1,482 research outputs found

    The FĂ­schlĂĄr-News-Stories system: personalised access to an archive of TV news

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    The “Físchlár” systems are a family of tools for capturing, analysis, indexing, browsing, searching and summarisation of digital video information. Físchlár-News-Stories, described in this paper, is one of those systems, and provides access to a growing archive of broadcast TV news. Físchlár-News-Stories has several notable features including the fact that it automatically records TV news and segments a broadcast news program into stories, eliminating advertisements and credits at the start/end of the broadcast. Físchlár-News-Stories supports access to individual stories via calendar lookup, text search through closed captions, automatically-generated links between related stories, and personalised access using a personalisation and recommender system based on collaborative filtering. Access to individual news stories is supported either by browsing keyframes with synchronised closed captions, or by playback of the recorded video. One strength of the Físchlár-News-Stories system is that it is actually used, in practice, daily, to access news. Several aspects of the Físchlár systems have been published before, bit in this paper we give a summary of the Físchlár-News-Stories system in operation by following a scenario in which it is used and also outlining how the underlying system realises the functions it offers

    Prediction Techniques in Internet of Things (IoT) Environment: A Comparative Study

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    Socialization and Personalization in Internet of Things (IOT) environment are the current trends in computing research. Most of the research work stresses the importance of predicting the service & providing socialized and personalized services. This paper presents a survey report on different techniques used for predicting user intention in wide variety of IOT based applications like smart mobile, smart television, web mining, weather forecasting, health-care/medical, robotics, road-traffic, educational data mining, natural calamities, retail banking, e-commerce, wireless networks & social networking. As per the survey made the prediction techniques are used for: predicting the application that can be accessed by the mobile user, predicting the next page to be accessed by web user, predicting the users favorite TV program, predicting user navigational patterns and usage needs on websites & also to extract the users browsing behavior, predicting future climate conditions, predicting whether a patient is suffering from a disease, predicting user intention to make implicit and human-like interactions possible by accepting implicit commands, predicting the amount of traffic occurring at a particular location, predicting student performance in schools & colleges, predicting & estimating the frequency of natural calamities occurrences like floods, earthquakes over a long period of time & also to take precautionary measures, predicting & detecting false user trying to make transaction in the name of genuine user, predicting the actions performed by the user to improve the business, predicting & detecting the intruder acting in the network, predicting the mood transition information of the user by using context history, etc. This paper also discusses different techniques like Decision Tree algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining based Machine learning techniques, Content and Collaborative based Recommender algorithms used for prediction

    The Importance of Context When Recommending TV Content: Dataset and Algorithms

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    Home entertainment systems feature in a variety of usage scenarios with one or more simultaneous users, for whom the complexity of choosing media to consume has increased rapidly over the last decade. Users' decision processes are complex and highly influenced by contextual settings, but data supporting the development and evaluation of context-aware recommender systems are scarce. In this paper we present a dataset of self-reported TV consumption enriched with contextual information of viewing situations. We show how choice of genre associates with, among others, the number of present users and users' attention levels. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of predicting chosen genres given different configurations of contextual information, and compare the results to contextless predictions. The results suggest that including contextual features in the prediction cause notable improvements, and both temporal and social context show significant contributions

    A Survey on Various Techniques in Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation: A Comparative Study

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    As per the current trends in computing research socialization and Personalization in Internet of Things (IOT) environment are quite trending and they are being widely used. The main aim of research work is to provide socialized and personalized services along with creating awareness of predicting the service. Here various kind of methods are discussed which can be used for predicting user intention in large variety of IOT based applications such as smart mobile, smart television, web mining, weather forecasting, health-care/medical, robotics, road-traffic, educational data mining, natural calamities, retail banking, e-commerce, wireless networks & social networking. By common consent it is found that the prediction is made usually for finding techniques that can be accessed by the mobile user, predicting the next page that is most likely to be used by web user, predicting favorite and most likely TV program that can be viewed by user, getting a list of browsing usage and need of user and also predicting user navigational patterns, predicting future climate conditions, predicting the health and welfare of user, predicting user intention so that implicit could be made and human-like interactions could be possible by accepting implicit commands, predicting the exact amount of traffic at a particular location, predicting curricular performance of student in schools & colleges, having prediction of frequency of natural calamities and their occurrences such as floods, earthquakes over a long period of time & also the required time in which precautionary measures could be adopted, predicting & detecting the frauds in which false user try to make transaction in the name of genuine user, predicting the steps and work done by the user to improve the business, predicting & detecting the intruder acting in the network, by the help of context history predicting the mood transition information of the user, etc. Here in this topic of discussion, different techniques such as Decision Tree algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining based Machine learning techniques, Content and Collaborative based Recommender algorithms are used for prediction

