237 research outputs found

    Discrete Event Simulations

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    Considered by many authors as a technique for modelling stochastic, dynamic and discretely evolving systems, this technique has gained widespread acceptance among the practitioners who want to represent and improve complex systems. Since DES is a technique applied in incredibly different areas, this book reflects many different points of view about DES, thus, all authors describe how it is understood and applied within their context of work, providing an extensive understanding of what DES is. It can be said that the name of the book itself reflects the plurality that these points of view represent. The book embraces a number of topics covering theory, methods and applications to a wide range of sectors and problem areas that have been categorised into five groups. As well as the previously explained variety of points of view concerning DES, there is one additional thing to remark about this book: its richness when talking about actual data or actual data based analysis. When most academic areas are lacking application cases, roughly the half part of the chapters included in this book deal with actual problems or at least are based on actual data. Thus, the editor firmly believes that this book will be interesting for both beginners and practitioners in the area of DES

    Safety‐oriented discrete event model for airport A‐SMGCS reliability assessment

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    A detailed analysis of State of the Art Technologies and Procedures into Airport Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems has been provided in this thesis, together with the review ofStatistical Monte Carlo Analysis, Reliability Assessment and Petri Nets theories. This practical and theoretical background has lead the author to the conclusion that there is a lack of linkage in between these fields. At the same of time the rapid increasing of Air Traffic all over the world, has brought in evidence the urgent need of practical instruments able to identify and quantify the risks connected with Aircraft operations on the ground, since the Airport has shown to be the actual ‘bottle neck’ of the entire Air Transport System. Therefore, the only winning approach to such a critical matter has to be multi-disciplinary, sewing together apparently different subjects, coming from the most disparate areas of interest and trying to fulfil the gap. The result of this thesis work has come to a start towards the end, when a Timed Coloured Petri Net (TCPN) model of a ‘sample’ Airport A-SMGCS has been developed, that is capable of taking into account different orders of questions arisen during these recent years and tries to give them some good answers. The A-SMGCS Airport model is, in the end, a parametric tool relying on Discrete Event System theory, able to perform a Reliability Analysis of the system itself, that: • uses a Monte Carlo Analysis applied to a Timed Coloured Petri Net, whose purpose is to evaluate the Safety Level of Surface Movements along an Airport • lets the user to analyse the impact of Procedures and Reliability Indexes of Systems such as Surface Movement Radars, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, Airport Lighting Systems, Microwave Sensors, and so on… onto the Safety Level of Airport Aircraft Transport System • not only is a valid instrument in the Design Phase, but it is useful also into the Certifying Activities an in monitoring the Safety Level of the above mentioned System with respect to changes to Technologies and different Procedures.This TCPN model has been verified against qualitative engineering expectations by using simulation experiments and occupancy time schedules generated a priori. Simulation times are good, and since the model has been written into Simulink/Stateflow programming language, it can be compiled to run real-time in C language (Real-time workshop and Stateflow Coder), thus relying on portable code, able to run virtually on any platform, giving even better performances in terms of execution time. One of the most interesting applications of this work is the estimate, for an Airport, of the kind of A-SMGCS level of implementation needed (Technical/Economical convenience evaluation). As a matter of fact, starting from the Traffic Volume and choosing the kind of Ground Equipment to be installed, one can make predictions about the Safety Level of the System: if the value is compliant with the TLS required by ICAO, the A-SMGCS level of Implementation is sufficiently adequate. Nevertheless, even if the Level of Safety has been satisfied, some delays due to reduced or simplified performances (even if Safety is compliant) of some of the equipment (e.g. with reference to False Alarm Rates) can lead to previously unexpected economical consequences, thus requiring more accurate systems to be installed, in order to meet also Airport economical constraints. Work in progress includes the analysis of the effect of weather conditions and re-sequencing of a given schedule. The effect of re-sequencing a given schedule is not yet enough realistic since the model does not apply inter arrival and departure separations. However, the model might show some effect on different sequences based on runway occupancy times. A further developed model containing wake turbulence separation conditions would be more sensitive for this case. Hence, further work will be directed towards: • The development of On-Line Re-Scheduling based on the available actual runway/taxiway configuration and weather conditions. • The Engineering Safety Assessment of some small Italian Airport A-SMGCSs (Model validation with real data). • The application of Stochastic Differential Equations systems in order to evaluate the collision risk on the ground inside the Place alone on the Petri Net, in the event of a Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), by adopting Reich Collision Risk Model. • Optimal Air Traffic Control Algorithms Synthesis (Adaptive look-ahead Optimization), by Dynamically Timed Coloured Petri Nets, together with the implementation of Error-Recovery Strategies and Diagnosis Functions

