3 research outputs found

    Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Labels and Models for Mobile Activity Monitoring

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    Various health-care applications such as assisted living, fall detection, etc., require modeling of user behavior through Human Activity Recognition (HAR). Such applications demand characterization of insights from multiple resource-constrained user devices using machine learning techniques for effective personalized activity monitoring. On-device Federated Learning proves to be an effective approach for distributed and collaborative machine learning. However, there are a variety of challenges in addressing statistical (non-IID data) and model heterogeneities across users. In addition, in this paper, we explore a new challenge of interest -- to handle heterogeneities in labels (activities) across users during federated learning. To this end, we propose a framework for federated label-based aggregation, which leverages overlapping information gain across activities using Model Distillation Update. We also propose that federated transfer of model scores is sufficient rather than model weight transfer from device to server. Empirical evaluation with the Heterogeneity Human Activity Recognition (HHAR) dataset (with four activities for effective elucidation of results) on Raspberry Pi 2 indicates an average deterministic accuracy increase of at least ~11.01%, thus demonstrating the on-device capabilities of our proposed framework.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Machine Learning for Mobile Health Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2011.0320

    Incremental Real-Time Personalization in Human Activity Recognition Using Domain Adaptive Batch Normalization

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) from devices like smartphone accelerometers is a fundamental problem in ubiquitous computing. Machine learning based recognition models often perform poorly when applied to new users that were not part of the training data. Previous work has addressed this challenge by personalizing general recognition models to the unique motion pattern of a new user in a static batch setting. They require target user data to be available upfront. The more challenging online setting has received less attention. No samples from the target user are available in advance, but they arrive sequentially. Additionally, the motion pattern of users may change over time. Thus, adapting to new and forgetting old information must be traded off. Finally, the target user should not have to do any work to use the recognition system by, say, labeling any activities. Our work addresses all of these challenges by proposing an unsupervised online domain adaptation algorithm. Both classification and personalization happen continuously and incrementally in real time. Our solution works by aligning the feature distributions of all subjects, be they sources or the target, in hidden neural network layers. To this end, we normalize the input of a layer with user-specific mean and variance statistics. During training, these statistics are computed over user-specific batches. In the online phase, they are estimated incrementally for any new target user.Comment: Updated version of the preprint from 05/2020 after going through revision. The content (experiments, results, proposed method) has not changed. The explanations changed. Certain sentences have been added/removed/rephrased to be clearer. Removed Figure 3. Added Discussion section. Renamed "Description of Approach" Section. Added a reference to related wor

    SensiX: A Platform for Collaborative Machine Learning on the Edge

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    The emergence of multiple sensory devices on or near a human body is uncovering new dynamics of extreme edge computing. In this, a powerful and resource-rich edge device such as a smartphone or a Wi-Fi gateway is transformed into a personal edge, collaborating with multiple devices to offer remarkable sensory al eapplications, while harnessing the power of locality, availability, and proximity. Naturally, this transformation pushes us to rethink how to construct accurate, robust, and efficient sensory systems at personal edge. For instance, how do we build a reliable activity tracker with multiple on-body IMU-equipped devices? While the accuracy of sensing models is improving, their runtime performance still suffers, especially under this emerging multi-device, personal edge environments. Two prime caveats that impact their performance are device and data variabilities, contributed by several runtime factors, including device availability, data quality, and device placement. To this end, we present SensiX, a personal edge platform that stays between sensor data and sensing models, and ensures best-effort inference under any condition while coping with device and data variabilities without demanding model engineering. SensiX externalises model execution away from applications, and comprises of two essential functions, a translation operator for principled mapping of device-to-device data and a quality-aware selection operator to systematically choose the right execution path as a function of model accuracy. We report the design and implementation of SensiX and demonstrate its efficacy in developing motion and audio-based multi-device sensing systems. Our evaluation shows that SensiX offers a 7-13% increase in overall accuracy and up to 30% increase across different environment dynamics at the expense of 3mW power overhead.Comment: 14 pages, 13 firues, 2 table