10 research outputs found

    A Set and Collection Lemma

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    A set S is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent. In this paper we prove that if F is a collection of maximum independent sets of a graph, then there is a matching from S-{intersection of all members of F} into {union of all members of F}-S, for every independent set S. Based on this finding we give alternative proofs for a number of well-known lemmata, as the "Maximum Stable Set Lemma" due to Claude Berge and the "Clique Collection Lemma" due to Andr\'as Hajnal.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    On Konig-Egervary Collections of Maximum Critical Independent Sets

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    Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G). A set S is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent. The graph G is known to be a Konig-Egervary if alpha(G)+mu(G)= |V(G)|, where alpha(G) denotes the size of a maximum independent set and mu(G) is the cardinality of a maximum matching. The number d(X)= |X|-|N(X)| is the difference of X, and an independent set A is critical if d(A) = max{d(I):I is an independent set in G} (Zhang; 1990). Let Omega(G) denote the family of all maximum independent sets. Let us say that a family Gamma of independent sets is a Konig-Egervary collection if |Union of Gamma| + |Intersection of Gamma| = 2alpha(G) (Jarden, Levit, Mandrescu; 2015). In this paper, we show that if the family of all maximum critical independent sets of a graph G is a Konig-Egervary collection, then G is a Konig-Egervary graph. It generalizes one of our conjectures recently validated in (Short; 2015).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    On some conjectures concerning critical independent sets of a graph

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    Let GG be a simple graph with vertex set V(G)V(G). A set SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) is independent if no two vertices from SS are adjacent. For XβŠ†V(G)X\subseteq V(G), the difference of XX is d(X)=∣Xβˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(X)∣d(X) = |X|-|N(X)| and an independent set AA is critical if d(A)=max⁑{d(X):XβŠ†V(G)Β isΒ anΒ independentΒ set}d(A) = \max \{d(X): X\subseteq V(G) \text{ is an independent set}\} (possibly A=βˆ…A=\emptyset). Let nucleus(G)\text{nucleus}(G) and diadem(G)\text{diadem}(G) be the intersection and union, respectively, of all maximum size critical independent sets in GG. In this paper, we will give two new characterizations of K\"{o}nig-Egerv\'{a}ry graphs involving nucleus(G)\text{nucleus}(G) and diadem(G)\text{diadem}(G). We also prove a related lower bound for the independence number of a graph. This work answers several conjectures posed by Jarden, Levit, and Mandrescu.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Critical and Maximum Independent Sets of a Graph

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    Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G). A subset S of V(G) is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent. By Ind(G) we mean the family of all independent sets of G while core(G) and corona(G) denote the intersection and the union of all maximum independent sets, respectively. The number d(X)= |X|-|N(X)| is the difference of the set of vertices X, and an independent set A is critical if d(A)=max{d(I):I belongs to Ind(G)} (Zhang, 1990). Let ker(G) and diadem(G) be the intersection and union, respectively, of all critical independent sets of G (Levit and Mandrescu, 2012). In this paper, we present various connections between critical unions and intersections of maximum independent sets of a graph. These relations give birth to new characterizations of Koenig-Egervary graphs, some of them involving ker(G), core(G), corona(G), and diadem(G).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1407.736