    Investigating the readability of formal specification languages

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-92).by Marc Kenton Zimmerman.S.M

    Petri net based development of globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous distributed embedded systems

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresA model-based development approach (MBDA) for Globally-Asynchronous Locally- Synchronous (GALS) Distributed Embedded Systems (DESs) is proposed. This approach relies on the GALS-DESs specification through (low- or high-level) Petri net classes, which ensure that the created models are GALS, locally deterministic, distributable, networkindependent, and platform-independent and support their simulation, verification, and implementation (using simulation, model-checking, and code generation tools). The use of network- and platform-independent models enable the use of heterogeneous communication networks to support the distributed components interaction and enable the use of heterogeneous platforms to support the components and the communication nodes implementation. To enable the proposed MBDA, Petri nets are extended with a set of the concepts, most notably time-domains and asynchronous-channels. Algorithms to support the verification of GALS-DES models and their decomposition into implementable sub-models are also proposed. A tool chain framework (IOPT-tools) was extended with this work proposals, supporting their validation and the GALS-DESs development.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - grant ref. SFRH/BD/62171/200

    Identifying mode confusion potential in software design

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-54).by Mario A. Rodríguez.S.M

    Timing Architecture for ESS

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 5023V01[Resumo] O sistema de temporización é unha compoñente fundamental para o control e sincronización de instalacións industriais e científicas, coma aceleradores de partículas. Nesta tese traballamos na especificación e desenvolvemento do sistema de temporización para a European Spallation Source (ESS), a maior fonte de neutróns actualmente en construción. Abordamos este tra­ ballo a dous niveis: a especificación do sistema de temporización, e a imple­ mentación física de sistemas de control empregando circuítos reconfigurables. Con respecto á especificación do sistema de temporización, deseñamos e implementamos a configuración do protocolo de temporización para cumprir cos requirimentos do ESS e ideamos un modo de operación e unha aplicación para a configuración e control do sistema de temporización. Tamén presentamos unha ferramenta e unha metodoloxía para imple­ mentar sistemas de control empregando FPGAs, coma os nodos do sistema de temporización. ámbalas <lúas están baseadas en statecharts, unha repre­ sentación gráfica de sistemas que expande o concepto de máquinas de estados finitos, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en múltiples localizacións minimizando a posibilidade de erros. A ferramenta crea automaticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir do statechart do sistema. A metodoloxía explica o procedemento para implementar o state­ chart como unha arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Resumen] El sistema de temporización es un componente fundamental para el control y sincronización de instalaciones industriales y científicas, como aceleradores e partículas. En esta tesis trabajamos en la especificación y desarrollo el sistema de temporización para la European Spallation Source (ESS), la mayor fuente de neutrones actualmente en construcción. Abordamos este trabajo en dos niveles: la especificación del sistema de temporización, y la mplementación física de sistemas de control empleando circuitos reconfig­ rables. Con respecto a la especificación del sistema de temporización, diseñamos e implementamos la configuración del protocolo de temporización para cumplir on los requisitos de ESS e ideamos un modo de operación y una aplicación ara la configuración y control del sistema de temporización. También presentamos una herramienta y una metodología para imple­ entar sistemas de control empleando FPGAs, como los nodos del sistema e temporización. Ambas están basadas en statecharts) una representación gráfica de sistemas que expande el concepto de máquinas de estados fini­ os, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en últiples localizaciones minimizando la posibilidad de errores. La her­ramienta crea automáticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir del state­chart del sistema. La metodología explica el procedimiento para implemen­tar el statechart como una arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Abstract] The timing system is a key component for the control and synchronization of industrial and scientific facilities, such as particle accelerators. In this thesis we tackle the specification and development of the timing system for the European Spallation Source (ESS), the largest neutron source currently in construction. We approach this work at two levels: the specification of the timing system and the physical implementation of control systems using reconfigurable hardware. Regarding the specification of the timing system, we designed and imple­ mented the configuration of the timing protocol to fulfil the requirements of ESS and devised an operation mode andan application for the configuration and control of the timing system. We also present one too! and one methodology to implement control systems using FPGAs, such as the nodes of the timing system. Both are based on statecharts, a graphical representation of systems that expand the concepts of Finite State Machines, targeted at systems that need to be re­ configured quickly in multiple locations minimizing the chance of errors. The too! automatically creates synthesizable VHDL code from a statechart of the system. The methodology explains the procedure to implement the statechart as a microprogrammed architecture in FPGAs

