32 research outputs found

    Enhancment of dense urban digital surface models from VHR optical satellite stereo data by pre-segmentation and object detection

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    The generation of digital surface models (DSM) of urban areas from very high resolution (VHR) stereo satellite imagery requires advanced methods. In the classical approach of DSM generation from stereo satellite imagery, interest points are extracted and correlated between the stereo mates using an area based matching followed by a least-squares sub-pixel refinement step. After a region growing the 3D point list is triangulated to the resulting DSM. In urban areas this approach fails due to the size of the correlation window, which smoothes out the usual steep edges of buildings. Also missing correlations as for partly – in one or both of the images – occluded areas will simply be interpolated in the triangulation step. So an urban DSM generated with the classical approach results in a very smooth DSM with missing steep walls, narrow streets and courtyards. To overcome these problems algorithms from computer vision are introduced and adopted to satellite imagery. These algorithms do not work using local optimisation like the area-based matching but try to optimize a (semi-)global cost function. Analysis shows that dynamic programming approaches based on epipolar images like dynamic line warping or semiglobal matching yield the best results according to accuracy and processing time. These algorithms can also detect occlusions – areas not visible in one or both of the stereo images. Beside these also the time and memory consuming step of handling and triangulating large point lists can be omitted due to the direct operation on epipolar images and direct generation of a so called disparity image fitting exactly on the first of the stereo images. This disparity image – representing already a sort of a dense DSM – contains the distances measured in pixels in the epipolar direction (or a no-data value for a detected occlusion) for each pixel in the image. Despite the global optimization of the cost function many outliers, mismatches and erroneously detected occlusions remain, especially if only one stereo pair is available. To enhance these dense DSM – the disparity image – a pre-segmentation approach is presented in this paper. Since the disparity image is fitting exactly on the first of the two stereo partners (beforehand transformed to epipolar geometry) a direct correlation between image pixels and derived heights (the disparities) exist. This feature of the disparity image is exploited to integrate additional knowledge from the image into the DSM. This is done by segmenting the stereo image, transferring the segmentation information to the DSM and performing a statistical analysis on each of the created DSM segments. Based on this analysis and spectral information a coarse object detection and classification can be performed and in turn the DSM can be enhanced. After the description of the proposed method some results are shown and discussed

    Automated Building Information Extraction and Evaluation from High-resolution Remotely Sensed Data

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    The two-dimensional (2D) footprints and three-dimensional (3D) structures of buildings are of great importance to city planning, natural disaster management, and virtual environmental simulation. As traditional manual methodologies for collecting 2D and 3D building information are often both time consuming and costly, automated methods are required for efficient large area mapping. It is challenging to extract building information from remotely sensed data, considering the complex nature of urban environments and their associated intricate building structures. Most 2D evaluation methods are focused on classification accuracy, while other dimensions of extraction accuracy are ignored. To assess 2D building extraction methods, a multi-criteria evaluation system has been designed. The proposed system consists of matched rate, shape similarity, and positional accuracy. Experimentation with four methods demonstrates that the proposed multi-criteria system is more comprehensive and effective, in comparison with traditional accuracy assessment metrics. Building height is critical for building 3D structure extraction. As data sources for height estimation, digital surface models (DSMs) that are derived from stereo images using existing software typically provide low accuracy results in terms of rooftop elevations. Therefore, a new image matching method is proposed by adding building footprint maps as constraints. Validation demonstrates that the proposed matching method can estimate building rooftop elevation with one third of the error encountered when using current commercial software. With an ideal input DSM, building height can be estimated by the elevation contrast inside and outside a building footprint. However, occlusions and shadows cause indistinct building edges in the DSMs generated from stereo images. Therefore, a “building-ground elevation difference model” (EDM) has been designed, which describes the trend of the elevation difference between a building and its neighbours, in order to find elevation values at bare ground. Experiments using this novel approach report that estimated building height with 1.5m residual, which out-performs conventional filtering methods. Finally, 3D buildings are digitally reconstructed and evaluated. Current 3D evaluation methods did not present the difference between 2D and 3D evaluation methods well; traditionally, wall accuracy is ignored. To address these problems, this thesis designs an evaluation system with three components: volume, surface, and point. As such, the resultant multi-criteria system provides an improved evaluation method for building reconstruction

