10 research outputs found

    Leveraging Market Research Techniques in IS – A Review of Conjoint Analysis in IS Research

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    With the increasing importance of mass-market information systems (IS), understanding individual user preferences for IS design and adoption is essential. However, this has been a challenging task due to the complexity of balancing functional, non-functional, and economic requirements. Conjoint analysis (CA), a marketing research technique, estimates user preferences by measuring tradeoffs between products attributes. Although the number of studies applying CA in IS has increased in the past years, we still lack fundamental discussion on its use in our discipline. We review the existing CA studies in IS with regard to the application areas and methodological choices along the CA procedure. Based on this review, we develop a reference framework for application areas in IS that serves as foundation for future studies. We argue that CA can be leveraged in requirements management, business model design, and systems evaluation. As future research opportunities, we see domain-specific adaptations e.g., user preference models

    Leveraging Market Research Techniques in IS: A Review and Framework of Conjoint Analysis Studies in the IS Discipline

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    With cloud and mobile computing, information systems (IS) have evolved towards mass-market services. While IS success requires user involvement, the IS discipline lacks methods that allow organizations to integrate the “voice of the customer” into mass-market services with individual and dispersed users. Conjoint analysis (CA), from marketing research, provides insights into user preferences and measures user trade-offs for multiple product features simultaneously. While CA has gained popularity in the IS domain, existing studies have mostly been one-time efforts, which has resulted in little knowledge accumulation about CA’s applications in IS. We argue that CA could have a significant impact on IS research (and practice) if this method was further developed and adopted for IS application areas. From reviewing 70 CA studies published between 1999 and 2019 in the IS discipline, we found that CA supports in initially conceptualizing, iteratively designing, and evaluating IS and their business models. We critically assess the methodological choices along the CA procedure to provide recommendations and guidance on “how” to leverage CA techniques in future IS research. We then synthesize our findings into a framework for conjoint analysis studies in IS that outlines “where” researchers and practitioners can apply CA along the IS lifecycle

    A Conjoint Approach to Understanding IT Application Services Outsourcing

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    The sourcing of application development is becoming increasingly complex. While much prior work has investigated sourcing in a homogeneous marketplace, sourcing choices have increased in complexity, with a myriad of choices ranging from insourcing to domestic outsourcing to engaging Application Service Providers (ASP) to offshoring . In this study, based upon four organizational theories (Transaction Cost, Resource-Based View, Resource-Dependence View, and the Knowledge-Based View of the Firm), we suggest 10 attributes that firms consider when deciding upon outsourcing of applications. We tested the attributes’ strength by performing conjoint analysis on data collected from 84 IS executives. We constructed profiles, which are combinations of attributes having different levels. Each executive responded to 18 such distinct profiles and selected corresponding outsourcing choices. Our results found that the three most significant drivers of an IT application service choice were cost, risk, and vendor capability. However, the importance of these drivers varied across the different sourcing options. Based upon this, we offer implications for decision-makers and researchers, along with directions for future research

    Cloud Computing Adoption: A Literature Review on What Is New and What We Still Need to Address

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    Research on cloud computing (CC) recently emerged congruently with the technology’s importance for organizations at a fast pace. This makes it difficult for practitioners to obtain a consolidated overview of what determines CC adoption based on the numerous papers in this regard. Moreover, for further research in the field to add value, it is necessary to identify what still needs to be addressed. In this vein, we conducted a descriptive review of 39 papers, integrating the results of a previous review on 23 papers from 2014, to compare findings across studies. We identify 44 determinant factors that exhibit consistent directional influence on the dependent meta-variable “CC adoption”, extending previous literature reviews with regard to asset, client, and environmental characteristics. We then critically reviewed the research landscape to identify what is there, and what is not yet covered: Future research should specifically regard the adoption of Infrastructure-, Platform-, and Everything-as-a-Service, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud deployment, investigate vendor, solution, and individual characteristics, analyzing information systems, or the decision-maker

    Factors That Influence Application Migration To Cloud Computing In Government Organizations: A Conjoint Approach

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    Cloud computing is becoming a viable option for Chief Information Officers (CIO’s) and business stakeholders to consider in today’s information technology (IT) environment, characterized by shrinking budgets and dynamic changes in the technology landscape. The objective of this study is to help Federal Government decision makers appropriately decide on the suitability of applications for migration to cloud computing. I draw from four theoretical perspectives: transaction cost theory, resource-based theory, agency theory and dynamic capabilities theory and use a conjoint analysis approach to understand stakeholder attitudes, opinions and behaviors in their decision to migrate applications to cloud computing. Based on a survey of 81 government cloud computing stakeholders, this research examined the relative importance of thirteen factors that organizations consider when migrating applications to cloud computing. Our results suggest that trust in the cloud computing vendor is the most significant factor, followed by the relative cost advantage, sensing capabilities and application complexity. A total of twelve follow-up interviews were conducted to provide explanation of our results. The contributions of the dissertation are twofold: 1) it provides novel insights into the relative importance of factors that influence government organizations’ decision to migrate applications to cloud computing, and 2) it assists senior government decision makers to appropriately weigh and prioritize the factors that are critical in application migration to cloud computing


