4 research outputs found

    A subjective evaluation of texture synthesis methods

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    This paper presents the results of a user study which quantifies the relative and absolute quality of example-based texture synthesis algorithms. In order to allow such evaluation, a list of texture properties is compiled, and a minimal representative set of textures is selected to cover these. Six texture synthesis methods are compared against each other and a reference on a selection of twelve textures by non-expert participants (N = 67). Results demonstrate certain algorithms successfully solve the problem of texture synthesis for certain textures, but there are no satisfactory results for other types of texture properties. The presented textures and results make it possible for future work to be subjectively compared, thus facilitating the development of future texture synthesis methods

    High quality texture synthesis

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    Texture synthesis is a core process in Computer Graphics and design. It is used extensively in a wide range of applications, including computer games, virtual environments, manufacturing, and rendering. This thesis investigates a novel approach to texture synthesis in order to significantly improve speed, memory requirements, and quality. An analysis of texture properties is created, to enable the gathering a representative dataset, and a qualitative evaluation of texture synthesis algorithms. A new algorithm to make non-repeating texture synthesis on-the-fly possible is developed, tested, and evaluated. This parallel patch-based method allows repeatable sampling without cache, without creating visually noticeable repetitions, as confirmed by a perceptive objective study on quality. In order to quantify the quality of existing algorithms and to facilitate further development in the field, desired texture properties are classified and analysed, and a minimal set of textures is created according to these properties to allow subjective evaluation of texture synthesis algorithms. This dataset is then used in a user study which evaluates the quality of texture synthesis algorithms. For the first time in the field of texture synthesis, statistically significant findings quantify the quality of selected repeatable algorithms, and make it possible to evaluate new improved methods. Finally, in an effort to make these findings applicable in the British tile manufacturing industry, the developed texture synthesis technology is made available to Johnson Tiles

    Identificação de Características e Propriedades Morfológicas em Texturas Táteis: Estudo sobre Gráficos Educativos e Cartografias para Crianças com Deficiência Visual

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    RESUMO: Este artigo explora as texturas táteis que têm sido utilizadas na confecção de mapas e imagens temáticas para crianças com deficiência visual no Chile nos últimos 20 anos. De um grupo representativo composto por mais de 300 lâminas de conteúdo educacional inclusivo, foram selecionadas 14 texturas para identificar sua natureza, propriedades psicofísicas e características morfológicas a partir de sua composição geométrica. O objetivo foi gerar as bases teóricas e tecnológicas relacionadas ao design e à produção digital de mapas, imagens e gráficos táteis. O trabalho buscou tipificar as formas de relevo e suas possíveis aplicações pelo uso de padrões de repetição que permitam melhorar a linguagem e o reconhecimento das texturas envolvidas com o intuito de expandir e diversificar seu uso em material educativo inclusivo no ensino e na disseminação do conhecimento por meio do toque