    Building Footprint Extraction from LiDAR Data and Imagery Information

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    This study presents an automatic method for regularisation of building outlines. Initially, building segments are extracted using a new fusion method. Data- and model-driven approaches are then combined to generate approximate building polygons. The core part of the method includes a novel data-driven algorithm based on likelihood equation derived from the geometrical properties of a building. Finally, the Gauss-Helmert and Gauss-Markov models adjustment are implemented and modified for regularisation of building outlines considering orthogonality constraints

    DSM and DTM generation from VHR satellite stereo imagery over plastic covered greenhouse areas

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    Agriculture under Plastic Covered Greenhouses (PCG) has represented a step forward in the evolution from traditional to industrial farming. However, PCG-based agricultural model has been also criticized for its associated environmental impact such as plastic waste, visual impact, soil pollution, biodiversity degradation and local runoff alteration. In this sense, timely and effective PCG mapping is the only way to help policy-makers in the definition of plans dealing with the trade-off between farmers’ profit and environmental impact for the remaining inhabitants. This work proposes a methodological pipeline for producing high added value 3D geospatial products (Digital Surface Models (DSM) and Digital Terrain Models (DTM)) from VHR satellite imagery over PCG areas. The 3D information layer provided through the devised approach could be very valuable as a complement to the traditional 2D spectral information offered by VHR satellite imagery to improve PCG mapping over large areas. This methodological approach has been tested in Almeria (Southern Spain) from a WorldView-2 VHR satellite stereo-pair. Once grid spacing format DSM and DTM were built, their vertical accuracy was assessed by means of lidar data provided by the Spanish Government (PNOA Programme). Regarding DSM completeness results, the image matching method based on hierarchical semi-global matching yielded much better scores (98.87%) than the traditional image matching method based on area-based matching and cross-correlation threshold (86.65%) when they were tested on the study area with the highest concentration of PCG (around 85.65% of PCG land cover). However, both image matching methods yielded similar vertical accuracy results in relation to the finally interpolated DSM, with mean errors ranging from 0.01 to 0.35m and random errors (standard deviation) between 0.56 and 0.82 m. The DTM error figures also showed no significant differences between both image matching methods, although being highly dependent on DSM-to- DTM filtering error, in turn closely related to greenhouse density and terrain complexity

    Recent Advances in Image Restoration with Applications to Real World Problems

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    In the past few decades, imaging hardware has improved tremendously in terms of resolution, making widespread usage of images in many diverse applications on Earth and planetary missions. However, practical issues associated with image acquisition are still affecting image quality. Some of these issues such as blurring, measurement noise, mosaicing artifacts, low spatial or spectral resolution, etc. can seriously affect the accuracy of the aforementioned applications. This book intends to provide the reader with a glimpse of the latest developments and recent advances in image restoration, which includes image super-resolution, image fusion to enhance spatial, spectral resolution, and temporal resolutions, and the generation of synthetic images using deep learning techniques. Some practical applications are also included

    Information Extraction and Modeling from Remote Sensing Images: Application to the Enhancement of Digital Elevation Models

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    To deal with high complexity data such as remote sensing images presenting metric resolution over large areas, an innovative, fast and robust image processing system is presented. The modeling of increasing level of information is used to extract, represent and link image features to semantic content. The potential of the proposed techniques is demonstrated with an application to enhance and regularize digital elevation models based on information collected from RS images

    Scalable Realtime Rendering and Interaction with Digital Surface Models of Landscapes and Cities

