7,800 research outputs found

    A Sheaf Model of the Algebraic Closure

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    In constructive algebra one cannot in general decide the irreducibility of a polynomial over a field K. This poses some problems to showing the existence of the algebraic closure of K. We give a possible constructive interpretation of the existence of the algebraic closure of a field in characteristic 0 by building, in a constructive metatheory, a suitable site model where there is such an algebraic closure. One can then extract computational content from this model. We give examples of computation based on this model.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2014, arXiv:1409.259

    Tamagawa numbers of polarized algebraic varieties

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    Let L=(L,v){\cal L} = (L, \| \cdot \|_v) be an ample metrized invertible sheaf on a smooth quasi-projective algebraic variety VV defined over a number field. Denote by N(V,L,B)N(V,{\cal L},B) the number of rational points in VV having L{\cal L}-height B\leq B. We consider the problem of a geometric and arithmetic interpretation of the asymptotic for N(V,L,B)N(V,{\cal L},B) as BB \to \infty in connection with recent conjectures of Fujita concerning the Minimal Model Program for polarized algebraic varieties. We introduce the notions of L{\cal L}-primitive varieties and L{\cal L}-primitive fibrations. For L{\cal L}-primitive varieties VV over FF we propose a method to define an adelic Tamagawa number τL(V)\tau_{\cal L}(V) which is a generalization of the Tamagawa number τ(V)\tau(V) introduced by Peyre for smooth Fano varieties. Our method allows us to construct Tamagawa numbers for QQ-Fano varieties with at worst canonical singularities. In a series of examples of smooth polarized varieties and singular Fano varieties we show that our Tamagawa numbers express the dependence of the asymptotic of N(V,L,B)N(V,{\cal L},B) on the choice of vv-adic metrics on L{\cal L}.Comment: 54 pages, minor correction

    Order one differential equations on nonisotrivial algebraic curves

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    In this paper we provide new examples of geometrically trivial strongly minimal differential algebraic varieties living on nonisotrivial curves over differentially closed fields of characteristic zero. These are systems whose solutions only have binary algebraic relations between them. Our technique involves developing a theory of τ\tau-forms, and building connections to deformation theory. This builds on previous work of Buium and Rosen. In our development, we answer several open questions posed by Rosen and Hrushovski-Itai

    On torsors under elliptic curves and Serre's pro-algebraic structures

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    Let KK be a local field with algebraically closed residue field and XKX_K a torsor under an elliptic curve JKJ_K over KK. Let XX be a proper minimal regular model of XKX_K over the ring of integers of KK and JJ the identity component of the N\'eron model of JKJ_K. We study the canonical morphism q ⁣:PicX/S0Jq\colon \mathrm{Pic}^{0}_{X/S}\to J which extends the biduality isomorphism on generic fibres. We show that qq is pro-algebraic in nature with a construction that recalls Serre's work on local class field theory. Furthermore we interpret our results in relation to Shafarevich's duality theory for torsors under abelian varieties.Comment: This paper arises from the confluence and the comparison of the results contained in the preprints arXiv:1106.1540v2 and arXiv:1005.0462v1 of the two authors. Final version and to appear in Math. Zeit. We thank the referee for the very detail review of our pape

    K-Theory of non-linear projective toric varieties

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    By analogy with algebraic geometry, we define a category of non-linear sheaves (quasi-coherent homotopy-sheaves of topological spaces) on projective toric varieties and prove a splitting result for its algebraic K-theory, generalising earlier results for projective spaces. The splitting is expressed in terms of the number of interior lattice points of dilations of a polytope associated to the variety. The proof uses combinatorial and geometrical results on polytopal complexes. The same methods also give an elementary explicit calculation of the cohomology groups of a projective toric variety over any commutative ring.Comment: v2: Final version, to appear in "Forum Mathematicum". Minor changes only, added more cross-referencing and references for toric geometr