803 research outputs found

    vSPARQL: A View Definition Language for the Semantic Web

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    Translational medicine applications would like to leverage the biological and biomedical ontologies, vocabularies, and data sets available on the semantic web. We present a general solution for RDF information set reuse inspired by database views. Our view definition language, vSPARQL, allows applications to specify the exact content that they are interested in and how that content should be restructured or modified. Applications can access relevant content by querying against these view definitions. We evaluate the expressivity of our approach by defining views for practical use cases and comparing our view definition language to existing query languages

    Incremental View Maintenance For Collection Programming

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    In the context of incremental view maintenance (IVM), delta query derivation is an essential technique for speeding up the processing of large, dynamic datasets. The goal is to generate delta queries that, given a small change in the input, can update the materialized view more efficiently than via recomputation. In this work we propose the first solution for the efficient incrementalization of positive nested relational calculus (NRC+) on bags (with integer multiplicities). More precisely, we model the cost of NRC+ operators and classify queries as efficiently incrementalizable if their delta has a strictly lower cost than full re-evaluation. Then, we identify IncNRC+; a large fragment of NRC+ that is efficiently incrementalizable and we provide a semantics-preserving translation that takes any NRC+ query to a collection of IncNRC+ queries. Furthermore, we prove that incremental maintenance for NRC+ is within the complexity class NC0 and we showcase how recursive IVM, a technique that has provided significant speedups over traditional IVM in the case of flat queries [25], can also be applied to IncNRC+.Comment: 24 pages (12 pages plus appendix

    Compressed Representations of Conjunctive Query Results

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    Relational queries, and in particular join queries, often generate large output results when executed over a huge dataset. In such cases, it is often infeasible to store the whole materialized output if we plan to reuse it further down a data processing pipeline. Motivated by this problem, we study the construction of space-efficient compressed representations of the output of conjunctive queries, with the goal of supporting the efficient access of the intermediate compressed result for a given access pattern. In particular, we initiate the study of an important tradeoff: minimizing the space necessary to store the compressed result, versus minimizing the answer time and delay for an access request over the result. Our main contribution is a novel parameterized data structure, which can be tuned to trade off space for answer time. The tradeoff allows us to control the space requirement of the data structure precisely, and depends both on the structure of the query and the access pattern. We show how we can use the data structure in conjunction with query decomposition techniques, in order to efficiently represent the outputs for several classes of conjunctive queries.Comment: To appear in PODS'18; 35 pages; comments welcom

    Stochastic Database Cracking: Towards Robust Adaptive Indexing in Main-Memory Column-Stores

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    Modern business applications and scientific databases call for inherently dynamic data storage environments. Such environments are characterized by two challenging features: (a) they have little idle system time to devote on physical design; and (b) there is little, if any, a priori workload knowledge, while the query and data workload keeps changing dynamically. In such environments, traditional approaches to index building and maintenance cannot apply. Database cracking has been proposed as a solution that allows on-the-fly physical data reorganization, as a collateral effect of query processing. Cracking aims to continuously and automatically adapt indexes to the workload at hand, without human intervention. Indexes are built incrementally, adaptively, and on demand. Nevertheless, as we show, existing adaptive indexing methods fail to deliver workload-robustness; they perform much better with random workloads than with others. This frailty derives from the inelasticity with which these approaches interpret each query as a hint on how data should be stored. Current cracking schemes blindly reorganize the data within each query's range, even if that results into successive expensive operations with minimal indexing benefit. In this paper, we introduce stochastic cracking, a significantly more resilient approach to adaptive indexing. Stochastic cracking also uses each query as a hint on how to reorganize data, but not blindly so; it gains resilience and avoids performance bottlenecks by deliberately applying certain arbitrary choices in its decision-making. Thereby, we bring adaptive indexing forward to a mature formulation that confers the workload-robustness previous approaches lacked. Our extensive experimental study verifies that stochastic cracking maintains the desired properties of original database cracking while at the same time it performs well with diverse realistic workloads.Comment: VLDB201

    Fiscal-monetary-financial stability interactions in a data-rich environment

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    In this paper, we shed some light on the mutual interplay of economic policy and the financial stability objective. We contribute to the intense discussion regarding the influence of fiscal and monetary policy measures on the real economy and the financial sector. We apply a factor-augmented vector autoregression model to Czech macroeconomic data and model the policy interactions in a data-rich environment. Our findings can be summarized in three main points: First, loose economic policies (especially monetary policy) may translate into a more stable financial sector, albeit only in the short term. In the medium term, an expansion-focused mix of monetary and fiscal policy may contribute to systemic risk accumulation, by substantially increasing credit dynamics and house prices. Second, we find that fiscal and monetary policy impact the financial sector in differential magnitudes and time horizons. And third, we confirm that systemic risk materialization might cause significant output losses and deterioration of public finances, trigger deflationary pressures, and increase the debt service ratio. Overall, our findings provide some empirical support for countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies.Web of Science18322419

    Space-Time Tradeoffs for Conjunctive Queries with Access Patterns

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    In this paper, we investigate space-time tradeoffs for answering conjunctive queries with access patterns (CQAPs). The goal is to create a space-efficient data structure in an initial preprocessing phase and use it for answering (multiple) queries in an online phase. Previous work has developed data structures that trades off space usage for answering time for queries of practical interest, such as the path and triangle query. However, these approaches lack a comprehensive framework and are not generalizable. Our main contribution is a general algorithmic framework for obtaining space-time tradeoffs for any CQAP. Our framework builds upon the \PANDA algorithm and tree decomposition techniques. We demonstrate that our framework captures all state-of-the-art tradeoffs that were independently produced for various queries. Further, we show surprising improvements over the state-of-the-art tradeoffs known in the existing literature for reachability queries