19,628 research outputs found

    Efficient Sum-of-Sinusoids based Spatial Consistency for the 3GPP New-Radio Channel Model

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    Spatial consistency was proposed in the 3GPP TR 38.901 channel model to ensure that closely spaced mobile terminals have similar channels. Future extensions of this model might incorporate mobility at both ends of the link. This requires that all random variables in the model must be correlated in 3 (single-mobility) and up to 6 spatial dimensions (dual-mobility). Existing filtering methods cannot be used due to the large requirements of memory and computing time. The sum-of-sinusoids model promises to be an efficient solution. To use it in the 3GPP channel model, we extended the existing model to a higher number of spatial dimensions and propose a new method to calculate the sinusoid coefficients in order to control the shape of the autocorrelation function. The proposed method shows good results for 2, 3, and 6 dimensions and achieves a four times better approximation accuracy compared to the existing model. This provides a very efficient implementation of the 3GPP proposal and enables the simulation of many communication scenarios that were thought to be impossible to realize with geometry-based stochastic channel models

    5G 3GPP-like Channel Models for Outdoor Urban Microcellular and Macrocellular Environments

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    For the development of new 5G systems to operate in bands up to 100 GHz, there is a need for accurate radio propagation models at these bands that currently are not addressed by existing channel models developed for bands below 6 GHz. This document presents a preliminary overview of 5G channel models for bands up to 100 GHz. These have been derived based on extensive measurement and ray tracing results across a multitude of frequencies from 6 GHz to 100 GHz, and this document describes an initial 3D channel model which includes: 1) typical deployment scenarios for urban microcells (UMi) and urban macrocells (UMa), and 2) a baseline model for incorporating path loss, shadow fading, line of sight probability, penetration and blockage models for the typical scenarios. Various processing methodologies such as clustering and antenna decoupling algorithms are also presented.Comment: To be published in 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference Spring (VTC 2016-Spring), Nanjing, China, May 201

    Massive MIMO Extensions to the COST 2100 Channel Model: Modeling and Validation

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    To enable realistic studies of massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, the COST 2100 channel model is extended based on measurements. First, the concept of a base station-side visibility region (BS-VR) is proposed to model the appearance and disappearance of clusters when using a physically-large array. We find that BS-VR lifetimes are exponentially distributed, and that the number of BS-VRs is Poisson distributed with intensity proportional to the sum of the array length and the mean lifetime. Simulations suggest that under certain conditions longer lifetimes can help decorrelating closely-located users. Second, the concept of a multipath component visibility region (MPC-VR) is proposed to model birth-death processes of individual MPCs at the mobile station side. We find that both MPC lifetimes and MPC-VR radii are lognormally distributed. Simulations suggest that unless MPC-VRs are applied the channel condition number is overestimated. Key statistical properties of the proposed extensions, e.g., autocorrelation functions, maximum likelihood estimators, and Cramer-Rao bounds, are derived and analyzed.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions of Wireless Communication
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