8,148 research outputs found

    Proximal Gradient Method for Nonsmooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold

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    We consider optimization problems over the Stiefel manifold whose objective function is the summation of a smooth function and a nonsmooth function. Existing methods for solving this kind of problems can be classified into three classes. Algorithms in the first class rely on information of the subgradients of the objective function and thus tend to converge slowly in practice. Algorithms in the second class are proximal point algorithms, which involve subproblems that can be as difficult as the original problem. Algorithms in the third class are based on operator-splitting techniques, but they usually lack rigorous convergence guarantees. In this paper, we propose a retraction-based proximal gradient method for solving this class of problems. We prove that the proposed method globally converges to a stationary point. Iteration complexity for obtaining an ϵ\epsilon-stationary solution is also analyzed. Numerical results on solving sparse PCA and compressed modes problems are reported to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method

    Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods in structural mechanics

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    The modern design of industrial structures leads to very complex simulations characterized by nonlinearities, high heterogeneities, tortuous geometries... Whatever the modelization may be, such an analysis leads to the solution to a family of large ill-conditioned linear systems. In this paper we study strategies to efficiently solve to linear system based on non-overlapping domain decomposition methods. We present a review of most employed approaches and their strong connections. We outline their mechanical interpretations as well as the practical issues when willing to implement and use them. Numerical properties are illustrated by various assessments from academic to industrial problems. An hybrid approach, mainly designed for multifield problems, is also introduced as it provides a general framework of such approaches

    Parallelizable Algorithms for Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints

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    To construct a parallel approach for solving optimization problems with orthogonality constraints is usually regarded as an extremely difficult mission, due to the low scalability of the orthonormalization procedure. However, such demand is particularly huge in some application areas such as materials computation. In this paper, we propose a proximal linearized augmented Lagrangian algorithm (PLAM) for solving optimization problems with orthogonality constraints. Unlike the classical augmented Lagrangian methods, in our algorithm, the prime variables are updated by minimizing a proximal linearized approximation of the augmented Lagrangian function, meanwhile the dual variables are updated by a closed-form expression which holds at any first-order stationary point. The orthonormalization procedure is only invoked once at the last step of the above mentioned algorithm if high-precision feasibility is needed. Consequently, the main parts of the proposed algorithm can be parallelized naturally. We establish global subsequence convergence, worst-case complexity and local convergence rate for PLAM under some mild assumptions. To reduce the sensitivity of the penalty parameter, we put forward a modification of PLAM, which is called parallelizable column-wise block minimization of PLAM (PCAL). Numerical experiments in serial illustrate that the novel updating rule for the Lagrangian multipliers significantly accelerates the convergence of PLAM and makes it comparable with the existent feasible solvers for optimization problems with orthogonality constraints, and the performance of PCAL does not highly rely on the choice of the penalty parameter. Numerical experiments under parallel environment demonstrate that PCAL attains good performance and high scalability in solving discretized Kohn-Sham total energy minimization problems

    A Projected Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Computing Many Extreme Eigenpairs of a Hermitian Matrix

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    We present an iterative algorithm for computing an invariant subspace associated with the algebraically smallest eigenvalues of a large sparse or structured Hermitian matrix A. We are interested in the case in which the dimension of the invariant subspace is large (e.g., over several hundreds or thousands) even though it may still be small relative to the dimension of A. These problems arise from, for example, density functional theory based electronic structure calculations for complex materials. The key feature of our algorithm is that it performs fewer Rayleigh--Ritz calculations compared to existing algorithms such as the locally optimal precondition conjugate gradient or the Davidson algorithm. It is a block algorithm, hence can take advantage of efficient BLAS3 operations and be implemented with multiple levels of concurrency. We discuss a number of practical issues that must be addressed in order to implement the algorithm efficiently on a high performance computer

    Compressed Modes for Variational Problems in Mathematics and Physics

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    This paper describes a general formalism for obtaining localized solutions to a class of problems in mathematical physics, which can be recast as variational optimization problems. This class includes the important cases of Schr\"odinger's equation in quantum mechanics and electromagnetic equations for light propagation in photonic crystals. These ideas can also be applied to develop a spatially localized basis that spans the eigenspace of a differential operator, for instance, the Laplace operator, generalizing the concept of plane waves to an orthogonal real-space basis with multi-resolution capabilities.Comment: 18 page

