18 research outputs found

    Towards Psychometrics-based Friend Recommendations in Social Networking Services

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    Two of the defining elements of Social Networking Services are the social profile, containing information about the user, and the social graph, containing information about the connections between users. Social Networking Services are used to connect to known people as well as to discover new contacts. Current friend recommendation mechanisms typically utilize the social graph. In this paper, we argue that psychometrics, the field of measuring personality traits, can help make meaningful friend recommendations based on an extended social profile containing collected smartphone sensor data. This will support the development of highly distributed Social Networking Services without central knowledge of the social graph.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2017 International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (IEEE AIMS

    Personalized Degrees: Effects on Link Formation in Dynamic Networks from an Egocentric Perspective

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    Understanding mechanisms driving link formation in dynamic social networks is a long-standing problem that has implications to understanding social structure as well as link prediction and recommendation. Social networks exhibit a high degree of transitivity, which explains the successes of common neighbor-based methods for link prediction. In this paper, we examine mechanisms behind link formation from the perspective of an ego node. We introduce the notion of personalized degree for each neighbor node of the ego, which is the number of other neighbors a particular neighbor is connected to. From empirical analyses on four on-line social network datasets, we find that neighbors with higher personalized degree are more likely to lead to new link formations when they serve as common neighbors with other nodes, both in undirected and directed settings. This is complementary to the finding of Adamic and Adar that neighbor nodes with higher (global) degree are less likely to lead to new link formations. Furthermore, on directed networks, we find that personalized out-degree has a stronger effect on link formation than personalized in-degree, whereas global in-degree has a stronger effect than global out-degree. We validate our empirical findings through several link recommendation experiments and observe that incorporating both personalized and global degree into link recommendation greatly improves accuracy.Comment: To appear at the 10th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media co-located with the Web Conference 201

    Co-Following on Twitter

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    We present an in-depth study of co-following on Twitter based on the observation that two Twitter users whose followers have similar friends are also similar, even though they might not share any direct links or a single mutual follower. We show how this observation contributes to (i) a better understanding of language-agnostic user classification on Twitter, (ii) eliciting opportunities for Computational Social Science, and (iii) improving online marketing by identifying cross-selling opportunities. We start with a machine learning problem of predicting a user's preference among two alternative choices of Twitter friends. We show that co-following information provides strong signals for diverse classification tasks and that these signals persist even when (i) the most discriminative features are removed and (ii) only relatively "sparse" users with fewer than 152 but more than 43 Twitter friends are considered. Going beyond mere classification performance optimization, we present applications of our methodology to Computational Social Science. Here we confirm stereotypes such as that the country singer Kenny Chesney (@kennychesney) is more popular among @GOP followers, whereas Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) enjoys more support from @TheDemocrats followers. In the domain of marketing we give evidence that celebrity endorsement is reflected in co-following and we demonstrate how our methodology can be used to reveal the audience similarities between Apple and Puma and, less obviously, between Nike and Coca-Cola. Concerning a user's popularity we find a statistically significant connection between having a more "average" followership and having more followers than direct rivals. Interestingly, a \emph{larger} audience also seems to be linked to a \emph{less diverse} audience in terms of their co-following.Comment: full version of a short paper at Hypertext 201

    Popularity Prediction

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    With the rise in popularity of the Internet, data describing unique types of items has been collected into easy to access sources. Using this newly acquired data, is it possible to predict if an item will become a bestseller while another fade away with time? Popularity prediction is a problem that has attracted a great deal of research recently, and for good reason. The ability to predict an items future rise to popularity or fall to obscurity is a possibly priceless skill and sought out in many different industries such as sales, investments, and marketing. This report enumerates and analyzes a number of factors assumed to be an indicator of popularity. Additionally, we propose a number of popularity prediction methods, and evaluate using a cohost of evaluation metrics, and state of the art baselines. Our findings show promising potential for popularity prediction, based on a combination of structural and temporal properties indicative of popularity. The key proposed metrics include a measure of similarity between two items, and various definitions of popularity evolving with time. Experiments on a large scale real dataset from Yelp allow us to demonstrate the performance of our methods on predicting the popularity of businesses. We believe the methods described below can be extended to be used for diverse types of data