3 research outputs found

    Triad-NVM: Persistent-Security for Integrity-Protected and Encrypted Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs)

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    Emerging Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) are promising contenders for building future memory systems. On the other side, unlike DRAM systems, NVMs can retain data even after power loss and thus enlarge the attack surface. While data encryption and integrity verification have been proposed earlier for DRAM systems, protecting and recovering secure memories becomes more challenging with persistent memory. Specifically, security metadata, e.g., encryption counters and Merkle Tree data, should be securely persisted and recovered across system reboots and during recovery from crashes. Not persisting updates to security metadata can lead to data inconsistency, in addition to serious security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we pioneer a new direction that explores persistency of both Merkle Tree and encryption counters to enable secure recovery of data-verifiable and encrypted memory systems. To this end, we coin a new concept that we call Persistent-Security. We discuss the requirements for such persistently secure systems, propose novel optimizations, and evaluate the impact of the proposed relaxation schemes and optimizations on performance, resilience and recovery time. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first to discuss the persistence of security metadata in integrity-protected NVM systems and provide corresponding optimizations. We define a set of relaxation schemes that bring trade-offs between performance and recovery time for large capacity NVM systems. Our results show that our proposed design, Triad-NVM, can improve the throughput by an average of ~2x (relative to strict persistence). Moreover, Triad-NVM maintains a recovery time of less than 4 seconds for an 8TB NVM system (30.6 seconds for 64TB), which is ~3648x faster than a system without security metadata persistence.Comment: This paper is currently under submission. We arXiv our paper to establish credit for inventing this wor

    Phoenix: Towards Persistently Secure, Recoverable, and NVM Friendly Tree of Counters

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    Emerging Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) bring a unique challenge to the security community, namely persistent security. As NVM-based memories are expected to restore their data after recovery, the security metadata must be recovered as well. However, persisting all affected security metadata on each memory write would significantly degrade performance and exacerbate the write endurance problem. Moreover, recovery time can increase significantly (up to hours for practical memory sizes) when security metadata are not updated strictly. Counter trees are used in state-of-the-art commercial secure processors, e.g., Intel's Safe Guard Extension (SGX). Counter trees have a unique challenge due to the inability to recover the whole tree from leaves. Thus, to ensure recoverability, all updates to the tree must be persisted, which can be tens of additional writes on each write. The state-of-art scheme, Anubis, enables recoverability but incurs an additional write per cache eviction, i.e., reduces lifetime to approximately half. Additionally, Anubis degrades performance significantly in many cases. In this paper, we propose Phoenix, a practical novel scheme which relies on elegantly reproducing the cache content before a crash, however with minimal overheads. Our evaluation results show that Phoenix reduces persisting security metadata overhead writes from 87\% extra writes (for Anubis) to less than write-back compared to an encrypted system without recovery, thus improving the NVM lifetime by 2x. Overall Phoenix performance is better than the baseline, unlike Anubis which adds 7.9\% (max of 35\%) performance overhead

    A Write-Friendly and Fast-Recovery Scheme for Security Metadata in NVM

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    Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) have attracted the attentions of academia and industry, which is expected to become the next-generation memory. However, due to the nonvolatile property, NVMs become vulnerable to attacks and require security mechanisms, e.g., counter mode encryption and integrity tree, which introduce the security metadata. NVMs promise to recover these security metadata after a system crash, including the counter and integrity tree. However, unlike merkle tree reconstructed from user data, recovering SGX integrity tree (SIT) has to address the challenges from unique top-down hierarchical dependency. Moreover, writing overhead and recovery time are important metrics for evaluating persistent memory system due to the high costs of NVM writes and IT downtime. How to recover the security metadata, i.e., counter blocks and integrity tree nodes, with low write overhead and short recovery time, becomes much important. To provide a fast recovery scheme with low write overhead, we propose STAR, a cost-efficient scheme for recovering counter blocks and SGX integrity tree nodes after crashes. For fast recovery and verification, STAR synergizes the MAC and correct data, uses bitmap lines in ADR to indicate the location of stale node and constructs a cached merkle tree to verify the correctness of the recovery process. Moreover, STAR uses a multi-layer index to speed up the recovery process. STAR also allows different configurations to meet adaptive requirements for write overhead and recovery time. Our evaluation results show that the proposed STAR reduces the number of memory writes by up to 87\% compared with state-of-the-art work, Anubis, which needs extra 1x memory writes. For a 4MB security metadata cache, STAR needs 0.039s/0.023s/0.004s in three different configurations to recover the metadata cache while Anubis needs 0.020s.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure