3 research outputs found

    A Simple Characterization of Proportionally 2-choosable Graphs

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    We recently introduced proportional choosability, a new list analogue of equitable coloring. Like equitable coloring, and unlike list equitable coloring (a.k.a. equitable choosability), proportional choosability bounds sizes of color classes both from above and from below. In this note, we show that a graph is proportionally 2-choosable if and only if it is a linear forest such that its largest component has at most 5 vertices and all of its other components have two or fewer vertices. We also construct examples that show that characterizing equitably 2-choosable graphs is still open.Comment: 9 page

    Proportional Choosability of Complete Bipartite Graphs

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    Proportional choosability is a list analogue of equitable coloring that was introduced in 2019. The smallest kk for which a graph GG is proportionally kk-choosable is the proportional choice number of GG, and it is denoted Ο‡pc(G)\chi_{pc}(G). In the first ever paper on proportional choosability, it was shown that when 2≀n≀m2 \leq n \leq m, max⁑{n+1,1+⌈m/2βŒ‰}≀χpc(Kn,m)≀n+mβˆ’1 \max\{ n + 1, 1 + \lceil m / 2 \rceil\} \leq \chi_{pc}(K_{n,m}) \leq n + m - 1. In this note we improve on this result by showing that max⁑{n+1,⌈n/2βŒ‰+⌈m/2βŒ‰}≀χpc(Kn,m)≀n+mβˆ’1βˆ’βŒŠm/3βŒ‹ \max\{ n + 1, \lceil n / 2 \rceil + \lceil m / 2 \rceil\} \leq \chi_{pc}(K_{n,m}) \leq n + m -1- \lfloor m/3 \rfloor. In the process, we prove some new lower bounds on the proportional choice number of complete multipartite graphs. We also present several interesting open questions.Comment: 11 page

    Proportional 2-Choosability with a Bounded Palette

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    Proportional choosability is a list coloring analogue of equitable coloring. Specifically, a kk-assignment LL for a graph GG specifies a list L(v)L(v) of kk available colors to each v∈V(G)v \in V(G). An LL-coloring assigns a color to each vertex vv from its list L(v)L(v). A proportional LL-coloring of GG is a proper LL-coloring in which each color cβˆˆβ‹ƒv∈V(G)L(v)c \in \bigcup_{v \in V(G)} L(v) is used ⌊η(c)/kβŒ‹\lfloor \eta(c)/k \rfloor or ⌈η(c)/kβŒ‰\lceil \eta(c)/k \rceil times where Ξ·(c)=∣{v∈V(G):c∈L(v)}∣\eta(c)=\left\lvert{\{v \in V(G) : c \in L(v) \}}\right\rvert. A graph GG is proportionally kk-choosable if a proportional LL-coloring of GG exists whenever LL is a kk-assignment for GG. Motivated by earlier work, we initiate the study of proportional choosability with a bounded palette by studying proportional 2-choosability with a bounded palette. In particular, when β„“β‰₯2\ell \geq 2, a graph GG is said to be proportionally (2,β„“)(2, \ell)-choosable if a proportional LL-coloring of GG exists whenever LL is a 22-assignment for GG satisfying βˆ£β‹ƒv∈V(G)L(v)βˆ£β‰€β„“|\bigcup_{v \in V(G)} L(v)| \leq \ell. We observe that a graph is proportionally (2,2)(2,2)-choosable if and only if it is equitably 2-colorable. As β„“\ell gets larger, the set of proportionally (2,β„“)(2, \ell)-choosable graphs gets smaller. We show that whenever β„“β‰₯5\ell \geq 5 a graph is proportionally (2,β„“)(2, \ell)-choosable if and only if it is proportionally 2-choosable. We also completely characterize the connected proportionally (2,β„“)(2, \ell)-choosable graphs when β„“=3,4\ell = 3,4.Comment: 20 page