13 research outputs found

    Graph Neural Networks for Hardware Vulnerability Analysis -- Can you Trust your GNN?

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    The participation of third-party entities in the globalized semiconductor supply chain introduces potential security vulnerabilities, such as intellectual property piracy and hardware Trojan (HT) insertion. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been employed to address various hardware security threats, owing to their superior performance on graph-structured data, such as circuits. However, GNNs are also susceptible to attacks. This work examines the use of GNNs for detecting hardware threats like HTs and their vulnerability to attacks. We present BadGNN, a backdoor attack on GNNs that can hide HTs and evade detection with a 100% success rate through minor circuit perturbations. Our findings highlight the need for further investigation into the security and robustness of GNNs before they can be safely used in security-critical applications.Comment: Will be presented at 2023 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS

    Adversarial Camouflage for Node Injection Attack on Graphs

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    Node injection attacks against Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have received emerging attention as a practical attack scenario, where the attacker injects malicious nodes instead of modifying node features or edges to degrade the performance of GNNs. Despite the initial success of node injection attacks, we find that the injected nodes by existing methods are easy to be distinguished from the original normal nodes by defense methods and limiting their attack performance in practice. To solve the above issues, we devote to camouflage node injection attack, i.e., camouflaging injected malicious nodes (structure/attributes) as the normal ones that appear legitimate/imperceptible to defense methods. The non-Euclidean nature of graph data and the lack of human prior brings great challenges to the formalization, implementation, and evaluation of camouflage on graphs. In this paper, we first propose and formulate the camouflage of injected nodes from both the fidelity and diversity of the ego networks centered around injected nodes. Then, we design an adversarial CAmouflage framework for Node injection Attack, namely CANA, to improve the camouflage while ensuring the attack performance. Several novel indicators for graph camouflage are further designed for a comprehensive evaluation. Experimental results demonstrate that when equipping existing node injection attack methods with our proposed CANA framework, the attack performance against defense methods as well as node camouflage is significantly improved

    A semantic backdoor attack against Graph Convolutional Networks

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    Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been very effective in addressing the issue of various graph-structured related tasks, such as node classification and graph classification. However, recent research has shown that GCNs are vulnerable to a new type of threat called a backdoor attack, where the adversary can inject a hidden backdoor into GCNs so that the attacked model performs well on benign samples, but its prediction will be maliciously changed to the attacker-specified target label if the hidden backdoor is activated by the attacker-defined trigger. In this paper, we investigate whether such semantic backdoor attacks are possible for GCNs and propose a semantic backdoor attack against GCNs (SBAG) under the context of graph classification to reveal the existence of this security vulnerability in GCNs. SBAG uses a certain type of node in the samples as a backdoor trigger and injects a hidden backdoor into GCN models by poisoning training data. The backdoor will be activated, and the GCN models will give malicious classification results specified by the attacker even on unmodified samples as long as the samples contain enough trigger nodes. We evaluate SBAG on four graph datasets. The experimental results indicate that SBAG can achieve attack success rates of approximately 99.9% and over 82% for two kinds of attack samples, respectively, with poisoning rates of less than 5%

    SAILOR: Structural Augmentation Based Tail Node Representation Learning

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in representation learning for graphs recently. However, the effectiveness of GNNs, which capitalize on the key operation of message propagation, highly depends on the quality of the topology structure. Most of the graphs in real-world scenarios follow a long-tailed distribution on their node degrees, that is, a vast majority of the nodes in the graph are tail nodes with only a few connected edges. GNNs produce inferior node representations for tail nodes since they lack structural information. In the pursuit of promoting the expressiveness of GNNs for tail nodes, we explore how the deficiency of structural information deteriorates the performance of tail nodes and propose a general Structural Augmentation based taIL nOde Representation learning framework, dubbed as SAILOR, which can jointly learn to augment the graph structure and extract more informative representations for tail nodes. Extensive experiments on public benchmark datasets demonstrate that SAILOR can significantly improve the tail node representations and outperform the state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted by CIKM 2023; Code is available at https://github.com/Jie-Re/SAILO

    Projective Ranking-based GNN Evasion Attacks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) offer promising learning methods for graph-related tasks. However, GNNs are at risk of adversarial attacks. Two primary limitations of the current evasion attack methods are highlighted: (1) The current GradArgmax ignores the "long-term" benefit of the perturbation. It is faced with zero-gradient and invalid benefit estimates in certain situations. (2) In the reinforcement learning-based attack methods, the learned attack strategies might not be transferable when the attack budget changes. To this end, we first formulate the perturbation space and propose an evaluation framework and the projective ranking method. We aim to learn a powerful attack strategy then adapt it as little as possible to generate adversarial samples under dynamic budget settings. In our method, based on mutual information, we rank and assess the attack benefits of each perturbation for an effective attack strategy. By projecting the strategy, our method dramatically minimizes the cost of learning a new attack strategy when the attack budget changes. In the comparative assessment with GradArgmax and RL-S2V, the results show our method owns high attack performance and effective transferability. The visualization of our method also reveals various attack patterns in the generation of adversarial samples.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin