2 research outputs found

    Linear Regression without Correspondences via Concave Minimization

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    Linear regression without correspondences concerns the recovery of a signal in the linear regression setting, where the correspondences between the observations and the linear functionals are unknown. The associated maximum likelihood function is NP-hard to compute when the signal has dimension larger than one. To optimize this objective function we reformulate it as a concave minimization problem, which we solve via branch-and-bound. This is supported by a computable search space to branch, an effective lower bounding scheme via convex envelope minimization and a refined upper bound, all naturally arising from the concave minimization reformulation. The resulting algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods for fully shuffled data and remains tractable for up to 88-dimensional signals, an untouched regime in prior work

    A Hypergradient Approach to Robust Regression without Correspondence

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    We consider a variant of regression problem, where the correspondence between input and output data is not available. Such shuffled data is commonly observed in many real world problems. Taking flow cytometry as an example, the measuring instruments may not be able to maintain the correspondence between the samples and the measurements. Due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, most existing methods are only applicable when the sample size is small, and limited to linear regression models. To overcome such bottlenecks, we propose a new computational framework -- ROBOT -- for the shuffled regression problem, which is applicable to large data and complex nonlinear models. Specifically, we reformulate the regression without correspondence as a continuous optimization problem. Then by exploiting the interaction between the regression model and the data correspondence, we develop a hypergradient approach based on differentiable programming techniques. Such a hypergradient approach essentially views the data correspondence as an operator of the regression, and therefore allows us to find a better descent direction for the model parameter by differentiating through the data correspondence. ROBOT can be further extended to the inexact correspondence setting, where there may not be an exact alignment between the input and output data. Thorough numerical experiments show that ROBOT achieves better performance than existing methods in both linear and nonlinear regression tasks, including real-world applications such as flow cytometry and multi-object tracking