17 research outputs found

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 390)

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    This bibliography lists 102 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System. Subject coverage includes: life sciences (general), aerospace medicine, behavioral sciences, man/system technology and life support, and space biology

    Wrist-based Phonocardiogram Diagnosis Leveraging Machine Learning

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    With the tremendous growth of technology and the fast pace of life, the need for instant information has become an everyday necessity, more so in emergency cases when every minute counts towards saving lives. mHealth has been the adopted approach for quick diagnosis using mobile devices. However, it has been challenging due to the required high quality of data, high computation load, and high-power consumption. The aim of this research is to diagnose the heart condition based on phonocardiogram (PCG) analysis using Machine Learning techniques assuming limited processing power, in order to be encapsulated later in a mobile device. The diagnosis of PCG is performed using two techniques; 1. parametric estimation with multivariate classification, particularly discriminant function. Which will be explored at length using different number of descriptive features. The feature extraction will be performed using Wavelet Transform (Filter Bank). 2. Artificial Neural Networks, and specifically Pattern Recognition. This will also use decomposed version of PCG using Wavelet Transform (Filter Bank). The results showed 97.33% successful diagnosis using the first technique using PCG with a 19 dB Signal-to-Noise-Ratio. When the signal was decomposed into four sub-bands using a Filter Bank of the second order. Each sub-band was described using two features; the signal’s mean and covariance. Additionally, different Filter Bank orders and number of features are explored and compared. Using the second technique the diagnosis resulted in a 100% successful classification with 83.3% trust level. The results are assessed, and new improvements are recommended and discussed as part of future work.Teknologian valtavan kehittymisen ja nopean elämänrytmin myötä välittömästi saatu tieto on noussut jokapäiväiseksi välttämättömyydeksi, erityisesti hätätapauksissa, joissa jokainen säästetty minuutti on tärkeää ihmishenkien pelastamiseksi. Mobiiliterveys, eli mHealth, on yleisesti valjastettu käyttöön nopeaksi diagnoosimenetelmäksi mobiililaitteiden avulla. Käyttö on kuitenkin ollut haastavaa korkean datan laatuvaatimuksen ja suurten tiedonkäsittelyvaatimuksien, nopean laskentatehon ja sekä suuren virrankulutuksen vuoksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli diagnosoida sydänsairauksia fonokardiogrammianalyysin (PCG) perusteella käyttämällä koneoppimistekniikoita niin, että käytettävä laskentateho rajoitetaan vastaamaan mobiililaitteiden kapasiteettia. PCG-diagnoosi tehtiin käyttäen kahta tekniikkaa 1. Parametrinen estimointi käyttäen moniulotteista luokitusta, erityisesti signaalien erotteluanalyysin avulla. Tätä asiaa tutkittiin syvällisesti käyttäen erilaisia tilastotieteellisesti kuvailevia piirteitä. Piirteiden irrotus suoritettiin käyttäen Wavelet-muunnosta ja suodatinpankkia. 2. Keinotekoisia neuroverkkoja ja erityisesti hahmontunnistusta. Tässä menetelmässä käytetään myös PCG-signaalin hajoitusta ja Wavelet-muunnos -suodatinpankkia. Tulokset osoittivat, että PCG 19dB:n signaali-kohina-suhteella voi johtaa 97,33% onnistuneeseen diagnoosiin käytettäessä ensimmäistä tekniikkaa. Signaalin hajottaminen neljään alikaistaan suoritettiin käyttämällä toisen asteen suodatinpankkia. Jokainen alikaista kuvattiin käyttäen kahta piirrettä: signaalin keskiarvoa ja kovarianssia, näin saatiin yhteensä kahdeksan ominaisuutta kuvaamaan noin yhden minuutin näytettä PCG-signaalista. Lisäksi tutkittiin ja verrattiin eriasteisia suodattimia ja piirteitä. Toista tekniikkaa käyttäen diagnoosi johti 100% onnistuneeseen luokitteluun 83,3% luotettavuustasolla. Tuloksia käsitellään ja pohditaan, sekä tehdään niistä johtopäätöksiä. Lopuksi ehdotetaan ja suositellaan käytettyihin menetelmiin uusia parannuksia jatkotutkimuskohteiksi.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 277)

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    This bibliography lists 467 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in Mar. 1992. Subject coverage includes: the engineering and theoretical aspects of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (including aircraft engines); and associated aircraft components, equipment, and systems. It also includes research and development in ground support systems, theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics, and general fluid dynamics

    The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation

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    This book presents some of the latest available information on automated ECG analysis written by many of the leading researchers in the field. It contains a historical introduction, an outline of the latest international standards for signal processing and communications and then an exciting variety of studies on electrophysiological modelling, ECG Imaging, artificial intelligence applied to resting and ambulatory ECGs, body surface mapping, big data in ECG based prediction, enhanced reliability of patient monitoring, and atrial abnormalities on the ECG. It provides an extremely valuable contribution to the field

    New approaches for EEG signal processing: artifact EOG removal by ICA-RLS scheme and tracks extraction method

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    Localizing the bioelectric phenomena originating from the cerebral cortex and evoked by auditory and somatosensory stimuli are clear objectives to both understand how the brain works and to recognize different pathologies. Diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and epilepsy are intensively studied to find a cure or accurate diagnosis. Epilepsy is considered the disease with major prevalence within disorders with neurological origin. The recurrent and sudden incidence of seizures can lead to dangerous and possibly life-threatening situations. Since disturbance of consciousness and sudden loss of motor control often occur without any warning, the ability to predict epileptic seizures would reduce patients’ anxiety, thus considerably improving quality of life and safety. The common procedure for epilepsy seizure detection is based on brain activity monitorization via electroencephalogram (EEG) data. This process consumes a lot of time, especially in the case of long recordings, but the major problem is the subjective nature of the analysis among specialists when analyzing the same record. From this perspective, the identification of hidden dynamical patterns is necessary because they could provide insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms that occur in the brain. Time-frequency distributions (TFDs) and adaptive methods have demonstrated to be good alternatives in designing systems for detecting neurodegenerative diseases. TFDs are appropriate transformations because they offer the possibility of analyzing relatively long continuous segments of EEG data even when the dynamics of the signal are rapidly changing. On the other hand, most of the detection methods proposed in the literature assume a clean EEG signal free of artifacts or noise, leaving the preprocessing problem opened to any denoising algorithm. In this thesis we have developed two proposals for EEG signal processing: the first approach consists in electrooculogram (EOG) removal method based on a combination of ICA and RLS algorithms which automatically cancels the artifacts produced by eyes movement without the use of external “ad hoc” electrode. This method, called ICA-RLS has been compared with other techniques that are in the state of the art and has shown to be a good alternative for artifacts rejection. The second approach is a novel method in EEG features extraction called tracks extraction (LFE features). This method is based on the TFDs and partial tracking. Our results in pattern extractions related to epileptic seizures have shown that tracks extraction is appropriate in EEG detection and classification tasks, being practical, easily applicable in medical environment and has acceptable computational cost

    Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing

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    Window functions—otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions—are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing. Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture rada

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 396)

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in the Supplements 385 through 395 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography. It includes seven indexes: subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract number, report number, and accession number

    Algorithms and procedures to analyze physiological signals in psychophysiological research

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    This dissertation presents analytical techniques which allow more information to be derived from psychophysiological data than possible with traditional methods. The techniques include an implemented algorithm for chest strain-gauge respiration signal analysis and a permutation testing method for evaluating changes over time in physiological signals. These methods are applied to three data sets, each examining physiological correlates of emotional experience. In the first study physiological correlates of moods induced using music were identified, although respiration entrainment confounds the issue of whether mood or the music caused the observed patterns. The second study examined physiological responses while subjects watched an emotion-inducing movie under three emotion-regulation conditions; changes relating both to the movie scenes and condition were identified. Finally, the third study evaluated short term changes in heart rate while viewing words in terms of the type of word viewed and later word recall

    The Psychophysiology of Risk Processing and Decision Making at a Regional Stock Exchange

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    PhD thesisA longstanding controversy in philosophy is whether decision-making isgoverned by reason or emotion. I study the role of physiologicalresponses in the decision-making process within the realm of financialmarkets, where both the environment and decisions---trades---aremeasurable.In an experiment performed on a regional stock exchange, mycollaborators and I record six different types of physiologicalsignals---skin conductance/galvanic skin response (SCR/GSR), bloodvolume pulse (BVP), electrocardiogram (ECG),electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), andtemperature (Temp)---of monetarily motivated professionals making highpressure decisions. From these signals I estimate underlyingphysiological features, such as heart rate,changes in body temperature, and amplitude of SCR, which are proxy foraffect. Simultaneously, we record real-time market information whichthe specialists process and which serves as the basis for theirdecisions, as well as recording their decisions and outcomes.In a sample of eight market-makers, I find statistically significantdifferences in mean skin conductance response and cardiovascularvariables during transient market events relative to no-market-eventcontrol intervals. In addition, I find a strong relationship betweentrading decisions and physiological responses. Using regression, Idemonstrate that heart rate variability can statisticallysignificantly improve predictions of trading decisions, although notby much

    Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing

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    Window functions—otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions—are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing. Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture rada