1 research outputs found

    Improved Source Counting and Separation for Monaural Mixture

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    Single-channel speech separation in time domain and frequency domain has been widely studied for voice-driven applications over the past few years. Most of previous works assume known number of speakers in advance, however, which is not easily accessible through monaural mixture in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel model of single-channel multi-speaker separation by jointly learning the time-frequency feature and the unknown number of speakers. Specifically, our model integrates the time-domain convolution encoded feature map and the frequency-domain spectrogram by attention mechanism, and the integrated features are projected into high-dimensional embedding vectors which are then clustered with deep attractor network to modify the encoded feature. Meanwhile, the number of speakers is counted by computing the Gerschgorin disks of the embedding vectors which are orthogonal for different speakers. Finally, the modified encoded feature is inverted to the sound waveform using a linear decoder. Experimental evaluation on the GRID dataset shows that the proposed method with a single model can accurately estimate the number of speakers with 96.7 % probability of success, while achieving the state-of-the-art separation results on multi-speaker mixtures in terms of scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio improvement (SI-SNRi) and signal-to-distortion ratio improvement (SDRi)