    SOFAR: large-scale association network learning

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    Many modern big data applications feature large scale in both numbers of responses and predictors. Better statistical efficiency and scientific insights can be enabled by understanding the large-scale response-predictor association network structures via layers of sparse latent factors ranked by importance. Yet sparsity and orthogonality have been two largely incompatible goals. To accommodate both features, in this paper we suggest the method of sparse orthogonal factor regression (SOFAR) via the sparse singular value decomposition with orthogonality constrained optimization to learn the underlying association networks, with broad applications to both unsupervised and supervised learning tasks such as biclustering with sparse singular value decomposition, sparse principal component analysis, sparse factor analysis, and spare vector autoregression analysis. Exploiting the framework of convexity-assisted nonconvex optimization, we derive nonasymptotic error bounds for the suggested procedure characterizing the theoretical advantages. The statistical guarantees are powered by an efficient SOFAR algorithm with convergence property. Both computational and theoretical advantages of our procedure are demonstrated with several simulation and real data examples

    Primal-Dual Optimization Algorithms over Riemannian Manifolds: an Iteration Complexity Analysis

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    In this paper we study nonconvex and nonsmooth multi-block optimization over Riemannian manifolds with coupled linear constraints. Such optimization problems naturally arise from machine learning, statistical learning, compressive sensing, image processing, and tensor PCA, among others. We develop an ADMM-like primal-dual approach based on decoupled solvable subroutines such as linearized proximal mappings. First, we introduce the optimality conditions for the afore-mentioned optimization models. Then, the notion of ϵ\epsilon-stationary solutions is introduced as a result. The main part of the paper is to show that the proposed algorithms enjoy an iteration complexity of O(1/ϵ2)O(1/\epsilon^2) to reach an ϵ\epsilon-stationary solution. For prohibitively large-size tensor or machine learning models, we present a sampling-based stochastic algorithm with the same iteration complexity bound in expectation. In case the subproblems are not analytically solvable, a feasible curvilinear line-search variant of the algorithm based on retraction operators is proposed. Finally, we show specifically how the algorithms can be implemented to solve a variety of practical problems such as the NP-hard maximum bisection problem, the q\ell_q regularized sparse tensor principal component analysis and the community detection problem. Our preliminary numerical results show great potentials of the proposed methods

    Towards a Complexity-through-Realisability Theory

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    We explain how recent developments in the fields of realisability models for linear logic -- or geometry of interaction -- and implicit computational complexity can lead to a new approach of implicit computational complexity. This semantic-based approach should apply uniformly to various computational paradigms, and enable the use of new mathematical methods and tools to attack problem in computational complexity. This paper provides the background, motivations and perspectives of this complexity-through-realisability theory to be developed, and illustrates it with recent results

    Adaptive Finite Element Modeling Techniques for the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation

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    We develop an efficient and reliable adaptive finite element method (AFEM) for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE). We first examine the regularization technique of Chen, Holst, and Xu; this technique made possible the first a priori pointwise estimates and the first complete solution and approximation theory for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. It also made possible the first provably convergent discretization of the PBE, and allowed for the development of a provably convergent AFEM for the PBE. However, in practice the regularization turns out to be numerically ill-conditioned. In this article, we examine a second regularization, and establish a number of basic results to ensure that the new approach produces the same mathematical advantages of the original regularization, without the ill-conditioning property. We then design an AFEM scheme based on the new regularized problem, and show that the resulting AFEM scheme is accurate and reliable, by proving a contraction result for the error. This result, which is one of the first results of this type for nonlinear elliptic problems, is based on using continuous and discrete a priori pointwise estimates to establish quasi-orthogonality. To provide a high-quality geometric model as input to the AFEM algorithm, we also describe a class of feature-preserving adaptive mesh generation algorithms designed specifically for constructing meshes of biomolecular structures, based on the intrinsic local structure tensor of the molecular surface. The stability advantages of the new regularization are demonstrated using an FETK-based implementation, through comparisons with the original regularization approach for a model problem. The convergence and accuracy of the overall AFEM algorithm is also illustrated by numerical approximation of electrostatic solvation energy for an insulin protein.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    An optimization approach for dynamical Tucker tensor approximation

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    An optimization-based approach for the Tucker tensor approximation of parameter-dependent data tensors and solutions of tensor differential equations with low Tucker rank is presented. The problem of updating the tensor decomposition is reformulated as fitting problem subject to the tangent space without relying on an orthogonality gauge condition. A discrete Euler scheme is established in an alternating least squares framework, where the quadratic subproblems reduce to trace optimization problems, that are shown to be explicitly solvable and accessible using SVD of small size. In the presence of small singular values, instability for larger ranks is reduced, since the method does not need the (pseudo) inverse of matricizations of the core tensor. Regularization of Tikhonov type can be used to compensate for the lack of uniqueness in the tangent space. The method is validated numerically and shown to be stable also for larger ranks in the case of small singular values of the core unfoldings. Higher order explicit integrators of Runge-Kutta type can be composed.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure