4 research outputs found

    Adaptation de services dans un espace intelligent sensible au contexte

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    GrĂące Ă  l’apparition des paradigmes de l’intelligence ambiante, on assiste Ă  l’émergence de nouveaux systĂšmes intelligents ambiants visant Ă  crĂ©er et gĂ©rer des environnements intelligents d’une façon intuitive et transparente. Ces environnements sont des espaces intelligents caractĂ©risĂ©s notamment par l’ouverture, l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©, l’incertitude et la dynamique des entitĂ©s qui les constituent. Ces caractĂ©ristiques soulĂšvent ainsi des defies scientifiques considĂ©rables pour la conception et la mise en place d’un systĂšme intelligent adĂ©quat. Ces dĂ©fis sont principalement au nombre de trois : l’abstraction et la gestion du contexte, la sensibilitĂ© au contexte et l’auto-adaptation face aux changements imprĂ©visibles qui peuvent se produire dans un environnement ambiant. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons proposĂ© une architecture d’un systĂšme intelligent capable d’adapter les services selon les besoins des utilisateurs en tenant compte, d’une part, du contexte environnemental et de ses diffĂ©rents Ă©quipements et d’autre part, des besoins variables exprimĂ©s par les utilisateurs. Ce systĂšme est construit suivant un modĂšle sensible au contexte, adaptatif et rĂ©actif aux Ă©vĂšnements. Il se repose sur des entitĂ©s modulaires de faible couplage et de forte cohĂ©sion lui permettant d’ĂȘtre flexible et efficace. Ce systĂšme integer Ă©galement un module d’adaptation de services afin de repĂ©rer le contexte et de l’ajuster dynamiquement suivant les attentes des utilisateurs. Cette adaptation est rĂ©alisĂ©e via deux algorithmes : le premier est un algorithme par renforcement (Q-learning), le deuxiĂšme est un algorithme supervisĂ© (CBR). L’hybridation de ces deux algorithmes permet surmonter les inconvĂ©nients de Q-learning pour aboutir Ă  une nouvelle approche capable de gĂ©rer le contexte, sĂ©lectionner et adapter le service

    Making sense of the information systems use field

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    Information Systems (IS) Use has been discussed for more than three decades. During this time various perspectives of IS Use are found in the literature, which leads to a complex picture. Thus the main research question is “How to make sense of the IS Use field?” To begin to address this question I discuss the diversity and development of IS Use discourses as contributing to this complexity. The standard ways of understanding diversity and development of perspectives or discourses as paradigms (Burrell and Morgan, etc.) are found to be insufficient. A deeper understanding of what paradigm means is required. Yet, discussion of what paradigms are in philosophy of science (Kuhn, etc.) is controversial and is unable to address both diversity and development in the IS Use field. This thesis argues that Dooyeweerd’s philosophy can provide fruitful understanding of these. This is given an indicative test by investigating ‘what is important’ to the authors of seminal papers who stimulated the main IS Use discourses. A desk study approach was used to aspectually analyse the relevant texts in these papers. The findings are that I) Dooyeweerd's philosophy can provide new insight into the nature of paradigms. II) Dooyeweerd's aspects can provide a rich understanding of the diversity and development of Information Systems Use paradigms. These give one way of making sense of IS Use field that overcomes problems of existing approaches.This way making sense of the IS Use field can contribute: I) To theory, first in IS, by bringing integration to the field of IS Use and stimulating new avenues of research, Second to philosophy of science, by Dooyeweerdian insight into the nature of paradigms; II) To methodology in IS by using Dooyeweerd’s aspects as a tool to investigate what is implicitly held as important to the authors; III) To Dooyeweerd research community by showing the application of it in addressing the diversity and development of IS Use perspectives. Limitations of the research and possible further research are discussed in the conclusion