because cyborgic technologies have just been developed, in part because we are not trained to see how the post human arises. The birth of cyborgs alters the core of medicine from disease-containment and death-assessment to enhancement of function and image, to transgression of previous natural bounds as established by the possibility of space and oceanic travel. Cyborgs, as postmodern/ posthuman products of medicine, make visible the current shift in the construction of medical bodies, technologies, and objectives. Medical bodies have been determined by a conception of patienthood or diseased body. The connection of body and disease as distinct species happened in the medical enclosure: the hospital-clinic, during mid-late 19th century. In the hospital-clinic, the medical body has been clearly mapped in terms of disease identity or malfunction, and it has encountered medical technologies used to aid in diagnosis. The patient-doctor relationship has shifted because of the revolution in instrumentation at the turn of the century. Another shift can be discerned, as it is again mirrored in the relations of doctor-patient, as it has been re-structured through cyberspace and expert systems. Clearly, the revolution or scientification of medicine has been fueled by the tuberculosis crisis as it challenged medical and political institutions. A similar crisis has occurred with AIDS: is cyborg-technology the fulfillment of the modem dream of immortality and total control in the face of the epidemic? An easy answer to such question cannot be produced. Cyborgs are a product of the meeting of natural and human sciences through cybernetics. Their existence and proliferation destabilize assumptions at the philosophical foundations of knowledge and medicine as well as our conceptions of identity and rights, through an unsettling of the connection between community-individuality, of the distinction between private and public domains

    Review of: Weltfish, Gene: The Lost Universe: Pawnee Life and Culture

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