6 research outputs found

    Learning Dynamics in Linear VAE: Posterior Collapse Threshold, Superfluous Latent Space Pitfalls, and Speedup with KL Annealing

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    Variational autoencoders (VAEs) face a notorious problem wherein the variational posterior often aligns closely with the prior, a phenomenon known as posterior collapse, which hinders the quality of representation learning. To mitigate this problem, an adjustable hyperparameter β\beta and a strategy for annealing this parameter, called KL annealing, are proposed. This study presents a theoretical analysis of the learning dynamics in a minimal VAE. It is rigorously proved that the dynamics converge to a deterministic process within the limit of large input dimensions, thereby enabling a detailed dynamical analysis of the generalization error. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the VAE initially learns entangled representations and gradually acquires disentangled representations. A fixed-point analysis of the deterministic process reveals that when β\beta exceeds a certain threshold, posterior collapse becomes inevitable regardless of the learning period. Additionally, the superfluous latent variables for the data-generative factors lead to overfitting of the background noise; this adversely affects both generalization and learning convergence. The analysis further unveiled that appropriately tuned KL annealing can accelerate convergence.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Hitting the High-Dimensional Notes: An ODE for SGD learning dynamics on GLMs and multi-index models

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    We analyze the dynamics of streaming stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in the high-dimensional limit when applied to generalized linear models and multi-index models (e.g. logistic regression, phase retrieval) with general data-covariance. In particular, we demonstrate a deterministic equivalent of SGD in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations that describes a wide class of statistics, such as the risk and other measures of sub-optimality. This equivalence holds with overwhelming probability when the model parameter count grows proportionally to the number of data. This framework allows us to obtain learning rate thresholds for stability of SGD as well as convergence guarantees. In addition to the deterministic equivalent, we introduce an SDE with a simplified diffusion coefficient (homogenized SGD) which allows us to analyze the dynamics of general statistics of SGD iterates. Finally, we illustrate this theory on some standard examples and show numerical simulations which give an excellent match to the theory.Comment: Preliminary versio