    Overview of VideoCLEF 2009: New perspectives on speech-based multimedia content enrichment

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    VideoCLEF 2009 offered three tasks related to enriching video content for improved multimedia access in a multilingual environment. For each task, video data (Dutch-language television, predominantly documentaries) accompanied by speech recognition transcripts were provided. The Subject Classification Task involved automatic tagging of videos with subject theme labels. The best performance was achieved by approaching subject tagging as an information retrieval task and using both speech recognition transcripts and archival metadata. Alternatively, classifiers were trained using either the training data provided or data collected from Wikipedia or via general Web search. The Affect Task involved detecting narrative peaks, defined as points where viewers perceive heightened dramatic tension. The task was carried out on the “Beeldenstorm” collection containing 45 short-form documentaries on the visual arts. The best runs exploited affective vocabulary and audience directed speech. Other approaches included using topic changes, elevated speaking pitch, increased speaking intensity and radical visual changes. The Linking Task, also called “Finding Related Resources Across Languages,” involved linking video to material on the same subject in a different language. Participants were provided with a list of multimedia anchors (short video segments) in the Dutch-language “Beeldenstorm” collection and were expected to return target pages drawn from English-language Wikipedia. The best performing methods used the transcript of the speech spoken during the multimedia anchor to build a query to search an index of the Dutch language Wikipedia. The Dutch Wikipedia pages returned were used to identify related English pages. Participants also experimented with pseudo-relevance feedback, query translation and methods that targeted proper names

