26,200 research outputs found

    TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base Entities

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    We present a method called TIMEMACHINE to generate a timeline of events and relations for entities in a knowledge base. For example for an actor, such a timeline should show the most important professional and personal milestones and relationships such as works, awards, collaborations, and family relationships. We develop three orthogonal timeline quality criteria that an ideal timeline should satisfy: (1) it shows events that are relevant to the entity; (2) it shows events that are temporally diverse, so they distribute along the time axis, avoiding visual crowding and allowing for easy user interaction, such as zooming in and out; and (3) it shows events that are content diverse, so they contain many different types of events (e.g., for an actor, it should show movies and marriages and awards, not just movies). We present an algorithm to generate such timelines for a given time period and screen size, based on submodular optimization and web-co-occurrence statistics with provable performance guarantees. A series of user studies using Mechanical Turk shows that all three quality criteria are crucial to produce quality timelines and that our algorithm significantly outperforms various baseline and state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear at ACM SIGKDD KDD'15. 12pp, 7 fig. With appendix. Demo and other info available at http://cs.stanford.edu/~althoff/timemachine

    Weakly-Supervised Alignment of Video With Text

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    Suppose that we are given a set of videos, along with natural language descriptions in the form of multiple sentences (e.g., manual annotations, movie scripts, sport summaries etc.), and that these sentences appear in the same temporal order as their visual counterparts. We propose in this paper a method for aligning the two modalities, i.e., automatically providing a time stamp for every sentence. Given vectorial features for both video and text, we propose to cast this task as a temporal assignment problem, with an implicit linear mapping between the two feature modalities. We formulate this problem as an integer quadratic program, and solve its continuous convex relaxation using an efficient conditional gradient algorithm. Several rounding procedures are proposed to construct the final integer solution. After demonstrating significant improvements over the state of the art on the related task of aligning video with symbolic labels [7], we evaluate our method on a challenging dataset of videos with associated textual descriptions [36], using both bag-of-words and continuous representations for text.Comment: ICCV 2015 - IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Dec 2015, Santiago, Chil

    Deep fusion of multi-channel neurophysiological signal for emotion recognition and monitoring

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    How to fuse multi-channel neurophysiological signals for emotion recognition is emerging as a hot research topic in community of Computational Psychophysiology. Nevertheless, prior feature engineering based approaches require extracting various domain knowledge related features at a high time cost. Moreover, traditional fusion method cannot fully utilise correlation information between different channels and frequency components. In this paper, we design a hybrid deep learning model, in which the 'Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)' is utilised for extracting task-related features, as well as mining inter-channel and inter-frequency correlation, besides, the 'Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)' is concatenated for integrating contextual information from the frame cube sequence. Experiments are carried out in a trial-level emotion recognition task, on the DEAP benchmarking dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the classical methods, with regard to both of the emotional dimensions of Valence and Arousal

    Mining for Social Serendipity

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    A common social problem at an event in which people do not personally know all of the other participants is the natural tendency for cliques to form and for discussions to mainly happen between people who already know each other. This limits the possibility for people to make interesting new acquaintances and acts as a retarding force in the creation of new links in the social web. Encouraging users to socialize with people they don't know by revealing to them hidden surprising links could help to improve the diversity of interactions at an event. The goal of this paper is to propose a method for detecting "surprising" relationships between people attending an event. By "surprising" relationship we mean those relationships that are not known a priori, and that imply shared information not directly related with the local context of the event (location, interests, contacts) at which the meeting takes place. To demonstrate and test our concept we used the Flickr community. We focused on a community of users associated with a social event (a computer science conference) and represented in Flickr by means of a photo pool devoted to the event. We use Flickr metadata (tags) to mine for user similarity not related to the context of the event, as represented in the corresponding Flickr group. For example, we look for two group members who have been in the same highly specific place (identified by means of geo-tagged photos), but are not friends of each other and share no other common interests or, social neighborhood
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