12 research outputs found

    Limited-Memory BFGS with Displacement Aggregation

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    A displacement aggregation strategy is proposed for the curvature pairs stored in a limited-memory BFGS method such that the resulting (inverse) Hessian approximations are equal to those that would be derived from a full-memory BFGS method. This means that, if a sufficiently large number of pairs are stored, then an optimization algorithm employing the limited-memory method can achieve the same theoretical convergence properties as when full-memory (inverse) Hessian approximations are stored and employed, such as a local superlinear rate of convergence under assumptions that are common for attaining such guarantees. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in which a local superlinear convergence rate guarantee is offered by a quasi-Newton scheme that does not either store all curvature pairs throughout the entire run of the optimization algorithm or store an explicit (inverse) Hessian approximation.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Deep Neural Networks Training by Stochastic Quasi-Newton Trust-Region Methods

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    While first-order methods are popular for solving optimization problems arising in deep learning, they come with some acute deficiencies. To overcome these shortcomings, there has been recent interest in introducing second-order information through quasi-Newton methods that are able to construct Hessian approximations using only gradient information. In this work, we study the performance of stochastic quasi-Newton algorithms for training deep neural networks. We consider two well-known quasi-Newton updates, the limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) and the symmetric rank one (SR1). This study fills a gap concerning the real performance of both updates in the minibatch setting and analyzes whether more efficient training can be obtained when using the more robust BFGS update or the cheaper SR1 formula, which—allowing for indefinite Hessian approximations—can potentially help to better navigate the pathological saddle points present in the non-convex loss functions found in deep learning. We present and discuss the results of an extensive experimental study that includes many aspects affecting performance, like batch normalization, the network architecture, the limited memory parameter or the batch size. Our results show that stochastic quasi-Newton algorithms are efficient and, in some instances, able to outperform the well-known first-order Adam optimizer, run with the optimal combination of its numerous hyperparameters, and the stochastic second-order trust-region STORM algorithm