21,035 research outputs found

    Wearable learning tools

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    In life people must learn whenever and wherever they experience something new. Until recently computing technology could not support such a notion, the constraints of size, power and cost kept computers under the classroom table, in the office or in the home. Recent advances in miniaturization have led to a growing field of research in ‘wearable’ computing. This paper looks at how such technologies can enhance computer‐mediated communications, with a focus upon collaborative working for learning. An experimental system, MetaPark, is discussed, which explores communications, data retrieval and recording, and navigation techniques within and across real and virtual environments. In order to realize the MetaPark concept, an underlying network architecture is described that supports the required communication model between static and mobile users. This infrastructure, the MUON framework, is offered as a solution to provide a seamless service that tracks user location, interfaces to contextual awareness agents, and provides transparent network service switching

    NEWSKY - A concept for NEtWorking the SKY for civil aeronautical communications

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    In this paper, an overview of the NEWSKY project is given. This project is funded by the European Commission within the 6th framework program and will start in January 2007. The NEWSKY project is a feasibility study to clarify if it is possible to establish a heterogeneous network for aeronautical communications which is capable to integrate different communications systems as well as different applications into a single global aeronautical network. The envisaged applications comprise not only air-traffic control and management but also airline and passenger communications

    An Orientation Service for Dependent People Based on an Open Service Architecture

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    This article describes a service architecture for ambient assisted liv ing and in particular an orientation navigation service in open places for persons with memory problems such as those patients suffering from Alzheimer’s in its early stages. The service has the following characteristics: one-day system autonomy; self-adjusting interfaces for simple interaction with patients, based on behavioural patterns to predict routes and destinations and to detect lost situations; easy browsing through simple spoken commands and use of photo graphs for reorientation, and independence of GISs (Geographic Information Systems) to reduce costs and increase accessibility. Initial testing results of the destination prediction algorithm are very positive. This system is integrated in a global e-health/e-care home service architecture platform (OSGi) that enables remote management of services and devices and seamless integration with other home service domains.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-0

    TIP spatial index: efficient access to digital libraries in a context-aware mobile system

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    We present a framework for efficient, uniform, location-based access to digital library collections that are external to a context-aware mobile information system. Using a tourist Information system, we utilize a spatial index to manage the context of location. We show how access to resources from within and outside of the tourist information system can be carried out in a seamless manner. We show how the spatial index can be navigated to continually provide information to the user. An empirical evaluation of the navigation strategy versus traditional spatial searching shows that navigation is efficient and outperforms traditional spatial search. In conclusion, our work provides a strategy for context-aware mobile systems to co-operate with digital libraries in a seamless and efficient manner