2 research outputs found

    A Scalable Eigenvalue Solver for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices

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    Both massively parallel computers and clusters of workstations are considered promising platforms for numerical scientific computing. This paper describes the first distributed-memory implementation of the split-merge algorithm, an eigenvalue solver for symmetric tridiagonal matrices that uses Laguerre's iteration and exploits the separation property in order to create independent subtasks. Implementations of the splitmerge algorithm on both an nCUBE-2 hypercube and a cluster of Sun Sparc-10 workstations are described, with emphasis on load balancing, communication overhead, and interaction with other user processes. A performance study demonstrates the advantage of the new algorithm over a parallelization of the well-known bisection algorithm. A comparison of the performance of the nCUBE-2 and cluster implementations supports the claim that workstation clusters offer a cost-effective alternative to massively parallel computers for certain scientific applications