374 research outputs found

    Study on Improving the Network Life Time Maximazation for Wireless Sensor Network using Cross Layer Approach

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    In recent the espousal of Wireless Sensor Networks has been broadly augmented in numerous divisions. Battery operated Sensor nodes in the wireless network accomplish main task of capturing and responding to the surroundings. The lifetime of the network depends on the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. This paper contributes the survey on how the energy consumption should be managed for maximizing the life time of network and how to improve the efficiency of Network by using Cross layer architecture. The traditional MAC Layer, Network Layer & Transport for WLAN having their own downsides just by modifying those we can achieve the network life time maximization goal. This paper represents analytical study for Energy efficiency by modifying Scheduling algorithm, by modifying traditional AODV routing algorithm for efficient packet transmission and by effectively using TCP for End to End Delivery of Data

    Optimal Representation of Anuran Call Spectrum in Environmental Monitoring Systems Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The analysis and classification of the sounds produced by certain animal species, notably anurans, have revealed these amphibians to be a potentially strong indicator of temperature fluctuations and therefore of the existence of climate change. Environmental monitoring systems using Wireless Sensor Networks are therefore of interest to obtain indicators of global warming. For the automatic classification of the sounds recorded on such systems, the proper representation of the sound spectrum is essential since it contains the information required for cataloguing anuran calls. The present paper focuses on this process of feature extraction by exploring three alternatives: the standardized MPEG-7, the Filter Bank Energy (FBE), and the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). Moreover, various values for every option in the extraction of spectrum features have been considered. Throughout the paper, it is shown that representing the frame spectrum with pure FBE offers slightly worse results than using the MPEG-7 features. This performance can easily be increased, however, by rescaling the FBE in a double dimension: vertically, by taking the logarithm of the energies; and, horizontally, by applying mel scaling in the filter banks. On the other hand, representing the spectrum in the cepstral domain, as in MFCC, has shown additional marginal improvements in classification performance.University of Seville: Telefónica Chair "Intelligence Networks

    Congestion control protocols in wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    The performance of wireless sensor networks (WSN) is affected by the lossy communication medium, application diversity, dense deployment, limited processing power and storage capacity, frequent topology change. All these limitations provide significant and unique design challenges to data transport control in wireless sensor networks. An effective transport protocol should consider reliable message delivery, energy-efficiency, quality of service and congestion control. The latter is vital for achieving a high throughput and a long network lifetime. Despite the huge number of protocols proposed in the literature, congestion control in WSN remains challenging. A review and taxonomy of the state-of-the-art protocols from the literature up to 2013 is provided in this paper. First, depending on the control policy, the protocols are divided into resource control vs. traffic control. Traffic control protocols are either reactive or preventive (avoiding). Reactive solutions are classified following the reaction scale, while preventive solutions are split up into buffer limitation vs. interference control. Resource control protocols are classified according to the type of resource to be tuned. © 2014 IEEE

    Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting and Management for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Radio Frequency (RF) Energy Harvesting holds a promising future for generating a small amount of electrical power to drive partial circuits in wirelessly communicating electronics devices. Reducing power consumption has become a major challenge in wireless sensor networks. As a vital factor affecting system cost and lifetime, energy consumption in wireless sensor networks is an emerging and active research area. This chapter presents a practical approach for RF Energy harvesting and management of the harvested and available energy for wireless sensor networks using the Improved Energy Efficient Ant Based Routing Algorithm (IEEABR) as our proposed algorithm. The chapter looks at measurement of the RF power density, calculation of the received power, storage of the harvested power, and management of the power in wireless sensor networks. The routing uses IEEABR technique for energy management. Practical and real-time implementations of the RF Energy using Powercast harvesters and simulations using the energy model of our Libelium Waspmote to verify the approach were performed. The chapter concludes with performance analysis of the harvested energy, comparison of IEEABR and other traditional energy management techniques, while also looking at open research areas of energy harvesting and management for wireless sensor networks.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, Book chapte

    Distributed environmental monitoring

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    With increasingly ubiquitous use of web-based technologies in society today, autonomous sensor networks represent the future in large-scale information acquisition for applications ranging from environmental monitoring to in vivo sensing. This chapter presents a range of on-going projects with an emphasis on environmental sensing; relevant literature pertaining to sensor networks is reviewed, validated sensing applications are described and the contribution of high-resolution temporal data to better decision-making is discussed

    The design and evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks for applications in industrial locations

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    In manufacturing industries, there exist many applications where Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN\u27s) are integrated to provide wireless solution for the automated manufacturing processes. It is well known that industrial environments characterized by extreme conditions such as high temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic (EM) interference that can affect the performance of the WSN\u27s. The key solution to overcome this performance issue is by monitoring the received Signal Strength Index (RSSI) at the received sensor of the WSN device and track frame error rate of wireless packets. ZigBee is a wireless sensor network (WSN) standard designed for specific needs of the remote monitoring sensor system. Zigbee networks can be established by three different topologies: start, hybrid, and mesh. In this research project, the interest in analyzing the characteristics of the Zigbee performance was completed using a star topology network. Three performance parameters were obtained: the RSSI signal to monitor the received wireless packets from the sending node, path-lost exponent to determine the effect of industrial environment on wireless signals, and the frame error rate to know the discontinue time. The study was in three phases and took place in two settings: The first was at the manufacturing laboratory at the University of Northern Iowa, the second and the third were at the facility of a Midwestern manufacturing company. The study aimed to provide an analytical tool to evaluate the performances of Zigbee networks in industrial environments and compare the results to show that harsh environments do affect its performance. The study also involved testing the performance of WSN. This was done by simulating input/output Line passing with digital and analog data. Packets were sent from one node and counted at the receiving side to measure the packet error rate of WSN in industrial environment. In conclusion, investigating the WSN\u27s systems performance in industrial environment provides is crucial to identify the effects of the harsh conditions. It is necessary to run similar investigation to prevent the malfunction of the manufacturing applications. Testing a simple WSN in industrial environment can be capable of predicting the performance of the network. It is also recommended to have an embedded approach to WSN applications that can self-monitor its performance

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Energy Management

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    Forecasts point to a huge increase in energy demand over the next 25 years, with a direct and immediate impact on the exhaustion of fossil fuels, the increase in pollution levels and the global warming that will have significant consequences for all sectors of society. Irrespective of the likelihood of these predictions or what researchers in different scientific disciplines may believe or publicly say about how critical the energy situation may be on a world level, it is without doubt one of the great debates that has stirred up public interest in modern times. We should probably already be thinking about the design of a worldwide strategic plan for energy management across the planet. It would include measures to raise awareness, educate the different actors involved, develop policies, provide resources, prioritise actions and establish contingency plans. This process is complex and depends on political, social, economic and technological factors that are hard to take into account simultaneously. Then, before such a plan is formulated, studies such as those described in this book can serve to illustrate what Information and Communication Technologies have to offer in this sphere and, with luck, to create a reference to encourage investigators in the pursuit of new and better solutions