431 research outputs found

    An Effective Multi-Cue Positioning System for Agricultural Robotics

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    The self-localization capability is a crucial component for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) in farming applications. Approaches based solely on visual cues or on low-cost GPS are easily prone to fail in such scenarios. In this paper, we present a robust and accurate 3D global pose estimation framework, designed to take full advantage of heterogeneous sensory data. By modeling the pose estimation problem as a pose graph optimization, our approach simultaneously mitigates the cumulative drift introduced by motion estimation systems (wheel odometry, visual odometry, ...), and the noise introduced by raw GPS readings. Along with a suitable motion model, our system also integrates two additional types of constraints: (i) a Digital Elevation Model and (ii) a Markov Random Field assumption. We demonstrate how using these additional cues substantially reduces the error along the altitude axis and, moreover, how this benefit spreads to the other components of the state. We report exhaustive experiments combining several sensor setups, showing accuracy improvements ranging from 37% to 76% with respect to the exclusive use of a GPS sensor. We show that our approach provides accurate results even if the GPS unexpectedly changes positioning mode. The code of our system along with the acquired datasets are released with this paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 201

    CARLA-Loc: Synthetic SLAM Dataset with Full-stack Sensor Setup in Challenging Weather and Dynamic Environments

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    The robustness of SLAM algorithms in challenging environmental conditions is crucial for autonomous driving, but the impact of these conditions are unknown while given the difficulty of arbitrarily changing the relevant environmental parameters of the same environment in the real world. Therefore, we propose CARLA-Loc, a synthetic dataset of challenging and dynamic environments built on CARLA simulator. We integrate multiple sensors into the dataset with strict calibration, synchronization and precise timestamping. 7 maps and 42 sequences are posed in our dataset with different dynamic levels and weather conditions. Objects in both stereo images and point clouds are well-segmented with their class labels. We evaluate 5 visual-based and 4 LiDAR-based approaches on varies sequences and analyze the effect of challenging environmental factors on the localization accuracy, showing the applicability of proposed dataset for validating SLAM algorithms

    Exploiting semantic and public prior information in MonoSLAM

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    In this paper, we propose a method to use semantic information to improve the use of map priors in a sparse, feature-based MonoSLAM system. To incorporate the priors, the features in the prior and SLAM maps must be associated with one another. Most existing systems build a map using SLAM and then align it with the prior map. However, this approach assumes that the local map is accurate, and the majority of the features within it can be constrained by the prior. We use the intuition that many prior maps are created to provide semantic information. Therefore, valid associations only exist if the features in the SLAM map arise from the same kind of semantic object as the prior map. Using this intuition, we extend ORB-SLAM2 using an open source pre-trained semantic segmentation network (DeepLabV3+) to incorporate prior information from Open Street Map building footprint data. We show that the amount of drift, before loop closing, is significantly smaller than that for original ORB-SLAM2. Furthermore, we show that when ORB-SLAM2 is used as a prior-aided visual odometry system, the tracking accuracy is equal to or better than the full ORB-SLAM2 system without the need for global mapping or loop closure

    The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM):An overview

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    Positioning is a need for many applications related to mapping and navigation either in civilian or military domains. The significant developments in satellite-based techniques, sensors, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, image processing, etc. positively influenced to solve the positioning problem efficiently and instantaneously. Accordingly, the mentioned development empowered the applications and advancement of autonomous navigation. One of the most interesting developed positioning techniques is what is called in robotics as the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM. The SLAM problem solution has witnessed a quick improvement in the last decades either using active sensors like the RAdio Detection And Ranging (Radar) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) or passive sensors like cameras. Definitely, positioning and mapping is one of the main tasks for Geomatics engineers, and therefore it's of high importance for them to understand the SLAM topic which is not easy because of the huge documentation and algorithms available and the various SLAM solutions in terms of the mathematical models, complexity, the sensors used, and the type of applications. In this paper, a clear and simplified explanation is introduced about SLAM from a Geomatical viewpoint avoiding going into the complicated algorithmic details behind the presented techniques. In this way, a general overview of SLAM is presented showing the relationship between its different components and stages like the core part of the front-end and back-end and their relation to the SLAM paradigm. Furthermore, we explain the major mathematical techniques of filtering and pose graph optimization either using visual or LiDAR SLAM and introduce a summary of the deep learning efficient contribution to the SLAM problem. Finally, we address examples of some existing practical applications of SLAM in our reality
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