4 research outputs found

    Disaster recovery and business continuity in port community systems

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    Rad predstavlja strukturnu analizu objedinjenog sustava informatičko-telekomunikacijske razmjene poruka i podataka u lučkom okruženju (PCS-Port Community System), kao i glavnih sudionika u sustavu, internih i eksternih, koji sudjeluju u lučkim poslovnim aktivnostima. Definirana je tipična informacijska i telekomunikacijska infrastruktura PCS-a, s glavnim izazovima prilikom uvođenja sustava. Značajan naglasak je stavljen na informacijsku sigurnost unutar PCS-a, što predstavlja čvrst temelj za uvođenje koncepta i modela integralne sigurnosti. Zaključno, dvije često zanemarene poslovne funkcije su detaljno definirane: oporavak od katastrofe (disaster recovery) i upravljanje kontinuitetom poslovanja (business continuity management), kao i zahtjevi za kreiranjem robusnog plana kontinuiteta poslovanja. Cilj takvog plana je osigurati rad PCS-a u slučaju katastrofe ili predviđenog prekida u skladu s analizom sustavnih rizika informacijsko-telekomunikacijskog sustava u lučkom okruženju.This paper presents the structural analysis of a port community system (PCS) and its main stakeholders, both internal and external, who are involved in the execution of port business activities. Typical information and telecommunications infrastructure of a PCS is outlined, along with the main challenges in its introduction. Furthermore, a significant emphasis is put on information security within the PCS, presenting a firm base for the introduction of both the concept and the model of integral security. Finally, often very overlooked business functions – disaster recovery and top-level function of PCS business continuity, are defined in detail, along with the requirements for the creation of a robust business continuity plan, whose goal is to ensure the functioning of a PCS in case of disastrous event or a foreseen disruption in line with the PC ICT system risk analysis

    A Solution to Open Standard of PKI

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    PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is fundamental for many security applications on the network. However, there are so many different kinds of PKI at current stage and they are not compatible. To solve the problem, we propose to implement the authority of authentication verification service systems as personal autonomous software agents, called security agents. In this paper, we introduce its concept and architecture, as well as its communication language, which is needed for public key management and secure communications among security agents and application agents. Keywords: security, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), authentication, agent architecture, KQML, interoperability. 1 Introduction It is well known that the integrity of public key vitally determines the whole security of communication, especially electronic transactions on the network. So different kinds of Public Key infrastructures (PKI) [1] are designed and their implementations are currently evolving. The examples inclu..

    A solution to open standard of PKI

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