    On the Critical Difference of Almost Bipartite Graphs

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    A set SβŠ†VS\subseteq V is \textit{independent} in a graph G=(V,E)G=\left( V,E\right) if no two vertices from SS are adjacent. The \textit{independence number} Ξ±(G)\alpha(G) is the cardinality of a maximum independent set, while ΞΌ(G)\mu(G) is the size of a maximum matching in GG. If Ξ±(G)+ΞΌ(G)\alpha(G)+\mu(G) equals the order of GG, then GG is called a \textit{K\"{o}nig-Egerv\'{a}ry graph }\cite{dem,ster}. The number d(G)=max⁑{∣Aβˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(A)∣:AβŠ†V}d\left( G\right) =\max\{\left\vert A\right\vert -\left\vert N\left( A\right) \right\vert :A\subseteq V\} is called the \textit{critical difference} of GG \cite{Zhang} (where N(A)={v:v∈V,N(v)∩Aβ‰ βˆ…}N\left( A\right) =\left\{ v:v\in V,N\left( v\right) \cap A\neq\emptyset\right\} ). It is known that Ξ±(G)βˆ’ΞΌ(G)≀d(G)\alpha(G)-\mu(G)\leq d\left( G\right) holds for every graph \cite{Levman2011a,Lorentzen1966,Schrijver2003}. In \cite{LevMan5} it was shown that d(G)=Ξ±(G)βˆ’ΞΌ(G)d(G)=\alpha(G)-\mu(G) is true for every K\"{o}nig-Egerv\'{a}ry graph. A graph GG is \textit{(i)} \textit{unicyclic} if it has a unique cycle, \textit{(ii)} \textit{almost bipartite} if it has only one odd cycle. It was conjectured in \cite{LevMan2012a,LevMan2013a} and validated in \cite{Bhattacharya2018} that d(G)=Ξ±(G)βˆ’ΞΌ(G)d(G)=\alpha(G)-\mu(G) holds for every unicyclic non-K\"{o}nig-Egerv\'{a}ry graph GG. In this paper we prove that if GG is an almost bipartite graph of order n(G)n\left( G\right) , then Ξ±(G)+ΞΌ(G)∈{n(G)βˆ’1,n(G)}\alpha(G)+\mu(G)\in\left\{ n\left( G\right) -1,n\left( G\right) \right\} . Moreover, for each of these two values, we characterize the corresponding graphs. Further, using these findings, we show that the critical difference of an almost bipartite graph GG satisfies d(G)=Ξ±(G)βˆ’ΞΌ(G)=∣core(G)βˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(core(G))∣, d(G)=\alpha(G)-\mu(G)=\left\vert \mathrm{core}(G)\right\vert -\left\vert N(\mathrm{core}(G))\right\vert , where by \textrm{core}(G)\left( G\right) we mean the intersection of all maximum independent sets.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1102.472

    Critical Independent Sets of a Graph

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    Let GG be a simple graph with vertex set V(G)V\left( G\right) . A set SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V\left( G\right) is independent if no two vertices from SS are adjacent, and by Ind(G)\mathrm{Ind}(G) we mean the family of all independent sets of GG. The number d(X)=d\left( X\right) = ∣Xβˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(X)∣\left\vert X\right\vert -\left\vert N(X)\right\vert is the difference of XβŠ†V(G)X\subseteq V\left( G\right) , and a set A∈Ind(G)A\in\mathrm{Ind}(G) is critical if d(A)=max⁑{d(I):I∈Ind(G)}d(A)=\max \{d\left( I\right) :I\in\mathrm{Ind}(G)\} (Zhang, 1990). Let us recall the following definitions: core(G)\mathrm{core}\left( G\right) = β‹‚\bigcap {S : S is a maximum independent set}. corona(G)\mathrm{corona}\left( G\right) = ⋃\bigcup {S :S is a maximum independent set}. ker⁑(G)\mathrm{\ker}(G) = β‹‚\bigcap {S : S is a critical independent set}. diadem(G)\mathrm{diadem}(G) = ⋃\bigcup {S : S is a critical independent set}. In this paper we present various structural properties of ker⁑(G)\mathrm{\ker}(G), in relation with core(G)\mathrm{core}\left( G\right) , corona(G)\mathrm{corona}\left( G\right) , and diadem(G)\mathrm{diadem}(G).Comment: 15 pages; 12 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1102.113

    Monotonic Properties of Collections of Maximum Independent Sets of a Graph

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    Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G). A subset S of V(G) is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent. The graph G is known to be a Konig-Egervary if alpha(G) + mu(G)= |V(G)|, where alpha(G) denotes the size of a maximum independent set and mu(G) is the cardinality of a maximum matching. Let Omega(G) denote the family of all maximum independent sets, and f be the function from the set of subcollections Gamma of Omega(G) such that f(Gamma) = (the cardinality of the union of elements of Gamma) + (the cardinality of the intersection of elements of Gamma). Our main finding claims that f is "<<"-increasing, where the preorder {Gamma1} << {Gamma2} means that the union of all elements of {Gamma1} is a subset of the union of all elements of {Gamma2}, while the intersection of all elements of {Gamma2} is a subset of the intersection of all elements of {Gamma1}. Let us say that a family {Gamma} is a Konig-Egervary collection if f(Gamma) = 2*alpha(G). We conclude with the observation that for every graph G each subcollection of a Konig-Egervary collection is Konig-Egervary as well.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    On an Annihilation Number Conjecture

