1,243 research outputs found

    Towards Urban Resilience - Proceedings - International Workshop - Barcelona 2017

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    The complexity of urban systems and the uncertainty of the impact of urbanization and climate change ask for new ways of thinking about planning objectives and solidarity in action. Cities are complex, adaptive systems of networked services and infrastructures. Growing urban populations, the concentration of resources and capital, unclear contingency planning, the often inadequate and environmentally unsound water supply and sewage management, the menacing continual destruction of ecosystems, and out-dated infrastructures and buildings, all present massive challenges to city planning. With the goal of strengthening resilience, there has been a lasting change of perspective in planning. The scope has been broadened from a specialized viewpoint to an interdisciplinary understanding of interactions and processes within the cityscape. Resilience is an anticipatory principle that transcends risk reduction and attempts to mitigate the effects of system failures while increasing capacities. The overall aim is to combine resilience strategies and sustainability by: i) enhancing sustainable urbanization ii) improving ecosystems and nature-based solutions iii) developing climate change adaptation and mitigation iv) strengthening community-based approaches and social resilience Developing a network is an important step to promote resource-sensitive urban design and enable educational and professional shift towards resilience and sustainability. Thus, the International Workshop at UIC Barcelona in cooperation with UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Programme (CRPP) and TU Darmstadt will offer the possibility to bring innovative ideas on resilience to discussion. The joint research hub, Urban Resilience Institute (URI), in cooperation with UN-Habitat CRRP aims to analyse practices and processes in the design of resilient and sustainable cities. The hub will gather young researchers from the European Joint Doctorate Programme within the Mundus Urbano Consortium, and from the Fellowship Programme on “Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities,” as well as the research group on Critical Infrastructures at TU Darmstadt. Currently working from academic institutions based in Europe, researchers from Germany, India, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda, and Spain, will present their research projects in four sessions covering the topics of: critical infrastructures, resource-sensitive urban design, housing and land management, and post-crisis emergency reconstruction; opening for discussion on conceptional approaches “towards urban resilience” with international researchers, Master- and PhD-students. Sessions: A_Critical Infrastructures: As the dependency on technology increases, there is a growing need to reflect on the role of infrastructures to sustain human activities. Infrastructures are critical for the functioning of society, not only as the physical components in cities, or ‘hardware,’ but also as structures embedded with the intangible essence of human groups and our understanding of them in specific contexts and throughout time. B_Resource-sensitive Urban Design: In face of rapid urbanization and the negative impacts of climate change on natural and built environments, this session calls analysis of practices and processes of resource-sensitive urban design. Urban design can contribute towards an educational and professional shift towards resilience and sustainability by focusing on integrative approaches, such as district-based networks, low-impact approaches, and climate-adaptive planning and building. C_Resilience and Multi-level Governance: This session seeks cross-scalar and multi-level frameworks which help in understanding cities as complex and adaptive systems. Contributions should problematize urbanization processes and include tools and strategies which explain scalar arrangements of nature and power. The role of international and global frameworks will deem necessary in laying the base for transition and transformation of cities, and to contribute to the development of urban resilience. D_Post-Crisis Emergency Reconstruction and Upgrading: This session aims at understanding refugee camps as a form of urbanization and sets the basis for rethinking camp design and their temporality. Contributions should bridge social structures and their physical transformations, as a means for their integral regeneration. This session looks at examples where resilience in the social fabric of informal settlements and low housing estates can create a sense of belonging and act as a force for their physical upgrading

    Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022)

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    This publication contains all contributions (extended abstracts) to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference, which was held in Dresden, Germany, Nov. 08-10, 2022

    Full Issue 9(3)

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    CRISIS: A System for Risk Management

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    In a situation of an unexpected catastrophe, uncertainty and demand for information are constant. In such a disaster scenario, the CRISIS system arises as a tool to contribute to previous coordination, procedure validation, exercise execution, a good and frequent communication among organizations, and weakness and threat assessment for an appropriate risk management. It offers a wide variety of tools for online communication, consultation and collaboration that, up to this day, includes cartography, tasks, resources, news, forums, instant messaging and chat. As a complement, mathematical models for training and emergency management are being researched and developed. For Argentinean society, it is a necessity to switch from the current handcrafted, bureaucratic emergency management method to a decision-making management model. Previous coordination, exercise execution, a fluid communication among institutions, and threats and weaknesses assessment are required for a proper risk management. With that goal in mind, it is important to reduce confusion, avoid the duplication of efforts to fulfill the same tasks, and have access to a complete vision of the situation, generated from the data of all the organizations taking part. The CRISIS system is a secure web application, accessible to every node in a network formed by the organizations which have complementary responsibilities during prevention and response. It offers a wide variety of tools for online communication, consultation and collaboration that, up to this day, includes cartography, tasks, media (organization and resources), news, forums, instant messaging and chat. As a complement, mathematical models for training and emergency management are being researched and developed. Currently, there are toxicological and epidemiological emergency models available. The present paper analyses, from the perspectives related to risk management for emergencies and disasters, the strengths and weaknesses of the CRISIS system to be used for prevention, response and recoveries in the case of a catastrophe.Centro de Investigaciones del Medioambient

    Formative research contributions to the development of Risaralda

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    Es importante establecer y visibilizar a los estudiantes los beneficios relacionados con la formación en investigación, dentro de los cuales encontramos el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de liderazgo así como el compromiso activo y las experiencias en independencia y colaboración. Así mismo, la formación integral hacia una mayor apreciación del valor de la literatura disciplinaria, generando de esta manera habilidades de pensamiento crítico, indagación y análisis. Además, esto permite forjar la confianza en sí mismo para presentar las propias ideas a la comunidad, permitiendo al estudiante la preparación de futuras actividades académicas, incluidos estudios de posgrado. La investigación formativa tiene como propósito la difusión de la información existente y permitir que el estudiante la integre como conocimientos, considerándolo como un aprendizaje permanente y necesario. Uno de los principales problemas que debe enfrentar la investigación formativa es el número de docentes con las capacidades necesarias para generar en el estudiante capacidades investigativas, exigiendo al profesor universitario adoptar una actitud contraria al objeto de enseñanza, generando un carácter complejo y dinámico del conocimiento.CONTENTS RETOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN PREGRADO..................................................5 CHALLENGES OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH.............................................9 German Oved Acevedo Osorio CHAPTER 1 HEALTH AND SPORTS SCIENCES FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH EXACERBATIONS OR CRISIS EVENTS OF CHRONIC NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES.........................13 Giovanni García Castro, Sandra Milena Bedoya Gaviria, Isabela Patiño Pulgarín y Valentina Valencia Flórez ORAL ANTICOAGULATION IN PATIENTS WITH NON-VALVULAR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN COLOMBIA.....................................................................................................29 María Leonor Galindo Márquez, Adrian Giraldo Diaconeasa, Juan Darío Franco Ramírez y Eduardo Ramírez Vallejo PERFORMANCE IN INITIAL TRAUMAASSESSMENT OF EMERGENCY TEAMS FROM PREHOSPITAL CARE TEAMS..................43 Giovanni García Castro, Yamileth Estrada Berrio, Manuela Aguirre Torres e Isabella Díaz Leal ACADEMIC TRAINING AND WORKING CONDITIONS OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS IN PEREIRA - RISARALDA 2020.....................55 Miguel Ángel Gómez Puerta, Laura Isabel Orozco Santamaría, Alexandra Villa Patiño y Gladys Judith Basto Hernández EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC TAPE WITH ANTI-VALGUS APPLICATION ON VERTICAL JUMP PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICALLY ACTIVE WOMEN: A CASE STUDY ..........................................73 María Camila Arias Castro, Alejandro Gómez Rodas y Ángela María Cifuentes Ríos PROPOSAL OF CARE FOR DIAGNOSTIC PREVALENT NURSES IN AN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT................................................................89 Tatiana Restrepo Pérez, Jessica Viviana Ríos Uribe, Anyi Daniela Lemos Córdoba, Anyi Katherine Mapura Benjumea and Mónica Margarita Barón Castro FACTORS AND CONCEPTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INITIATION OF CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEREIRA, COLOMBIA ............................................................................... 113 Giovanni García Castro, Claudia Milena Bernal Parra, Natalia Cardona Arroyave, Brahiam Stiven Moreno Bustamante y Daniela Ospina Sierra CHAPTER 2 ECONOMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING SCIENCES TECHNICAL-FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) VARIETY CARGAMANTO IN THE VILLAGE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SIBUNDOY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUTUMAYO ................................................................................................ 131 Adriana María Cuervo Rubio, Alejandra Arango Baranza IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NIF IN MICRO-ENTERPRISES OF PEREIRA CITY ............................................................................................ 151 Laura Cortes Correa y Nataly Andrea Gutiérrez STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION IN COLOMBIA................................................................................................... 163 Paulina Murillo Gómez, Manuela Ramírez Osorio, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera, Isabel Redondo Ramírez SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY........... 179 Mariana Buitrago Zuleta, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera y Marlen Isabel Redondo Ramírez CHAPTER 3 ARTS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PERSONAL AND FAMILY CHANGES OF UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS. IS A PROGRAM IN PSYCHOLOGY A PATHWAY TO PERSONALAND FAMILY CHANGE?...................................197 Linda Michelle De La Torre Álvarez, Mireya Ospina Botero PREGNANT MOTHERS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY IN COLOMBIA AND MEXICO. A LOOK FROM COMPARATIVE LAW .................................225 Mary Luz Vélez Cárdenas, Katherine Almanza Astrid Milena Calderón Cárdenas CHAPTER 4 NATURAL SCIENCES DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS LYMPHOMA VS MASTOCYTOMA IN A 9 YEARS OLD CANINE: CASE REPORT...................................................................................................241 Diana Patricia Diaz García, Stephany Loaiza Pulgarín, Rafael R. Santisteban Arenas y Juan C. Ramírez Ante CHAPTER 5 TECHNOLOGÍES AND ENGINEERING STUDY OF INVENTORY-ROUTING PROBLEM IRP.....................................257 Frank Alejandro Hincapié Londoño, Jhonatan Stiven García Guevara y Eliana Mirldey Toro Ocamp

    COVID-19 and Environment: Impacts of a Global Pandemic

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    This is a reprint of the MDPI IJERPH Special Issue entitled "COVID-19 and Environment: Impacts of a Global Pandemic". The reprint consists of 17 papers with different topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental impacts using data from different countries all over the globe

    Urban Resilience in a Global Context: Actors, Narratives, and Temporalities

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    Urban Resilience is seen by many as a tool to mitigate harm in times of extreme social, political, financial, and environmental stress. Despite its widespread usage, however, resilience is used in different ways by policy makers, activists, academics, and practitioners. Some see it as a key to unlocking a more stable and secure urban future in times of extreme global insecurity; for others, it is a neoliberal technology that marginalizes the voices of already marginal peoples. This volume moves beyond praise and critique by focusing on the actors, narratives and temporalities that define urban resilience in a global context. By exploring the past, present, and future of urban resilience, this volume unlocks the potential of this concept to build more sustainable, inclusive, and secure cities in the 21st century

    Evidence Report: Risk of Inadequate Human-Computer Interaction

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    Human-computer interaction (HCI) encompasses all the methods by which humans and computer-based systems communicate, share information, and accomplish tasks. When HCI is poorly designed, crews have difficulty entering, navigating, accessing, and understanding information. HCI has rarely been studied in an operational spaceflight context, and detailed performance data that would support evaluation of HCI have not been collected; thus, we draw much of our evidence from post-spaceflight crew comments, and from other safety-critical domains like ground-based power plants, and aviation. Additionally, there is a concern that any potential or real issues to date may have been masked by the fact that crews have near constant access to ground controllers, who monitor for errors, correct mistakes, and provide additional information needed to complete tasks. We do not know what types of HCI issues might arise without this "safety net". Exploration missions will test this concern, as crews may be operating autonomously due to communication delays and blackouts. Crew survival will be heavily dependent on available electronic information for just-in-time training, procedure execution, and vehicle or system maintenance; hence, the criticality of the Risk of Inadequate HCI. Future work must focus on identifying the most important contributing risk factors, evaluating their contribution to the overall risk, and developing appropriate mitigations. The Risk of Inadequate HCI includes eight core contributing factors based on the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS): (1) Requirements, policies, and design processes, (2) Information resources and support, (3) Allocation of attention, (4) Cognitive overload, (5) Environmentally induced perceptual changes, (6) Misperception and misinterpretation of displayed information, (7) Spatial disorientation, and (8) Displays and controls

    Enhanced Accessibility for People with Disabilities Living in Urban Areas

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    [Excerpt] People with disabilities constitute a significant proportion of the poor in developing countries. If internationally agreed targets on reducing poverty are to be reached, it is critical that specific measures be taken to reduce the societal discrimination and isolation that people with disabilities continue to face. Transport is an important enabler of strategies to fight poverty through enhancing access to education, employment, and social services. This project aims to further the understanding of the mobility and access issues experienced by people with disabilities in developing countries, and to identify specific steps that can be taken to start addressing problems. A major objective of the project is to compile a compendium of guidelines that can be used by government authorities, advocacy groups, and donor/loan agencies to improve the access of people with disabilities to transport and other services in urban areas