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    Interactive, realistic rendering of landscapes and cities differs substantially from classical terrain rendering. Due to the sheer size and detail of the data which need to be processed, realtime rendering (i.e. more than 25 images per second) is only feasible with level of detail (LOD) models. Even the design and implementation of efficient, automatic LOD generation is ambitious for such out-of-core datasets considering the large number of scales that are covered in a single view and the necessity to maintain screen-space accuracy for realistic representation. Moreover, users want to interact with the model based on semantic information which needs to be linked to the LOD model. In this thesis I present LOD schemes for the efficient rendering of 2.5d digital surface models (DSMs) and 3d point-clouds, a method for the automatic derivation of city models from raw DSMs, and an approach allowing semantic interaction with complex LOD models. The hierarchical LOD model for digital surface models is based on a quadtree of precomputed, simplified triangle mesh approximations. The rendering of the proposed model is proved to allow real-time rendering of very large and complex models with pixel-accurate details. Moreover, the necessary preprocessing is scalable and fast. For 3d point clouds, I introduce an LOD scheme based on an octree of hybrid plane-polygon representations. For each LOD, the algorithm detects planar regions in an adequately subsampled point cloud and models them as textured rectangles. The rendering of the resulting hybrid model is an order of magnitude faster than comparable point-based LOD schemes. To automatically derive a city model from a DSM, I propose a constrained mesh simplification. Apart from the geometric distance between simplified and original model, it evaluates constraints based on detected planar structures and their mutual topological relations. The resulting models are much less complex than the original DSM but still represent the characteristic building structures faithfully. Finally, I present a method to combine semantic information with complex geometric models. My approach links the semantic entities to the geometric entities on-the-fly via coarser proxy geometries which carry the semantic information. Thus, semantic information can be layered on top of complex LOD models without an explicit attribution step. All findings are supported by experimental results which demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the methods

    Automatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery

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    Recent advances in the availability of very high-resolution (VHR) satellite data together with efficient data acquisition and large area coverage have led to an upward trend in their applications for automatic 3-D building model reconstruction which require large-scale and frequent updates, such as disaster monitoring and urban management. Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated from stereo satellite imagery suffer from mismatches, missing values, or blunders, resulting in rough building shape representations. To handle 3-D building model reconstruction using such low-quality DSMs, we propose a novel automatic multistage hybrid method using DSMs together with orthorectified panchromatic (PAN) and pansharpened data (PS) of multispectral (MS) satellite imagery. The algorithm consists of multiple steps including building boundary extraction and decomposition, image-based roof type classification, and initial roof parameter computation which are prior knowledge for the 3-D model fitting step. To fit 3-D models to the normalized DSM (nDSM) and to select the best one, a parameter optimization method based on exhaustive search is used sequentially in 2-D and 3-D. Finally, the neighboring building models in a building block are intersected to reconstruct the 3-D model of connecting roofs. All corresponding experiments are conducted on a dataset including four different areas of Munich city containing 208 buildings with different degrees of complexity. The results are evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. According to the results, the proposed approach can reliably reconstruct 3-D building models, even the complex ones with several inner yards and multiple orientations. Furthermore, the proposed approach provides a high level of automation by limiting the number of primitive roof types and by performing automatic parameter initialization

    Deep learning in remote sensing: a review

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    Standing at the paradigm shift towards data-intensive science, machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly important. In particular, as a major breakthrough in the field, deep learning has proven as an extremely powerful tool in many fields. Shall we embrace deep learning as the key to all? Or, should we resist a 'black-box' solution? There are controversial opinions in the remote sensing community. In this article, we analyze the challenges of using deep learning for remote sensing data analysis, review the recent advances, and provide resources to make deep learning in remote sensing ridiculously simple to start with. More importantly, we advocate remote sensing scientists to bring their expertise into deep learning, and use it as an implicit general model to tackle unprecedented large-scale influential challenges, such as climate change and urbanization.Comment: Accepted for publication IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazin