6,888 research outputs found

    The dynamics of single spike-evoked adenosine release in the cerebellum

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    The purine adenosine is a potent neuromodulator in the brain, with roles in a number of diverse physiological and pathological processes. Modulators such as adenosine are difficult to study as once released they have a diffuse action (which can affect many neurones) and, unlike classical neurotransmitters, have no inotropic receptors. Thus rapid postsynaptic currents (PSCs) mediated by adenosine (equivalent to mPSCs) are not available for study. As a result the mechanisms and properties of adenosine release still remain relatively unclear. We have studied adenosine release evoked by stimulating the parallel fibres in the cerebellum. Using adenosine biosensors combined with deconvolution analysis and mathematical modelling, we have characterised the release dynamics and diffusion of adenosine in unprecedented detail. By partially blocking K+ channels, we were able to release adenosine in response to a single stimulus rather than a train of stimuli. This allowed reliable sub-second release of reproducible quantities of adenosine with stereotypic concentration waveforms that agreed well with predictions of a mathematical model of purine diffusion. We found no evidence for ATP release and thus suggest that adenosine is directly released in response to parallel fibre firing and does not arise from extracellular ATP metabolism. Adenosine release events showed novel short-term dynamics, including facilitated release with paired stimuli at millisecond stimulation intervals but depletion-recovery dynamics with paired stimuli delivered over minute time scales. These results demonstrate rich dynamics for adenosine release that are placed, for the first time, on a quantitative footing and show strong similarity with vesicular exocytosis

    Transmitter release from cochlear hair cells is phase locked to cyclic stimuli of different intensities and frequencies

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    The auditory system processes time and intensity through separate brainstem pathways to derive spatial location as well as other salient features of sound. The independent coding of time and intensity begins in the cochlea, where afferent neurons can fire action potentials at constant phase throughout a wide range of stimulus intensities. We have investigated time and intensity coding by simultaneous presynaptic and postsynaptic recording at the hair cell-afferent synapse from rats. Trains of depolarizing steps to the hair cell were used to elicit postsynaptic currents that occurred at constant phase for a range of membrane potentials over which release probability varied significantly. To probe the underlying mechanisms, release was examined using single steps to various command voltages. As expected for vesicular release, first synaptic events occurred earlier as presynaptic calcium influx grew larger. However, synaptic depression produced smaller responses with longer first latencies. Thus, during repetitive hair cell stimulation, as the hair cell is more strongly depolarized, increased calcium channel gating hurries transmitter release, but the resulting vesicular depletion produces a compensatory slowing. Quantitative simulation of ribbon function shows that these two factors varied reciprocally with hair cell depolarization (stimulus intensity) to produce constant synaptic phase. Finally, we propose that the observed rapid vesicle replenishment would help maintain the vesicle pool, which in turn would equilibrate with the stimulus intensity (and therefore the number of open Ca 2+ channels), so that for trains of different levels the average phase will be conserved.Fil: Goutman, Juan Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentin

    A Neural Model of Biased Oscillations in Aplysia Head-Waving Behavior

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    A long-term bias in the exploratory head-waving behavior of Aplysia can be induced using bright lights as an aversive stimulus: coupling onset of the lights with head movements to one side results in a bias away from that side (Cook & Carew, 1986). This bias has been interpreted as a form of operant conditioning, and has previously been simulated with a neural network model based on associative synaptic facilitation (Raymond, Baxter, Buonomano, & Byrne, 1992). In this article we simulate the head-waving behavior using a recurrent gated dipole, a nonlinear dynamical neural model that has previously been used to explain various data including oscillatory behavior in biological pacemakers. Within the recurrent gated dipole, two channels operate antagonistically to generate oscillations, which drive the side-to-side head waving. The frequency of oscillations depends on transmitter mobilization dynamics, which exhibit both short- and long-term adaptation. We assume that light onset results in a nonspecific increase in arousal to both channels of the dipole. Repeated pairing of arousal increments with activation of one channel (the "reinforced" channel) of the dipole leads to a bias in transmitter dynamics, which causes the oscillation to last a shorter time on the reinforced channel than on the non-reinforced channel. Our model provides a parsimonious explanation of the observed behavior, and it avoids some of the unexpected results obtained with the Raymond et al. model. In addition, our model makes predictions concerning the rate of onset and extinction of the biases, and it suggests new lines of experimentation to test the nature of the head-waving behavior.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-4015, N00014-91-J-4100, N0014-92-J-1309); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499); A.P. Sloan Foundation (BR-3122

    Changes in synaptic transmission and protein expression in the brains of adult offspring after prenatal inhibition of the kynurenine pathway

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    During early brain development, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in cell migration, neuritogenesis, axon guidance and synapse formation, but the mechanisms which regulate NMDA receptor density and function remain unclear. The kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism includes an agonist (quinolinic acid) and an antagonist (kynurenic acid) at NMDA receptors and we have previously shown that inhibition of the pathway using the kynurenine-3-monoxygenase inhibitor Ro61-8048 in late gestation produces rapid changes in protein expression in the embryos and effects on synaptic transmission lasting until postnatal day 21 (P21). The present study sought to determine whether any of these effects are maintained into adulthood. After prenatal injections of Ro61-8048 the litter was allowed to develop to P60 when some offspring were euthanized and the brains removed for examination. Analysis of protein expression by Western blotting revealed significantly reduced expression of the GluN2A subunit (32%) and the morphogenetic protein sonic hedgehog (31%), with a 29% increase in the expression of doublecortin, a protein associated with neurogenesis. No changes were seen in mRNA abundance using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Neuronal excitability was normal in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices but paired-pulse stimulation revealed less inhibition at short interpulse intervals. The amount of long-term potentiation was decreased by 49% in treated pups and recovery after low-frequency stimulation was delayed. The results not only strengthen the view that basal, constitutive kynurenine metabolism is involved in normal brain development, but also show that changes induced prenatally can affect the brains of adult offspring and those changes are quite different from those seen previously at weaning (P21). Those changes may be mediated by altered expression of NMDAR subunits and sonic hedgehog

    Neuromuscular synaptic function in mice lacking major subsets of gangliosides

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    Gangliosides are a family of sialylated glycosphingolipids enriched in the outer leaflet of neuronal membranes, in particular at synapses. Therefore, they have been hypothesized to play a functional role in synaptic transmission. We have measured in detail the electrophysiological parameters of synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) ex vivo of a GD3-synthase knockout mouse, expressing only the O- and a-series gangliosides, as well as of a GM2/GD2-synthase*GD3-synthase double-knockout (dKO) mouse, lacking all gangliosides except GM3. No major synaptic deficits were found in either null-mutant. However, some extra degree of rundown of acetylcholine release at high intensity use was present at the dKO NMJ and a temperature-specific increase in acetylcholine release at 35 °C was observed in GD3-synthase knockout NMJs, compared with wild-type. These results indicate that synaptic transmission at the NMJ is not crucially dependent on the particular presence of most ganglioside family members and remains largely intact in the sole presence of GM3 ganglioside. Rather, presynaptic gangliosides appear to play a modulating role in temperature- and use-dependent fine-tuning of transmitter output

    Serotonin drives a novel GABAergic synaptic current recorded in rat cerebellar purkinje cells: a lugaro cell to Purkinje cell synapse

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    We recorded a novel fast GABAergic synaptic current in cerebellar Purkinje cells in rat brain slices using patch-clamp techniques. Because of a relatively low sensitivity to bicuculline, these currents can be recorded under conditions in which basket and stellate cell inputs are blocked. The observations that the novel synaptic currents occur spontaneously only in the presence of serotonin, and the specific limited positions in the slice from which they can be electrically evoked, suggest that the presynaptic cell is the Lugaro cell. Cell-attached recordings confirm that the Lugaro cell is the only interneuron in the cerebellar cortex with firing behavior consistent with the spontaneous activity recorded in Purkinje cells. The input shows a strong presynaptic modulation mediated by GABAA receptors, resulting in a dynamic range from almost 0 to >90% release probability. Modeling GABAA receptor responses to different GABA transients suggests that the relatively low sensitivity of the synaptic currents to bicuculline, compared with the higher affinity GABAA receptor antagonist SR-95531 (2-(3-carboxypropyl)-3-amino-6-(4-methoxyphenyl) pyridazinium), is attributable to an unusually long GABA dwell time and/or high GABA concentration in the synaptic cleft. The significance of this novel input is discussed in relation to other GABAergic synapses impinging on Purkinje cells. We suggest that the release of GABA onto Purkinje cells from Lugaro cells would primarily occur during motor activity under conditions in which the activity of basket and stellate cells might be inhibited