    Persönliche Wege der Interaktion mit multimedialen Inhalten

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    Today the world of multimedia is almost completely device- and content-centered. It focuses it’s energy nearly exclusively on technical issues such as computing power, network specifics or content and device characteristics and capabilities. In most multimedia systems, the presentation of multimedia content and the basic controls for playback are main issues. Because of this, a very passive user experience, comparable to that of traditional TV, is most often provided. In the face of recent developments and changes in the realm of multimedia and mass media, this ”traditional” focus seems outdated. The increasing use of multimedia content on mobile devices, along with the continuous growth in the amount and variety of content available, make necessary an urgent re-orientation of this domain. In order to highlight the depth of the increasingly difficult situation faced by users of such systems, it is only logical that these individuals be brought to the center of attention. In this thesis we consider these trends and developments by applying concepts and mechanisms to multimedia systems that were first introduced in the domain of usercentrism. Central to the concept of user-centrism is that devices should provide users with an easy way to access services and applications. Thus, the current challenge is to combine mobility, additional services and easy access in a single and user-centric approach. This thesis presents a framework for introducing and supporting several of the key concepts of user-centrism in multimedia systems. Additionally, a new definition of a user-centric multimedia framework has been developed and implemented. To satisfy the user’s need for mobility and flexibility, our framework makes possible seamless media and service consumption. The main aim of session mobility is to help people cope with the increasing number of different devices in use. Using a mobile agent system, multimedia sessions can be transferred between different devices in a context-sensitive way. The use of the international standard MPEG-21 guarantees extensibility and the integration of content adaptation mechanisms. Furthermore, a concept is presented that will allow for individualized and personalized selection and face the need for finding appropriate content. All of which can be done, using this approach, in an easy and intuitive way. Especially in the realm of television, the demand that such systems cater to the need of the audience is constantly growing. Our approach combines content-filtering methods, state-of-the-art classification techniques and mechanisms well known from the area of information retrieval and text mining. These are all utilized for the generation of recommendations in a promising new way. Additionally, concepts from the area of collaborative tagging systems are also used. An extensive experimental evaluation resulted in several interesting findings and proves the applicability of our approach. In contrast to the ”lean-back” experience of traditional media consumption, interactive media services offer a solution to make possible the active participation of the audience. Thus, we present a concept which enables the use of interactive media services on mobile devices in a personalized way. Finally, a use case for enriching TV with additional content and services demonstrates the feasibility of this concept.Die heutige Welt der Medien und der multimedialen Inhalte ist nahezu ausschließlich inhalts- und gerĂ€teorientiert. Im Fokus verschiedener Systeme und Entwicklungen stehen oft primĂ€r die Art und Weise der InhaltsprĂ€sentation und technische Spezifika, die meist gerĂ€teabhĂ€ngig sind. Die zunehmende Menge und Vielfalt an multimedialen Inhalten und der verstĂ€rkte Einsatz von mobilen GerĂ€ten machen ein Umdenken bei der Konzeption von Multimedia Systemen und Frameworks dringend notwendig. Statt an eher starren und passiven Konzepten, wie sie aus dem TV Umfeld bekannt sind, festzuhalten, sollte der Nutzer in den Fokus der multimedialen Konzepte rĂŒcken. Um dem Nutzer im Umgang mit dieser immer komplexeren und schwierigen Situation zu helfen, ist ein Umdenken im grundlegenden Paradigma des Medienkonsums notwendig. Durch eine Fokussierung auf den Nutzer kann der beschriebenen Situation entgegengewirkt werden. In der folgenden Arbeit wird auf Konzepte aus dem Bereich Nutzerzentrierung zurĂŒckgegriffen, um diese auf den Medienbereich zu ĂŒbertragen und sie im Sinne einer stĂ€rker nutzerspezifischen und nutzerorientierten Ausrichtung einzusetzen. Im Fokus steht hierbei der TV-Bereich, wobei die meisten Konzepte auch auf die allgemeine Mediennutzung ĂŒbertragbar sind. Im Folgenden wird ein Framework fĂŒr die UnterstĂŒtzung der wichtigsten Konzepte der Nutzerzentrierung im Multimedia Bereich vorgestellt. Um dem Trend zur mobilen Mediennutzung Sorge zu tragen, ermöglicht das vorgestellte Framework die Nutzung von multimedialen Diensten und Inhalten auf und ĂŒber die Grenzen verschiedener GerĂ€te und Netzwerke hinweg (Session mobility). Durch die Nutzung einer mobilen Agentenplattform in Kombination mit dem MPEG-21 Standard konnte ein neuer und flexibel erweiterbarer Ansatz zur MobilitĂ€t von Benutzungssitzungen realisiert werden. Im Zusammenhang mit der stetig wachsenden Menge an Inhalten und Diensten stellt diese Arbeit ein Konzept zur einfachen und individualisierten Selektion und dem Auffinden von interessanten Inhalten und Diensten in einer kontextspezifischen Weise vor. Hierbei werden Konzepte und Methoden des inhaltsbasierten Filterns, aktuelle Klassifikationsmechanismen und Methoden aus dem Bereich des ”Textminings” in neuer Art und Weise in einem Multimedia Empfehlungssystem eingesetzt. ZusĂ€tzlich sind Methoden des Web 2.0 in eine als Tag-basierte kollaborative Komponente integriert. In einer umfassenden Evaluation wurde sowohl die Umsetzbarkeit als auch der Mehrwert dieser Komponente demonstriert. Eine aktivere Beteiligung im Medienkonsum ermöglicht unsere iTV Komponente. Sie unterstĂŒtzt das Anbieten und die Nutzung von interaktiven Diensten, begleitend zum Medienkonsum, auf mobilen GerĂ€ten. Basierend auf einem Szenario zur Anreicherung von TV Sendungen um interaktive Dienste konnte die Umsetzbarkeit dieses Konzepts demonstriert werden
