4 research outputs found

    A Statistical Characterization of Localization Performance in Wireless Networks

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    Localization performance in wireless networks has been traditionally benchmarked using the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB), given a fixed geometry of anchor nodes and a target. However, by endowing the target and anchor locations with distributions, this paper recasts this traditional, scalar benchmark as a random variable. The goal of this work is to derive an analytical expression for the distribution of this now random CRLB, in the context of Time-of-Arrival-based positioning. To derive this distribution, this work first analyzes how the CRLB is affected by the order statistics of the angles between consecutive participating anchors (i.e., internodal angles). This analysis reveals an intimate connection between the second largest internodal angle and the CRLB, which leads to an accurate approximation of the CRLB. Using this approximation, a closed-form expression for the distribution of the CRLB, conditioned on the number of participating anchors, is obtained. Next, this conditioning is eliminated to derive an analytical expression for the marginal CRLB distribution. Since this marginal distribution accounts for all target and anchor positions, across all numbers of participating anchors, it therefore statistically characterizes localization error throughout an entire wireless network. This paper concludes with a comprehensive analysis of this new network-wide-CRLB paradigm.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Characterizing the Impact of SNR Heterogeneity on Time-of-Arrival based Localization Outage Probability

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    In localization, an outage occurs if the positioning error exceeds a pre-defined threshold, ϵth\epsilon_{\rm th}. For time-of-arrival based localization, a key factor affecting the positioning error is the relative positions of the anchors, with respect to the target location. Specifically, the positioning error is a function of (a) the distance-dependent signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the anchor-target links, and (b) the pairwise angles subtended by the anchors at the target location. From a design perspective, characterizing the distribution of the positioning error over an ensemble of target and anchor locations is essential for providing probabilistic performance guarantees against outage. To solve this difficult problem, previous works have assumed all links to have the same SNR (i.e., SNR homogeneity), which neglects the impact of distance variation among the anchors on the positioning error. In this paper, we model SNR heterogeneity among anchors using a distance-dependent pathloss model and derive an accurate approximation for the error complementary cumulative distribution function (ccdf). By highlighting the accuracy of our results, relative to previous ones that ignore SNR heterogeneity, we concretely demonstrate that SNR heterogeneity has a considerable impact on the error distribution.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    The Wireless Control Plane: An Overview and Directions for Future Research

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    Software-defined networking (SDN), which has been successfully deployed in the management of complex data centers, has recently been incorporated into a myriad of 5G networks to intelligently manage a wide range of heterogeneous wireless devices, software systems, and wireless access technologies. Thus, the SDN control plane needs to communicate wirelessly with the wireless data plane either directly or indirectly. The uncertainties in the wireless SDN control plane (WCP) make its design challenging. Both WCP schemes (direct WCP, D-WCP, and indirect WCP, I-WCP) have been incorporated into recent 5G networks; however, a discussion of their design principles and their design limitations is missing. This paper introduces an overview of the WCP design (I-WCP and D-WCP) and discusses its intricacies by reviewing its deployment in recent 5G networks. Furthermore, to facilitate synthesizing a robust WCP, this paper proposes a generic WCP framework using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) principles and presents a roadmap for future research.Comment: This paper has been accepted to appear in Elsevier Journal of Networks and Computer Applications. It has 34 pages, 8 figures, and two table

    Smart Radio Environments Empowered by AI Reconfigurable Meta-Surfaces: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

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    Future wireless networks are expected to constitute a distributed intelligent wireless communications, sensing, and computing platform, which will have the challenging requirement of interconnecting the physical and digital worlds in a seamless and sustainable manner. Currently, two main factors prevent wireless network operators from building such networks: 1) the lack of control of the wireless environment, whose impact on the radio waves cannot be customized, and 2) the current operation of wireless radios, which consume a lot of power because new signals are generated whenever data has to be transmitted. In this paper, we challenge the usual "more data needs more power and emission of radio waves" status quo, and motivate that future wireless networks necessitate a smart radio environment: A transformative wireless concept, where the environmental objects are coated with artificial thin films of electromagnetic and reconfigurable material (that are referred to as intelligent reconfigurable meta-surfaces), which are capable of sensing the environment and of applying customized transformations to the radio waves. Smart radio environments have the potential to provide future wireless networks with uninterrupted wireless connectivity, and with the capability of transmitting data without generating new signals but recycling existing radio waves. This paper overviews the current research efforts on smart radio environments, the enabling technologies to realize them in practice, the need of new communication-theoretic models for their analysis and design, and the long-term and open research issues to be solved towards their massive deployment. In a nutshell, this paper is focused on discussing how the availability of intelligent reconfigurable meta-surfaces will allow wireless network operators to redesign common and well-known network communication paradigms.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio