4 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of MQTT Authentication and Authorization in IoT

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    Современные методы обеспечения целостности данных в протоколах управления киберфизических систем

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    At present, the problem of creating methodological security of cyberphysical systems, in particular, the design and implementation of information security subsystems is acute. At the same time, the landscape of threats and vulnerabilities typical for a wide range of hardware and software technologies used in cyberphysical systems is extremely wide and complex. In this context, the security of application layer protocols is of paramount importance, as these protocols are the basis for interaction between applications and services running on different devices, as well as in cloud infrastructures. With the constant interaction of the systems under study with the real physical infrastructure, the challenge is to determine effective measures to ensure the integrity of the transferred control commands, as disruption of the performed critical processes can affect human life and health. The paper provides an analytical review of the main methods of data integrity assurance in management protocol of cyberphysical systems, as well as an overview of application layer protocols vulnerabilities widely used in cyberphysical systems of different types. Classical methods of data integrity assurance, new methods, in particular, blockchain, as well as the main directions of increasing the efficiency of data integrity protocols in cyberphysical systems are considered. Analysis of application layer vulnerabilities is carried out on the example of the most popular MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, DDS, XMPP specifications and their implementations. It is established that despite the presence of basic security mechanisms in all these protocols, researchers continue to regularly identify vulnerabilities in popular implementations, that often endangers critical infrastructure services. In the course of preparing the review of the existing methods of data integrity assurance for the examined class of systems, the key problems of these methods integration and ways of their solution were defined.В настоящее время остро стоит проблема создания методологического обеспечения безопасности киберфизических систем, в частности проектирования и реализации подсистем информационной безопасности. При этом ландшафт угроз и уязвимостей, характерных для применяемого в киберфизических системах широкого спектра аппаратных и программных технологий, чрезвычайно широк и сложен. В этом контексте безопасность протоколов прикладного уровня имеет первостепенное значение, поскольку эти протоколы лежат в основе взаимодействия между приложениями и службами, работающими на различных устройствах, а также в облачных инфраструктурах. В условиях постоянного взаимодействия исследуемых систем с реальной физической инфраструктурой актуальна проблема определения эффективных мер по обеспечению целостности передаваемых команд управления, поскольку нарушение выполняемых критически важных процессов может затрагивать жизнь и здоровье людей. Представлен обзор основных методов обеспечения целостности данных в протоколах управления киберфизических систем, а также обзор уязвимостей протоколов прикладного уровня, широко используемых в различных киберфизических системах. Рассмотрены классические методы обеспечения целостности и новые методы, в частности блокчейн, а также основные направления повышения эффективности протоколов обеспечения целостности данных в киберфизических системах. Анализ уязвимостей прикладного уровня проведен на примере наиболее популярных спецификаций MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, DDS, XMPP, а также их реализаций. Установлено, что несмотря на наличие во всех перечисленных протоколах базовых механизмов обеспечения безопасности, исследователи продолжают регулярно выявлять уязвимости в популярных реализациях, что зачастую ставит под угрозу сервисы критической инфраструктуры. В ходе подготовки обзора существующих методов обеспечения целостности данных для исследуемого класса систем были определены ключевые проблемы интеграции этих методов и способы их решения

    MQTT-Auth: a Token-based Solution to Endow MQTT with Authentication and Authorization Capabilities

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    Security in the Internet of Things is a current hot topic and it may comprise different aspects such as confidentiality and integrity of personal data, as well as the authentication and the authorization to access smart objects that are spreading more and more in our every-day lives. In this work we focus on MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), a message-based communication protocol explicitly designed for low-power machine-to-machine communications and based on the publish-subscribe paradigm. First of all, we provide an accurate analysis of some of the most recent security solutions and improvements of MQTT found in the literature. Secondly, we describe in detail a novel secure solution, called MQTT-Auth, to protect specific topics in MQTT. This solution is based on the AugPAKE security algorithm for guaranteeing confidentiality, and onto two tokens which permit to authenticate the usage of a topic and to guarantee authorization in accessing a topic respectively. MQTT-Auth can also be easily extended to a hierarchical structure of topics and entities. Finally, we compare MQTT-Auth with some solutions for securing MQTT being present in the relevant literature, and we provide some details on how MQTT-Auth has been implemented and successfully tested

    A Token-based Protocol for Securing MQTT Communications

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    Security in the Internet of Things is a current and important research topic as it may encompass different aspects such as confidentiality and integrity of personal data, as well as the authentication and the authorization to access smart devices and sensors that are spreading day-by-day in our lives. In this paper we focus onto MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), a message-based communication protocol explicitly designed for low-power sensors and based upon the publish-subscribe paradigm. First of all, we describe some of the security solutions and improvements typically suggested in the literature for deployments of MQTT. Then, we present a possible alternative solution to protect specific topics in MQTT based on AugPAKE protocol. The proposed solution has been implemented through ActiveMQ middleware and successfully tested