50,423 research outputs found

    Target Contrastive Pessimistic Discriminant Analysis

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    Domain-adaptive classifiers learn from a source domain and aim to generalize to a target domain. If the classifier's assumptions on the relationship between domains (e.g. covariate shift) are valid, then it will usually outperform a non-adaptive source classifier. Unfortunately, it can perform substantially worse when its assumptions are invalid. Validating these assumptions requires labeled target samples, which are usually not available. We argue that, in order to make domain-adaptive classifiers more practical, it is necessary to focus on robust methods; robust in the sense that the model still achieves a particular level of performance without making strong assumptions on the relationship between domains. With this objective in mind, we formulate a conservative parameter estimator that only deviates from the source classifier when a lower or equal risk is guaranteed for all possible labellings of the given target samples. We derive the corresponding estimator for a discriminant analysis model, and show that its risk is actually strictly smaller than that of the source classifier. Experiments indicate that our classifier outperforms state-of-the-art classifiers for geographically biased samples.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0808

    Asymptotic Normality of Support Vector Machine Variants and Other Regularized Kernel Methods

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    In nonparametric classification and regression problems, regularized kernel methods, in particular support vector machines, attract much attention in theoretical and in applied statistics. In an abstract sense, regularized kernel methods (simply called SVMs here) can be seen as regularized M-estimators for a parameter in a (typically infinite dimensional) reproducing kernel Hilbert space. For smooth loss functions, it is shown that the difference between the estimator, i.e.\ the empirical SVM, and the theoretical SVM is asymptotically normal with rate n\sqrt{n}. That is, the standardized difference converges weakly to a Gaussian process in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. As common in real applications, the choice of the regularization parameter may depend on the data. The proof is done by an application of the functional delta-method and by showing that the SVM-functional is suitably Hadamard-differentiable

    Domain Generalization by Marginal Transfer Learning

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    In the problem of domain generalization (DG), there are labeled training data sets from several related prediction problems, and the goal is to make accurate predictions on future unlabeled data sets that are not known to the learner. This problem arises in several applications where data distributions fluctuate because of environmental, technical, or other sources of variation. We introduce a formal framework for DG, and argue that it can be viewed as a kind of supervised learning problem by augmenting the original feature space with the marginal distribution of feature vectors. While our framework has several connections to conventional analysis of supervised learning algorithms, several unique aspects of DG require new methods of analysis. This work lays the learning theoretic foundations of domain generalization, building on our earlier conference paper where the problem of DG was introduced Blanchard et al., 2011. We present two formal models of data generation, corresponding notions of risk, and distribution-free generalization error analysis. By focusing our attention on kernel methods, we also provide more quantitative results and a universally consistent algorithm. An efficient implementation is provided for this algorithm, which is experimentally compared to a pooling strategy on one synthetic and three real-world data sets
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