9,005 research outputs found

    A Semi-Supervised Maximum Margin Metric Learning Approach for Small Scale Person Re-identification

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    In video surveillance, person re-identification is the task of searching person images in non-overlapping cameras. Though supervised methods for person re-identification have attained impressive performance, obtaining large scale cross-view labeled training data is very expensive. However, unlabelled data is available in abundance. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised metric learning approach that can utilize information in unlabelled data with the help of a few labelled training samples. We also address the small sample size problem that inherently occurs due to the few labeled training data. Our method learns a discriminative space where within class samples collapse to singular points, achieving the least within class variance, and then use a maximum margin criterion over a high dimensional kernel space to maximally separate the distinct class samples. A maximum margin criterion with two levels of high dimensional mappings to kernel space is used to obtain better cross-view discrimination of the identities. Cross-view affinity learning with reciprocal nearest neighbor constraints is used to mine new pseudo-classes from the unlabelled data and update the distance metric iteratively. We attain state-of-the-art performance on four challenging datasets with a large margin

    Cross-Entropy Adversarial View Adaptation for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-ID) is a task of matching pedestrians under disjoint camera views. To recognise paired snapshots, it has to cope with large cross-view variations caused by the camera view shift. Supervised deep neural networks are effective in producing a set of non-linear projections that can transform cross-view images into a common feature space. However, they typically impose a symmetric architecture, yielding the network ill-conditioned on its optimisation. In this paper, we learn view-invariant subspace for person re-ID, and its corresponding similarity metric using an adversarial view adaptation approach. The main contribution is to learn coupled asymmetric mappings regarding view characteristics which are adversarially trained to address the view discrepancy by optimising the cross-entropy view confusion objective. To determine the similarity value, the network is empowered with a similarity discriminator to promote features that are highly discriminant in distinguishing positive and negative pairs. The other contribution includes an adaptive weighing on the most difficult samples to address the imbalance of within/between-identity pairs. Our approach achieves notable improved performance in comparison to state-of-the-arts on benchmark datasets.Comment: Appearing at IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog

    Multiscale CNN based Deep Metric Learning for Bioacoustic Classification: Overcoming Training Data Scarcity Using Dynamic Triplet Loss

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    This paper proposes multiscale convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep metric learning for bioacoustic classification, under low training data conditions. The proposed CNN is characterized by the utilization of four different filter sizes at each level to analyze input feature maps. This multiscale nature helps in describing different bioacoustic events effectively: smaller filters help in learning the finer details of bioacoustic events, whereas, larger filters help in analyzing a larger context leading to global details. A dynamic triplet loss is employed in the proposed CNN architecture to learn a transformation from the input space to the embedding space, where classification is performed. The triplet loss helps in learning this transformation by analyzing three examples, referred to as triplets, at a time where intra-class distance is minimized while maximizing the inter-class separation by a dynamically increasing margin. The number of possible triplets increases cubically with the dataset size, making triplet loss more suitable than the softmax cross-entropy loss in low training data conditions. Experiments on three different publicly available datasets show that the proposed framework performs better than existing bioacoustic classification frameworks. Experimental results also confirm the superiority of the triplet loss over the cross-entropy loss in low training data conditionsComment: Under Review at JASA. Primitive version of paper. We are still working on getting better performances out of the comparative method

    Learning Large Euclidean Margin for Sketch-based Image Retrieval

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    This paper addresses the problem of Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (SBIR), for which bridge the gap between the data representations of sketch images and photo images is considered as the key. Previous works mostly focus on learning a feature space to minimize intra-class distances for both sketches and photos. In contrast, we propose a novel loss function, named Euclidean Margin Softmax (EMS), that not only minimizes intra-class distances but also maximizes inter-class distances simultaneously. It enables us to learn a feature space with high discriminability, leading to highly accurate retrieval. In addition, this loss function is applied to a conditional network architecture, which could incorporate the prior knowledge of whether a sample is a sketch or a photo. We show that the conditional information can be conveniently incorporated to the recently proposed Squeeze and Excitation (SE) module, lead to a conditional SE (CSE) module. Extensive experiments are conducted on two widely used SBIR benchmark datasets. Our approach, although being very simple, achieved new state-of-the-art on both datasets, surpassing existing methods by a large margin.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Iterated Support Vector Machines for Distance Metric Learning

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    Distance metric learning aims to learn from the given training data a valid distance metric, with which the similarity between data samples can be more effectively evaluated for classification. Metric learning is often formulated as a convex or nonconvex optimization problem, while many existing metric learning algorithms become inefficient for large scale problems. In this paper, we formulate metric learning as a kernel classification problem, and solve it by iterated training of support vector machines (SVM). The new formulation is easy to implement, efficient in training, and tractable for large-scale problems. Two novel metric learning models, namely Positive-semidefinite Constrained Metric Learning (PCML) and Nonnegative-coefficient Constrained Metric Learning (NCML), are developed. Both PCML and NCML can guarantee the global optimality of their solutions. Experimental results on UCI dataset classification, handwritten digit recognition, face verification and person re-identification demonstrate that the proposed metric learning methods achieve higher classification accuracy than state-of-the-art methods and they are significantly more efficient in training.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Transfer Metric Learning: Algorithms, Applications and Outlooks

