76,112 research outputs found

    The Information Geometry of Space and Time

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    Is the geometry of space a macroscopic manifestation of an underlying microscopic statistical structure? Is geometrodynamics - the theory of gravity - derivable from general principles of inductive inference? Tentative answers are suggested by a model of geometrodynamics based on the statistical concepts of entropy, information geometry, and entropic dynamics. The model shows remarkable similarities with the 3+1 formulation of general relativity. For example, the dynamical degrees of freedom are those that specify the conformal geometry of space; there is a gauge symmetry under 3d diffeomorphisms; there is no reference to an external time; and the theory is time reversible. There is, in adition, a gauge symmetry under scale transformations. I conjecture that under a suitable choice of gauge one can recover the usual notion of a relativistic space-time.Comment: Presented at the 25th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering (San Jose, California, August. 2005). The revised version 2 contains minor revisions of language and punctuatio

    Towards a Statistical Geometrodynamics

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    Can the spatial distance between two identical particles be explained in terms of the extent that one can be distinguished from the other? Is the geometry of space a macroscopic manifestation of an underlying microscopic statistical structure? Is geometrodynamics derivable from general principles of inductive inference? Tentative answers are suggested by a model of geometrodynamics based on the statistical concepts of entropy, information geometry, and entropic dynamics.Comment: Invited talk at the Decoherence, Information, Entropy, and Complexity Workshop, DICE02, September 2000, Piombino, Ital

    Relational Entropic Dynamics of Particles

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    The general framework of entropic dynamics is used to formulate a relational quantum dynamics. The main new idea is to use tools of information geometry to develop an entropic measure of the mismatch between successive configurations of a system. This leads to an entropic version of the classical best matching technique developed by J. Barbour and collaborators. The procedure is illustrated in the simple case of a system of N particles with global translational symmetry. The generalization to other symmetries whether global (rotational invariance) or local (gauge invariance) is straightforward. The entropic best matching allows a quantum implementation Mach's principles of spatial and temporal relationalism and provides the foundation for a method of handling gauge theories in an informational framework.Comment: Presented at MaxEnt 2015, the 35th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (July 19--24, 2015, Potsdam NY, USA

    A Covariant Approach to Entropic Dynamics

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    Entropic Dynamics (ED) is a framework for constructing dynamical theories of inference using the tools of inductive reasoning. A central feature of the ED framework is the special focus placed on time. In previous work a global entropic time was used to derive a quantum theory of relativistic scalar fields. This theory, however, suffered from a lack of explicit or manifest Lorentz symmetry. In this paper we explore an alternative formulation in which the relativistic aspects of the theory are manifest. The approach we pursue here is inspired by the works of Dirac, Kuchar, and Teitelboim in their development of covariant Hamiltonian methods. The key ingredient here is the adoption of a local notion of time, which we call entropic time. This construction allows the expression of arbitrary notion of simultaneity, in accord with relativity. In order to ensure, however, that this local time dynamics is compatible with the background spacetime we must impose a set of Poisson bracket constraints; these constraints themselves result from requiring the dynamcics to be path independent, in the sense of Teitelboim and Kuchar.Comment: An extended version of work presented at MaxEnt 2016, the 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering; July 10-15 2016, Ghent, Belgiu

    Group Analysis of Self-organizing Maps based on Functional MRI using Restricted Frechet Means

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    Studies of functional MRI data are increasingly concerned with the estimation of differences in spatio-temporal networks across groups of subjects or experimental conditions. Unsupervised clustering and independent component analysis (ICA) have been used to identify such spatio-temporal networks. While these approaches have been useful for estimating these networks at the subject-level, comparisons over groups or experimental conditions require further methodological development. In this paper, we tackle this problem by showing how self-organizing maps (SOMs) can be compared within a Frechean inferential framework. Here, we summarize the mean SOM in each group as a Frechet mean with respect to a metric on the space of SOMs. We consider the use of different metrics, and introduce two extensions of the classical sum of minimum distance (SMD) between two SOMs, which take into account the spatio-temporal pattern of the fMRI data. The validity of these methods is illustrated on synthetic data. Through these simulations, we show that the three metrics of interest behave as expected, in the sense that the ones capturing temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal aspects of the SOMs are more likely to reach significance under simulated scenarios characterized by temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal differences, respectively. In addition, a re-analysis of a classical experiment on visually-triggered emotions demonstrates the usefulness of this methodology. In this study, the multivariate functional patterns typical of the subjects exposed to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli are found to be more similar than the ones of the subjects exposed to emotionally neutral stimuli. Taken together, these results indicate that our proposed methods can cast new light on existing data by adopting a global analytical perspective on functional MRI paradigms.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Neuroimag

    Entropic Dynamics

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    Entropic Dynamics is a framework in which dynamical laws are derived as an application of entropic methods of inference. No underlying action principle is postulated. Instead, the dynamics is driven by entropy subject to the constraints appropriate to the problem at hand. In this paper we review three examples of entropic dynamics. First we tackle the simpler case of a standard diffusion process which allows us to address the central issue of the nature of time. Then we show that imposing the additional constraint that the dynamics be non-dissipative leads to Hamiltonian dynamics. Finally, considerations from information geometry naturally lead to the type of Hamiltonian that describes quantum theory.Comment: Invited contribution to the Entropy special volume on Dynamical Equations and Causal Structures from Observation
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