4 research outputs found

    Semidefinite Relaxation and Approximation Analysis of a Beamformed Alamouti Scheme for Relay Beamforming Networks

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    In this paper, we study the amplify-and-forward (AF) schemes in two-hop one-way relay networks. In particular, we consider the multigroup multicast transmission between long-distance users. Given that perfect channel state information is perceived, our goal is to design the AF process so that the max-min-fair (MMF) signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is optimized subject to generalized power constraints. We propose a rank-two beamformed Alamouti (BFA) AF scheme and formulate the corresponding AF design problem as a \emph{two-variable} fractional quadratically-constrained quadratic program (QCQP), which is further tackled by the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique. We analyze the approximation quality of two-variable fractional SDRs under the Gaussian randomization algorithm. These results are fundamentally new and reveal that the proposed BFA AF scheme can outperform the traditional BF AF scheme, especially when there are many users in the system or many generalized power constraints in the problem formulation. From a practical perspective, the BFA AF scheme offers two degrees of freedom (DoFs) in beamformer design, as opposed to the one DoF offered by the BF AF scheme, to improve the receivers' SINR. In the latter part of this paper, we demonstrate how this extra DoF leads to provable performance gains by considering two special cases of multicasting, where the AF process is shown to employ a special structure. The numerical simulations further validate that the proposed BFA AF scheme outperforms the BF AF scheme and works well for large-scale relay systems

    Quartic Perturbation-based Outage-constrained Robust Design in Two-hop One-way Relay Networks

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    In this work, we study a classic robust design problem in two-hop one-way relay system. We are particularly interested in the scenario where channel uncertainty exists in both the transmitter-to-relay and relay-to-receiver links. By considering the problem design that minimizes the average amplify-and-forward power budget at the relay side while satisfying SNR outage requirements, an outage-constrained robust design problem involving quartic perturbations is formulated to guarantee the robustness during transmission. This problem is in general difficult as it involves constraints on the tail probability of a high-order polynomial. Herein, we resort to moment inequality and Bernstein-type inequality to tackle this problem, which provide convex restrictions, or safe approximations, of the original design. We also analyze the relative tightness of the two safe approximations for a quadratic perturbation-based outage constrained problem. Our analysis shows that the Bernstein-type inequality approach is less conservative than the moment inequality approach when the outage rate is within some prescribed regime. To our best knowledge, this is the first provable tightness result for these two safe approximations. Our numerical simulations verify the superiority of the robust design and corroborate the tightness results

    Unraveling the Rank-One Solution Mystery of Robust MISO Downlink Transmit Optimization: A Verifiable Sufficient Condition via a New Duality Result

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    This paper concentrates on a robust transmit optimization problem for the multiuser multi-input single-output (MISO) downlink scenario and under inaccurate channel state information (CSI). This robust problem deals with a general-rank transmit covariance design, and it follows a safe rate-constrained formulation under spherically bounded CSI uncertainties. Curiously, simulation results in previous works suggested that the robust problem admits rank-one optimal transmit covariances in most cases. Such a numerical finding is appealing because transmission with rank-one covariances can be easily realized by single-stream transmit beamforming. This gives rise to a fundamentally important question, namely, whether we can theoretically identify conditions under which the robust problem admits a rank-one solution. In this paper, we identify one such condition. Simply speaking, we show that the robust problem is guaranteed to admit a rank-one solution if the CSI uncertainties are not too large and the multiuser channel is not too poorly conditioned. To establish the aforementioned condition, we develop a novel duality framework, through which an intimate relationship between the robust problem and a related maximin problem is revealed. Our condition involves only a simple expression with respect to the multiuser channel and other system parameters. In particular, unlike other sufficient rank-one conditions that have appeared in the literature, ours is verifiable. The application of our analysis framework to several other CSI uncertainty models is also discussed.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Process. This version combines the main manuscript and its accompanied supplementary report into one single articl

    Symbol-level and Multicast Precoding for Multiuser Multiantenna Downlink: A Survey, Classification and Challenges

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    Precoding has been conventionally considered as an effective means of mitigating the interference and efficiently exploiting the available in the multiantenna downlink channel, where multiple users are simultaneously served with independent information over the same channel resources. The early works in this area were focused on transmitting an individual information stream to each user by constructing weighted linear combinations of symbol blocks (codewords). However, more recent works have moved beyond this traditional view by: i) transmitting distinct data streams to groups of users and ii) applying precoding on a symbol-per-symbol basis. In this context, the current survey presents a unified view and classification of precoding techniques with respect to two main axes: i) the switching rate of the precoding weights, leading to the classes of block- and symbol-level precoding, ii) the number of users that each stream is addressed to, hence unicast-/multicast-/broadcast- precoding. Furthermore, the classified techniques are compared through representative numerical results to demonstrate their relative performance and uncover fundamental insights. Finally, a list of open theoretical problems and practical challenges are presented to inspire further research in this area.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial