13,961 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis and Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme Based on RSA for Known Signers

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    In these days there are plenty of signature schemes such as the threshold proxy signature scheme (Kumar and Verma 2010). The network is a shared medium so that the weakness security attacks such as eavesdropping, replay attack, and modification attack. Thus, we have to establish a common key for encrypting/decrypting our communications over an insecure network. In this scheme, a threshold proxy signature scheme based on RSA, any or more proxy signers can cooperatively generate a proxy signature while or fewer of them cannot do it. The threshold proxy signature scheme uses the RSA cryptosystem to generate the private and the public key of the signers (Rivest et al., 1978). Comparison is done on the basis of time complexity, space complexity, and communication overhead. We compare the performance of four schemes (Hwang et al. (2003), Kuo and Chen (2005), Yong-Jun et al. (2007), and Li et al. (2007), with the performance of a scheme that has been proposed earlier by the authors of this paper. In the proposed scheme, both the combiner and the secret share holder can verify the correctness of the information that they are receiving from each other. Therefore, the enhanced threshold proxy signature scheme is secure and efficient against notorious conspiracy attacks

    Fully Distributed Proxy Signature Schemes

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    In a proxy signature scheme, a potential signer delegates his signing capability to a proxy entity, who signs a message on behalf of the original signer. All the proposals of proxy signature schemes made until now have been based on Schnorr\u27s signature scheme. Threshold versions of these schemes have also been proposed, in which the power of the proxy signer is distributed among a group of players, in such a way that any subset with a minimum number (threshold) of players can sign a message on behalf of the original signer. We consider a model that is fully distributed, because we want to distribute not only the power of the proxy signer, but also the original signer ability to delegate his signing capability. Furthermore, we consider general structures, instead of only the threshold ones, for both the tolerated subsets of dishonest players and the subsets of honest players authorized to execute a valid instance of the protocol, and in both the original and the proxy signer entities. We find sufficient combinatorial conditions that these structures must satisfy in order to design a fully distributed, secure and robust proxy signature scheme for this general scenario. We propose such a scheme for this setting. It is also based on Schnorr\u27s signature scheme

    Secure Mobile Agents in Electronic Commerce by Using Undetachable Signatures from Pairings

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    It is expect that mobile agents technology will bring significant benefits to electronic commerce. But security issues, especially threats from malicious hosts, become a great obstacle of widespread deployment of applications in electronic commerce based on mobile agents technology. Undetachable digital signature is a category of digital signatures to secure mobile agents against malicious hosts. An undetachable signature scheme by using encrypted functions from bilinear pairings was proposed in this paper. The security of this scheme base on the computational intractability of discrete logarithm problem and computational Diffe-Hellman problem on gap Diffle-Hellman group. Furthermore, the scheme satisfies all the requirements of a strong non-designated proxy signature i.e. verifiability, strong unforgeability, strong identifiability, strong undeniability and preventions of misuse. An undetachable threshold signature scheme that enable the customer to provide n mobile agents with ‘shares’ of the undetachable signature function is also provided. It is able to provide more reliability than classical undetachable signatures


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    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview for the research that has been done so far in signcryption area. The paper also presents the extensions for the signcryption scheme and discusses the security in signcryption. The main contribution to this paper represents the implementation of the signcryption algorithm with the examples provided.ElGamal, elliptic curves, encryption, identity-based, proxy-signcryption, public key, ring-signcryption, RSA, signcryption