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    With cloud and mobile computing, a new category of software products emerges as mass-market information systems (IS) that addresses distributed and heterogeneous end-users. Understanding user requirements and the factors that drive user adoption are crucial for successful design of such systems. IS research has suggested several theories and models to explain user adoption and intentions to use, among them the IS Success Model and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Although these approaches contribute to theoretical understanding of the adoption and use of IS in mass-markets, they are criticized for not being able to drive actionable insights on IS design as they consider the IT artifact as a black-box (i.e., they do not sufficiently address the system internal characteristics). We argue that IS needs to embrace market research techniques to understand and empirically assess user preferences and perceptions in order to integrate the "voice of the customer" in a mass-market scenario. More specifically, conjoint analysis (CA), from market research, can add user preference measurements for designing high-utility IS. CA has gained popularity in IS research, however little guidance is provided for its application in the domain. We aim at supporting the design of mass-market IS by establishing a reliable understanding of consumer’s preferences for multiple factors combing functional, non-functional and economic aspects. The results include a “Framework for Conjoint Analysis Studies in IS” and methodological guidance for applying CA. We apply our findings to the privacy-aware design of mass-market IS and evaluate their implications on user adoption. We contribute to both academia and practice. For academia, we contribute to a more nuanced conceptualization of the IT artifact (i.e., system) through a feature-oriented lens and a preference-based approach. We provide methodological guidelines that support researchers in studying user perceptions and preferences for design variations and extending that to adoption. Moreover, the empirical studies for privacy- aware design contribute to a better understanding of the domain specific applications of CA for IS design and evaluation with a nuanced assessment of user preferences for privacy-preserving features. For practice, we propose guidelines for integrating the voice of the customer for successful IS design. -- Les technologies cloud et mobiles ont fait émerger une nouvelle catégorie de produits informatiques qui s’adressent à des utilisateurs hétérogènes par le biais de systèmes d'information (SI) distribués. Les termes “SI de masse” sont employés pour désigner ces nouveaux systèmes. Une conception réussie de ceux-ci passe par une phase essentielle de compréhension des besoins et des facteurs d'adoption des utilisateurs. Pour ce faire, la recherche en SI suggère plusieurs théories et modèles tels que le “IS Success Model” et le “Technology Acceptance Model”. Bien que ces approches contribuent à la compréhension théorique de l'adoption et de l'utilisation des SI de masse, elles sont critiquées pour ne pas être en mesure de fournir des informations exploitables sur la conception de SI car elles considèrent l'artefact informatique comme une boîte noire. En d’autres termes, ces approches ne traitent pas suffisamment des caractéristiques internes du système. Nous soutenons que la recherche en SI doit adopter des techniques d'étude de marché afin de mieux intégrer les exigences du client (“Voice of Customer”) dans un scénario de marché de masse. Plus précisément, l'analyse conjointe (AC), issue de la recherche sur les consommateurs, peut contribuer au développement de système SI à forte valeur d'usage. Si l’AC a gagné en popularité au sein de la recherche en SI, des recommandations quant à son utilisation dans ce domaine restent rares. Nous entendons soutenir la conception de SI de masse en facilitant une identification fiable des préférences des consommateurs sur de multiples facteurs combinant des aspects fonctionnels, non-fonctionnels et économiques. Les résultats comprennent un “Cadre de référence pour les études d'analyse conjointe en SI” et des recommandations méthodologiques pour l'application de l’AC. Nous avons utilisé ces contributions pour concevoir un SI de masse particulièrement sensible au respect de la vie privée des utilisateurs et nous avons évalué l’impact de nos recherches sur l'adoption de ce système par ses utilisateurs. Ainsi, notre travail contribue tant à la théorie qu’à la pratique des SI. Pour le monde universitaire, nous contribuons en proposant une conceptualisation plus nuancée de l'artefact informatique (c'est-à-dire du système) à travers le prisme des fonctionnalités et par une approche basée sur les préférences utilisateurs. Par ailleurs, les chercheurs peuvent également s'appuyer sur nos directives méthodologiques pour étudier les perceptions et les préférences des utilisateurs pour différentes variations de conception et étendre cela à l'adoption. De plus, nos études empiriques sur la conception d’un SI de masse sensible au respect de la vie privée des utilisateurs contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l’application des techniques CA dans ce domaine spécifique. Nos études incluent notamment une évaluation nuancée des préférences des utilisateurs sur des fonctionnalités de protection de la vie privée. Pour les praticiens, nous proposons des lignes directrices qui permettent d’intégrer les exigences des clients afin de concevoir un SI réussi

    User evaluation of the performance of information systems

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    Information technologies (IT) are considered the primary survival factor for many organizations and the most critical success factor in businesses today. To justify the necessary investment in IT, user evaluation of information systems\u27 performance in organizations is a key consideration. This research investigated a comprehensive and convenient means for end users to assess this performance. Among the existing theories and models on the evaluation of information system performance based on intrinsic technological properties, the Web of System Performance (WOSP) model provides the most comprehensive basis for information system evaluation, and therefore merited further investigation. The research question was how well the eight WOSP performance criteria, namely functionality, usability, flexibility, reliability, security, extendibility, connectivity, and privacy, applied in the context of an individual evaluating one or more information systems for use by an organization. For this, it was important to show that, while these performance criteria were abstract concepts, they can be established and identified clearly, in a manner that is valid in the sense of the meaning and that users would consider important. Illustrative statements for each of the eight criteria were therefore obtained, which users were asked to evaluate. Next, it was necessary to show that users prefer the choice of the eight WOSP criteria to the current dominant instrument for evaluation when evaluating software. This was done using a preference questionnaire where subjects rated both the WOSP model and an alternative means of evaluation along various dimensions, the results being compared by statistical analysis. Finally, it was necessary to show that users rate at least three of the WOSP criteria as being important for evaluating information systems. For this, conjoint analysis was used. A browser was selected as the experimental software for this research. The results showed that users found illustrative statements clear, valid and important for the evaluation of browsers. They also preferred using the WOSP model for the evaluation of browsers over TAM, the current dominant model. Finally, while users attached different levels of importance to the various performance criteria for the selection of browsers, five of the criteria were important to a significant degree

    Factores determinantes do sucesso de serviços de informação online em sistemas de gestão de ciência e tecnologia

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    A crescente difusão da Internet na sociedade, nas empresas e na administração pública, têm conduzido ao aparecimento de cada vez mais serviços online. Particularmente nos últimos anos tem tido grande desenvolvimento o comércio electrónico e o governo electrónico. A adopção e difusão de serviços de informação online são muitas vezes mal sucedidas, apesar da mobilização de muitos recursos humanos e financeiros para a sua implementação. Compreender melhor os determinantes do seu sucesso na sua adopção e difusão é a motivação desta investigação. A abordagem metodológica seguida teve por base a utilização da metodologia structuredcase com recurso à experiência dos participantes na concepção e exploração de dois serviços de informação online em ciência e tecnologia, o sistema de informação de ciência e tecnologia (SICT) e a plataforma nacional de ciência e tecnologia (DeGóis). Nos vários ciclos de investigação, decorrentes da abordagem metodológica, foi desenvolvido um Delphi com Q-Sort com três rondas e um Q-Sort. O primeiro método foi submetido a um painel de especialistas, cujo objectivo foi determinar quais os factores a ter em conta quando se pretende avançar para a implementação de um serviço de informação online que contribuam para o seu sucesso. O segundo foi submetido a um painel de especialistas nacionais em ciência e tecnologia com envolvimento nos estudos de caso analisados. O principal resultado desta tese foi o desenvolvimento do Modelo de Adopção de Inovação Online (MAIO) que identifica os factores utilidade percebida, qualidade da informação e serviços, facilidade de utilização percebida, valor acrescentado e satisfação percebida como determinantes da intenção de utilização, a qual determina o comportamento em questão - a utilização efectiva do serviço de informação online. A tese também inclui um conjunto de recomendações relacionadas com a utilização de inquéritos baseados na web, com a abordagem metodológica utilizada, com a identificação de um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas para determinação de consensos em questionários Delphi com dados organizados em rankings e para determinar os factores que emergem desses rankings.The increasing Internet proliferation in society, companies and public administration is contributing for the development of new online services. Particularly, in the last years, there has been an increasing development effort within electronic commerce and electronic government. The adoption and diffusion of online information services are often badly succeeded, despite the mobilization of many human and financial resources. To better understand which factors determine the success of the adoption and diffusion of online services is the motivation of this study. We have followed a structured-case methodology using the experience of the participants in the conception and exploration of two science and technology online information services, the SICT (Sistema de Informação de Ciência e Tecnologia) and the Portuguese science and technology national platform (DeGóis). During the research cycles, defined by the methodological approach, we have developed a Delphi with Q-Sort with three rounds and a QSort. The first method was submitted to a panel of specialists and its objective was to determinate the factors to be consider when implementing an online information service that contribute to its success. The second method was submitted to a panel of science and technology national specialists with involvement in the analyzed cases-study. The main result of this thesis was the development of the MAIO model (Modelo de Adopção de Inovação Online - Online Innovation Adoption Model) which identifies the perceived usefulness, information and services quality, perceived ease of use, enhanced value and perceived playfulness factors that determinate the intention to use, which one determines the behavior in question - the actual use of the online information service. The thesis also includes a set of recommendations related to the use of web based inquiries, the used research approach and the identification of a set of statistical techniques to determine consensuses in Delphi questionnaires with data organized in rankings and to determine the factors that emerge of these rankings