    Foundations of Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This open access book coherently gathers well-founded information on the fundamentals of and formalisms for modelling cyber-physical systems (CPS). Highlighting the cross-disciplinary nature of CPS modelling, it also serves as a bridge for anyone entering CPS from related areas of computer science or engineering. Truly complex, engineered systems—known as cyber-physical systems—that integrate physical, software, and network aspects are now on the rise. However, there is no unifying theory nor systematic design methods, techniques or tools for these systems. Individual (mechanical, electrical, network or software) engineering disciplines only offer partial solutions. A technique known as Multi-Paradigm Modelling has recently emerged suggesting to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s), and then weaving the results together to form a representation of the system. If properly applied, it enables, among other global aspects, performance analysis, exhaustive simulation, and verification. This book is the first systematic attempt to bring together these formalisms for anyone starting in the field of CPS who seeks solid modelling foundations and a comprehensive introduction to the distinct existing techniques that are multi-paradigmatic. Though chiefly intended for master and post-graduate level students in computer science and engineering, it can also be used as a reference text for practitioners

    Dash: Declarative Behavioural Modelling in Alloy

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    An abstract model is a representation of the fundamental characteristics and properties of a system, and its purpose is to provide feedback to stakeholders about the correctness of the system during the early stages of development. This thesis presents Dash, a new language for the formal specification of abstract behavioural models, which combines the control-oriented constructs of statecharts with the declarative modelling of Alloy. From statecharts, Dash inherits a means to specify hierarchy, concurrency, and communication, three useful aspects to describe the behaviour of reactive systems. From Alloy, Dash uses the expressiveness of relational logic and set theory to abstractly and declaratively describe structures, data, and operations. The purpose of a Dash model is to formally describe a transition system, and for this reason transitions are first-class constructs of the language. Dash provides features such as factoring, transition comprehension, and layering, to systematically declare and organise the transitions of a model. The integration between statecharts and Alloy is done in Dash at the semantic level. The semantics of Dash use the notion of big steps and small steps to formally describe changes in a system, and address the mismatch between declarative and control-oriented formalisms regarding the frame problem. This thesis presents several case studies to demonstrate the modelling capabilities and automated analysis of Dash models. The case studies range from heavily data-oriented systems to highly hierarchical and concurrent systems. Behaviours can be specified using a temporal logic and the Alloy Analyzer is used for performing analyses. We extended the notion of significance axioms and significant scopes to concurrent Dash models, to avoid spurious instances of a model and ensure that a big enough search space is explored by the Analyzer to check for interesting behaviours and provide useful feedback about a model

    Towards the Correctness of Software Behavior in UML: A Model Checking Approach Based on Slicing

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    Embedded systems are systems which have ongoing interactions with their environments, accepting requests and producing responses. Such systems are increasingly used in applications where failure is unacceptable: traffic control systems, avionics, automobiles, etc. Correct and highly dependable construction of such systems is particularly important and challenging. A very promising and increasingly attractive method for achieving this goal is using the approach of formal verification. A formal verification method consists of three major components: a model for describing the behavior of the system, a specification language to embody correctness requirements, and an analysis method to verify the behavior against the correctness requirements. This Ph.D. addresses the correctness of the behavioral design of embedded systems, using model checking as the verification technology. More precisely, we present an UML-based verification method that checks whether the conditions on the evolution of the embedded system are met by the model. Unfortunately, model checking is limited to medium size systems because of its high space requirements. To overcome this problem, this Ph.D. suggests the integration of the slicing (reduction) technique