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    Let Ξ±(G)\alpha(G) denote the cardinality of a maximum independent set, while ΞΌ(G)\mu(G) be the size of a maximum matching in the graph G=(V,E)G=\left(V,E\right) . If Ξ±(G)+ΞΌ(G)=∣V∣\alpha(G)+\mu(G)=\left\vert V\right\vert , then GG is a K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graph. If d1≀d2≀⋯≀dnd_{1}\leq d_{2}\leq\cdots\leq d_{n} is the degree sequence of GG, then the annihilation number h(G)h\left(G\right) of GG is the largest integer kk such that βˆ‘i=1kdiβ‰€βˆ£E∣\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k}d_{i}\leq\left\vert E\right\vert (Pepper 2004, Pepper 2009). A set AβŠ†VA\subseteq V satisfying βˆ‘a∈Adeg(a)β‰€βˆ£E∣\sum \limits_{a\in A} deg(a)\leq\left\vert E\right\vert is an annihilation set, if, in addition, deg(v)+βˆ‘a∈Adeg(a)>∣E∣ deg\left(v\right) +\sum\limits_{a\in A} deg(a)>\left\vert E\right\vert , for every vertex v∈V(G)βˆ’Av\in V(G)-A, then AA is a maximal annihilation set in GG. In (Larson & Pepper 2011) it was conjectured that the following assertions are equivalent: (i) Ξ±(G)=h(G)\alpha\left(G\right) =h\left(G\right) ; (ii) GG is a K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graph and every maximum independent set is a maximal annihilating set. In this paper, we prove that the implication "(i) ⟹\Longrightarrow (ii)" is correct, while for the opposite direction we provide a series of generic counterexamples. Keywords: maximum independent set, matching, tree, bipartite graph, K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graph, annihilation set, annihilation number.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Critical Sets in Bipartite Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A set S is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent, alpha(G) is the size of a maximum independent set, and core(G) is the intersection of all maximum independent sets. The number d(X)=|X|-|N(X)| is the difference of the set X, and d_{c}(G)=max{d(I):I is an independent set} is called the critical difference of G. A set X is critical if d(X)=d_{c}(G). For a graph G we define ker(G) as the intersection of all critical independent sets, while diadem(G) is the union of all critical independent sets. For a bipartite graph G=(A,B,E), with bipartition {A,B}, Ore defined delta(X)=d(X) for every subset X of A, while delta_0(A)=max{delta(X):X is a subset of A}. Similarly is defined delta_0(B). In this paper we prove that for every bipartite graph G=(A,B,E) the following assertions hold: d_{c}(G)=delta_0(A)+delta_0(B); ker(G)=core(G); |ker(G)|+|diadem(G)|=2*alpha(G).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Critical sets, crowns, and local maximum independent sets

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    A set SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) is independent (or stable) if no two vertices from SS are adjacent, and by Ind(G)\mathrm{Ind}(G) we mean the set of all independent sets of GG. A set A∈Ind(G)A\in\mathrm{Ind}(G) is critical (and we write A∈CritIndep(G)A\in CritIndep(G)) if ∣Aβˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(A)∣=max⁑{∣Iβˆ£βˆ’βˆ£N(I)∣:I∈Ind(G)}\left\vert A\right\vert -\left\vert N(A)\right\vert =\max\{\left\vert I\right\vert -\left\vert N(I)\right\vert :I\in \mathrm{Ind}(G)\}, where N(I)N(I) denotes the neighborhood of II. If S∈Ind(G)S\in\mathrm{Ind}(G) and there is a matching from N(S)N(S) into SS, then SS is a crown, and we write S∈Crown(G)S\in Crown(G). Let Ξ¨(G)\Psi(G) be the family of all local maximum independent sets of graph GG, i.e., S∈Ψ(G)S\in\Psi(G) if SS is a maximum independent set in the subgraph induced by SβˆͺN(S)S\cup N(S). In this paper we show that CritIndep(G)βŠ†Crown(G)CritIndep(G)\subseteq Crown(G) βŠ†Ξ¨(G)\subseteq\Psi(G) are true for every graph. In addition, we present some classes of graphs where these families coincide and form greedoids or even more general set systems that we call augmentoids.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure