3 research outputs found

    A Unified Multi-Faceted Video Summarization System

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    This paper addresses automatic summarization and search in visual data comprising of videos, live streams and image collections in a unified manner. In particular, we propose a framework for multi-faceted summarization which extracts key-frames (image summaries), skims (video summaries) and entity summaries (summarization at the level of entities like objects, scenes, humans and faces in the video). The user can either view these as extractive summarization, or query focused summarization. Our approach first pre-processes the video or image collection once, to extract all important visual features, following which we provide an interactive mechanism to the user to summarize the video based on their choice. We investigate several diversity, coverage and representation models for all these problems, and argue the utility of these different mod- els depending on the application. While most of the prior work on submodular summarization approaches has focused on combining several models and learning weighted mixtures, we focus on the explain-ability of different the diversity, coverage and representation models and their scalability. Most importantly, we also show that we can summarize hours of video data in a few seconds, and our system allows the user to generate summaries of various lengths and types interactively on the fly.Comment: 18 pages, 11 Figure

    Vis-DSS: An Open-Source toolkit for Visual Data Selection and Summarization

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    With increasing amounts of visual data being created in the form of videos and images, visual data selection and summarization are becoming ever increasing problems. We present Vis-DSS, an open-source toolkit for Visual Data Selection and Summarization. Vis-DSS implements a framework of models for summarization and data subset selection using submodular functions, which are becoming increasingly popular today for these problems. We present several classes of models, capturing notions of diversity, coverage, representation and importance, along with optimization/inference and learning algorithms. Vis-DSS is the first open source toolkit for several Data selection and summarization tasks including Image Collection Summarization, Video Summarization, Training Data selection for Classification and Diversified Active Learning. We demonstrate state-of-the art performance on all these tasks, and also show how we can scale to large problems. Vis-DSS allows easy integration for applications to be built on it, also can serve as a general skeleton that can be extended to several use cases, including video and image sharing platforms for creating GIFs, image montage creation, or as a component to surveillance systems and we demonstrate this by providing a graphical user-interface (GUI) desktop app built over Qt framework. Vis-DSS is available at https://github.com/rishabhk108/vis-dssComment: Vis-DSS is available at https://github.com/rishabhk108/vis-ds

    Deployment of Customized Deep Learning based Video Analytics On Surveillance Cameras

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    This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of our customized deep learning based video analytics system in various applications focused on security, safety, customer analytics and process compliance. We describe our video analytics system comprising of Search, Summarize, Statistics and real-time alerting, and outline its building blocks. These building blocks include object detection, tracking, face detection and recognition, human and face sub-attribute analytics. In each case, we demonstrate how custom models trained using data from the deployment scenarios provide considerably superior accuracies than off-the-shelf models. Towards this end, we describe our data processing and model training pipeline, which can train and fine-tune models from videos with a quick turnaround time. Finally, since most of these models are deployed on-site, it is important to have resource constrained models which do not require GPUs. We demonstrate how we custom train resource constrained models and deploy them on embedded devices without significant loss in accuracy. To our knowledge, this is the first work which provides a comprehensive evaluation of different deep learning models on various real-world customer deployment scenarios of surveillance video analytics. By sharing our implementation details and the experiences learned from deploying customized deep learning models for various customers, we hope that customized deep learning based video analytics is widely incorporated in commercial products around the world.Comment: Added Equal Contribution footnot