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    Distance metric learning (DML) aims to find an appropriate way to reveal the underlying data relationship. It is critical in many machine learning, pattern recognition and data mining algorithms, and usually require large amount of label information (such as class labels or pair/triplet constraints) to achieve satisfactory performance. However, the label information may be insufficient in real-world applications due to the high-labeling cost, and DML may fail in this case. Transfer metric learning (TML) is able to mitigate this issue for DML in the domain of interest (target domain) by leveraging knowledge/information from other related domains (source domains). Although achieved a certain level of development, TML has limited success in various aspects such as selective transfer, theoretical understanding, handling complex data, big data and extreme cases. In this survey, we present a systematic review of the TML literature. In particular, we group TML into different categories according to different settings and metric transfer strategies, such as direct metric approximation, subspace approximation, distance approximation, and distribution approximation. A summarization and insightful discussion of the various TML approaches and their applications will be presented. Finally, we indicate some challenges and provide possible future directions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Weakly Supervised Person Re-ID: Differentiable Graphical Learning and A New Benchmark

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    Person re-identification (Re-ID) benefits greatly from the accurate annotations of existing datasets (e.g., CUHK03 [1] and Market-1501 [2]), which are quite expensive because each image in these datasets has to be assigned with a proper label. In this work, we ease the annotation of Re-ID by replacing the accurate annotation with inaccurate annotation, i.e., we group the images into bags in terms of time and assign a bag-level label for each bag. This greatly reduces the annotation effort and leads to the creation of a large-scale Re-ID benchmark called SYSU-30kk. The new benchmark contains 30k30k individuals, which is about 2020 times larger than CUHK03 (1.3k1.3k individuals) and Market-1501 (1.5k1.5k individuals), and 3030 times larger than ImageNet (1k1k categories). It sums up to 29,606,918 images. Learning a Re-ID model with bag-level annotation is called the weakly supervised Re-ID problem. To solve this problem, we introduce a differentiable graphical model to capture the dependencies from all images in a bag and generate a reliable pseudo label for each person image. The pseudo label is further used to supervise the learning of the Re-ID model. When compared with the fully supervised Re-ID models, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on SYSU-30kk and other datasets. The code, dataset, and pretrained model will be available at \url{https://github.com/wanggrun/SYSU-30k}.Comment: Accepted by TNNLS 202

    Cross-Domain Visual Matching via Generalized Similarity Measure and Feature Learning

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    Cross-domain visual data matching is one of the fundamental problems in many real-world vision tasks, e.g., matching persons across ID photos and surveillance videos. Conventional approaches to this problem usually involves two steps: i) projecting samples from different domains into a common space, and ii) computing (dis-)similarity in this space based on a certain distance. In this paper, we present a novel pairwise similarity measure that advances existing models by i) expanding traditional linear projections into affine transformations and ii) fusing affine Mahalanobis distance and Cosine similarity by a data-driven combination. Moreover, we unify our similarity measure with feature representation learning via deep convolutional neural networks. Specifically, we incorporate the similarity measure matrix into the deep architecture, enabling an end-to-end way of model optimization. We extensively evaluate our generalized similarity model in several challenging cross-domain matching tasks: person re-identification under different views and face verification over different modalities (i.e., faces from still images and videos, older and younger faces, and sketch and photo portraits). The experimental results demonstrate superior performance of our model over other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 201

    Unsupervised Person Re-identification: Clustering and Fine-tuning

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    The superiority of deeply learned pedestrian representations has been reported in very recent literature of person re-identification (re-ID). In this paper, we consider the more pragmatic issue of learning a deep feature with no or only a few labels. We propose a progressive unsupervised learning (PUL) method to transfer pretrained deep representations to unseen domains. Our method is easy to implement and can be viewed as an effective baseline for unsupervised re-ID feature learning. Specifically, PUL iterates between 1) pedestrian clustering and 2) fine-tuning of the convolutional neural network (CNN) to improve the original model trained on the irrelevant labeled dataset. Since the clustering results can be very noisy, we add a selection operation between the clustering and fine-tuning. At the beginning when the model is weak, CNN is fine-tuned on a small amount of reliable examples which locate near to cluster centroids in the feature space. As the model becomes stronger in subsequent iterations, more images are being adaptively selected as CNN training samples. Progressively, pedestrian clustering and the CNN model are improved simultaneously until algorithm convergence. This process is naturally formulated as self-paced learning. We then point out promising directions that may lead to further improvement. Extensive experiments on three large-scale re-ID datasets demonstrate that PUL outputs discriminative features that improve the re-ID accuracy.Comment: Add more results, parameter analysis and comparison

    Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph

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    Face recognition sees remarkable progress in recent years, and its performance has reached a very high level. Taking it to a next level requires substantially larger data, which would involve prohibitive annotation cost. Hence, exploiting unlabeled data becomes an appealing alternative. Recent works have shown that clustering unlabeled faces is a promising approach, often leading to notable performance gains. Yet, how to effectively cluster, especially on a large-scale (i.e. million-level or above) dataset, remains an open question. A key challenge lies in the complex variations of cluster patterns, which make it difficult for conventional clustering methods to meet the needed accuracy. This work explores a novel approach, namely, learning to cluster instead of relying on hand-crafted criteria. Specifically, we propose a framework based on graph convolutional network, which combines a detection and a segmentation module to pinpoint face clusters. Experiments show that our method yields significantly more accurate face clusters, which, as a result, also lead to further performance gain in face recognition.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, CVPR 201
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